Koksaki viruses are a group of RNA viruses that multiply in the patient's digestive tract. The virus is ubiquitous, most often affecting the meninges, and being the main cause of a disease such as aseptic meningitis.
For the first time, Coxsackie viruses were isolated by Dr. Doldorf and Sickles in children with polio-like symptoms in one of the hospitals in the town of Coxsackie (USA), in which this group of viruses was named . Koksaki viruses are very similar to polioviruses, but unlike the latter, they have a different antigenic structure and do not react with antibodies to polio pathogens.
The consequences of infection with these viruses are diverse, they only partially depend on the serotype of the viral agent. Statistics show that up to 60% of all infections occur subclinically. Also, asymptomatic carriage of these viruses is very common, which depends primarily on the characteristics of the microorganism and the infecting strain. The diseases that cause Coxsackie viruses can be both acute and chronic, and the intensity is moderate to lethal.
Koksaki virus symptoms and diseases
Herpetic anginaMost often found in infants and young children. For this disease, the characters - fever, which lasts several days, general poor health, pathological changes in the pharynx, which are accompanied by pain in the grief. In addition, small bubbles may appear in the soft palate, palatine arches, tonsils and tongue, which over time begin to erode . With herpetic sore throat, the cervical lymph nodes are also inflamed. An acute illness lasts about 5 days, after which the patient recovers.
Myocarditis of the newborn
A rare disease that occurs in children in the first weeks of life. The cause of myocarditis is infection with the Coxsackie virus of the mother of the child. Symptoms of the disease - fever, diarrhea, beginning signs of AHF, enlarged liver. On the ECG, myocardial damage is visible, and in some cases, the development of meningitis is also possible.Serous meningitisSymptoms of the disease are similar to those of polio. The disease in most cases is benign, and passes favorable for the patient in a few days.
Pleurodinia (Bornholm disease or epidemic myalgia)The disease most often affects children of preschool and early school age. Outbreaks of this disease occur periodically, especially in summer and autumn. Symptoms of the disease - a sudden onset of fever, poor health, headache. In addition, stabbing muscle pains appear in the chest, often in the epigastric region. The affected muscles are sore to the touch and dense. A blood test practically does not show the presence of this disease, with the exception of moderate leukocytosis. Due to the similarity of symptoms, the disease can easily be confused with the symptoms of diseases affecting the respiratory system, or with peritonitis. Recovery of the patient begins a few days after the onset of the disease.
Aseptic MeningitisThe most important of all the diseases that causes the Coxsackie virus. Treatment in other cases does not require, as it can proceed in a fairly mild form and stop on its own after a few days. But, there are often situations in which the disease is accompanied by encephalitis, which gives irreversible effects on the body. Usually the disease begins with a simple malaise, but sometimes the disease can manifest with fever, headaches and stiff neck muscles. In rare cases, the disease can cause local disturbances in mobility and sensitivity. Acute conditions can persist for a week, after which, in most cases, the patient becomes easier.