Strasbourg plum pie: cooking secrets

Strasbourg plum pie - a very tasty and tender fruit and curd pastry. Let's cook it on a shortbread cake.

Strasbourg plum pie

Strasbourg tart with plums on a sand basis

Melt the good butter first (two hundred to two hundred and fifty grams). It should not be liquid. Therefore, if you melt in the microwave, then monitor its condition. The oil should be malleable when pressed, but retain shape. Put it in a bowl and, falling asleep with three tablespoons of sugar, six tablespoons of flour and a pinch of salt, knead the dough. Having formed a ball out of it, put it in a cold place for a while. Put the chilled dough into a form, having previously not rolled it very thinly. The sides can be figured out. You need to prick the dough with a fork, put parchment paper on it and pour raw beans.

Strasbourg cake
In this position, it should be baked for twenty minutes. While the base is browned, we will do the curd-plum filling. You can also bake a Strasbourg plum pie with sweet, ripe cherry plum as a filling. Check only that it separates well from the bone and is not acidic. Wash the plums or cherry plum and remove the seeds so that the halves remain connected (through a small incision in the side). Instead of pitting, put a spoonful of cane sugar in the middle of each fruit (if you take regular white, mix it with cinnamon in a ratio of four to one), knead the dough. forming a ball out of it. Top the plums with lemon zest and vanilla sugar. For the preparation of cottage cheese cream, two packs of medium-fat cottage cheese (one hundred eighty-two hundred grams each) are mixed with three tablespoons of sugar, four mashed yolks, four whipped whites and a tablespoon of starch. Beat everything together with a mixer. Then add four hundred grams of sour cream (it should not be acidic) and beat again. Remove the baked base from the oven. It should cool. Put plums on it, carefully placing them over the entire area of ​​the future pie. Top with cream-curd cream. All together should be baked for at least thirty minutes. If the test with a toothpick is positive and the curd does not remain on the tree, then you can get it out of the oven and cool. The Strasbourg plum pie is tasty in both warm and cold. It can be heated in the microwave, served with jelly and milk sauce.

Strasbourg pie recipe

Strasbourg pie. Unsweetened Snack Baking Recipe

Initially, this dish, mentioned even in classical Russian literature, was not a pie at all, but a fatty pastry baked in dough. In the old days, the dough in which the liver mass was prepared was thrown out. Now it has become an integral part of this dish. Strasbourg pie is made from chopped, yeast or puff pastry. You can cook a modern version on a ready-made puff. For the filling, take the fried poultry liver and veal cut into small pieces. After putting out the meat, put it on the base and pour in the milk-egg mixture. Bake for forty minutes.

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