Rabbit Cooking Recipe: A Gourmet Holiday

Everyone loves to eat tasty food. In the area, so to speak, of “tasty food”, even a special class of professionals stood out who are called gourmets. Gourmets love to serve in restaurants and cafes, because they can really really appreciate the skill of the cook. It is on them that the true culinary masters are guided.

But most of all, both gourmets and people who simply love to eat tasty food, love to eat at home, where they cooked home, and with care and love, because in this case the food will be the most healthy, and healthy food, as you know, gives us cheerfulness and energy, allows you to feel in great shape, to be always young and in a good mood.

Most members of the human race use meat as the basis of their daily diet. But meat is not always the most healthy food. Some meats may be too fatty or contain large amounts of bad cholesterol, as well as traces of pesticides and even heavy metals. Of all types of meat, the most healthy are poultry meat and, of course, rabbit meat, which is considered one of the most dietary meat products that do not contain harmful substances, and with a minimum amount of fat, rabbit meat contains the largest amount of protein, which is an excellent building material for our muscles. There is more than one rabbit recipe, and, of course, all dishes from this wonderful meat are very tasty.

The content of vitamins B12 and B6, C, PP, as well as many essential trace elements and minerals make rabbit meat very useful for maintaining health. And simply excellent nutritional properties are almost complete digestibility, which cannot be said about other types of meat, and also the very high biological activity of rabbit meat makes it indispensable for children's and dietary nutrition.

Rabbit meat, unlike beef and especially pork, can be eaten by people who are prone to food allergies, have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract diseases, suffering from hypertension, diabetes and atherosclerosis. Interestingly, rabbit meat has the ability to remove radionuclides from the body, which can be very useful in certain situations.

On this, the advantages of rabbits are far from exhausted. If we consider it from a purely culinary point of view, we can say: rabbit meat is cooked very well and very quickly - the rabbit’s cooking time is minimal, and it is also unusually juicy and tender. What is the best rabbit recipe for this type of meat?

Cooking a rabbit in sour cream is perhaps the most common and incredibly simple recipe. This dish is often in my family, because we have been keeping rabbits for several years in our garden. So, for this dish I take a carcass of a rabbit, sour cream two hundred grams, a little vegetable oil, two medium onions and taste spices.

The carcass should be immediately divided into portions and pour for several hours with water, acidified with a little vinegar. After that, I fry the rabbit meat in a frying pan, having previously rolled in flour. It is necessary to fry until an appetizing crust is formed. Here I lightly fry the onions. After that I put everything in a saucepan, add some water and stew for about half an hour. Now you can add sour cream and spices and simmer another ten minutes on low heat. Pieces of meat laid out on a dish can be poured with sauce, which remains in a saucepan.

It was cooking rabbit in sour cream. But this is far from all that we do at home with rabbit meat. The stuffed rabbit is also excellent, when rabbit shovel, offal, vegetables and bread are taken for the filling. And here’s the recipe for making a rabbit from my husband. He himself does this, though, unfortunately, not as often as he would like, since the smoked rabbit in his performance is simply a miracle of taste.

The husband made the smoke-house for hot smoking simply from an old bucket, having placed inside a lattice for meat. At the bottom of the resulting mini-smokehouse, aspen and juniper branches are folded. Pine, spruce and other resinous species of wood are definitely not suitable for this purpose.

The washed rabbit carcass is rubbed with salt and spices, we will definitely use coriander and bay leaf. After that, the carcass is left in a saucepan at room temperature for about a couple of hours. Next, we cut the carcass into portions, put the pieces on the grill of our mini-smokehouse and hang it directly above the fire, closing it tightly with a lid. The cooking time for the rabbit according to this recipe is only about fifteen minutes, no more. It turns out incredibly tasty, I advise you to try.

Whatever the rabbit’s cooking recipe, the always-obtained dish is a real gourmet feast.

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