Watermelon porridge with milk and rice - tasty and healthy

How many healthy dishes are either undeservedly forgotten or very rarely prepared. For example, watermelon porridge in milk with rice. What kind of product is this? The fact is that in some Slavic countries they call this familiar pumpkin. The fruits of this plant are very nutritious and healthy. It is a source of carotene, organic acids, vitamins and minerals. Well, how not to try to cook something delicious from pumpkin! One of the simplest recipes is watermelon porridge with rice in milk.

Little tip

The main thing is the choice of quality products. Watermelon porridge with milk and rice is a delicious nutritious dish. But so that it is also beautiful, you need to choose the right kind of pumpkin. Fruits may differ not only in taste, but also in the color of the flesh. Recently, the Butternat (nut) variety has become especially popular.

Watermelon porridge with milk and rice
In some areas it is popularly called "interception." Such a pumpkin has a bright orange pulp, a pleasant aroma and taste. It has the shape of a pear, in the thickened part of which are all the seeds. It is perfect for making porridge. But there are some more great varieties with good taste.

Simple and delicious

Cooking this dish is easy. The main thing is to choose a good ripe pumpkin. For cooking, you will need a glass of milk, half a kilogram of watermelon, 20 grams of butter, 5 tablespoons of round rice, salt and sugar to taste. Let's start with the pumpkin. It must be washed, cleaned and seeds removed. By the way, if you do not immediately use the whole pumpkin, then put the rest in a refrigerator or freezer. Cut the peeled pumpkin into medium-sized cubes.

Milk porridge with rice and milk
Then put it in a pan and fill it with water, which should be more than pumpkins. We close the container with a lid and cook the contents until cooked, making the fire moderate. After that, we wash the rice and add it to the porridge. While it is boiling, the water will boil. At this point, pour the milk, pour salt and sugar to taste. We are waiting for the milk to boil. After that, the watermelon porridge in milk with rice should boil for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and add a piece of oil. This dish can be served cold and hot.

Second option

Each mistress, of course, has her own recipe for cooking this dish. Take 2 kilograms of peeled pumpkin, 500 milliliters of milk, 100 grams of rice, 5 large spoons of sugar, half a liter of water and 50 grams of butter. We cut the pumpkin into cubes and put it in a pan convenient for cooking. We pour water into it and set it on fire. Water may seem a little, but in the process of cooking, the pumpkin will give its juice. Boiled watermelon porridge in milk with rice quickly. The time depends on the variety of the selected product.

Watermelon porridge with rice in milk recipe
When the pumpkin becomes soft, drain the liquid from the pan into a separate container. It is not necessary to pour it, as this is a very tasty juice. Now we make mashed potatoes using an ordinary potato pusher. Next, pour milk into this mass, preferably boiled, and put it on the fire again. At the same time, you can pour rice and sugar. We mix everything. Garbage porridge with rice in milk, the recipe for which is very simple, will be ready in 20-25 minutes. It must be removed from the heat and add butter.

Fragrant porridge

This dish can always be supplemented with delicious ingredients. For cooking, take 800 grams of pumpkin pulp, half a glass of round rice, three glasses of milk, half a small spoon of cinnamon, 100 grams of raisins, a bag of vanilla sugar and sugar to taste. We start by preparing the pumpkin. It must first be cleaned, and the seeds removed. Now cut it into small pieces. So the garlic porridge with rice in milk will boil faster.

Watermelon porridge with rice in milk
Now put the pan on the fire and pour a little water into it. So that covers the bottom. When the water boils, pour the pumpkin and fill it with milk. Cook the watermelon porridge for about 10 minutes. Now it’s the turn of rice, vanilla, raisins, sugar and cinnamon. Mix everything and cook porridge for about 10 minutes. Readiness is determined by the quality of rice. Put butter in the finished dish. When serving, this dish can be decorated with fried peeled pumpkin seeds. Similarly, you can cook this porridge with millet.

Tender porridge

Recipes may differ in cooking technology, but the result is always the same. Garbage porridge with rice in milk, the benefits of which are undeniable, will become your family’s favorite dish. Take 250 grams of rice, 250 grams of peeled pumpkin, 500 milliliters of milk, a small spoonful of salt and a half large spoonfuls of sugar. We wash the rice, pour boiling water and cook until tender.

Watermelon porridge with rice in milk calories
At this time, grind the pumpkin with a grater. When the rice is ready, add salt, sugar and milk to it. Mix everything thoroughly and pour pumpkin into the pan. Again, mix everything and cover the pan with a lid. Cook after boiling for about 10-15 minutes. We make the fire moderate and do not forget to interfere with the porridge. Serve the finished porridge with butter.


It should be noted that pumpkin is useful in any form. But many are concerned about the nutritional and caloric value of this product. It should be noted that there are special pumpkin diets. This product is very beneficial when consumed with fats. It should be milk or butter. Garbage porridge with rice in milk, the calorie content of which is 28 kcal per 100 grams of product, can be a great breakfast or afternoon snack. Pumpkin diet is the best way to lose weight and improve your health. But, as in any business, you always need to know the measure, since this product, despite its low calorie content, contains a lot of carbohydrates.

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