"Liveo baby": reviews, composition, drugs, instructions for use and contraindications

Many mothers praise a remedy such as Liveo Baby. It is designed specifically for children in their first and second years of life to restore and maintain the intestinal flora. Let's look at the reviews of "Live Baby" and instructions for use.

What kind of remedy?

Liveo Baby is not a medicine that can harm a child. This tool is a biologically active food supplement (probiotic). Sold in cardboard boxes. One package contains a bottle with 6 ml of special liquid and a bag with 1 g of powder. Before use, the powder is poured into a vial to obtain a dietary supplement in the form of drops.

"Liveo Kid" is recommended for use in intestinal dysbiosis. This problem makes itself felt with certain symptoms - diarrhea or constipation, flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen, bloating, colic, loss of appetite. The causes of dysbacteriosis are different - artificial feeding, mother taking antibiotics, transferred intestinal and catarrh infections, etc.

Positive Moms Experience

Positive feedback about "Lively Kid"

Left a lot of positive reviews about the "Live Baby". With dysbiosis, as women say, this remedy is effective.

In reviews, mothers share different stories. Someone had a cesarean section followed by antibiotics without stopping breastfeeding. Naturally, these drugs negatively affected children. From someone, babies have been on artificial nutrition since birth. This also had a negative effect on the intestines. Due to antibiotics, artificial feeding, children developed colic. In normalizing the work of the intestines, “Liveo baby” helped the mothers. After the start of the intake, the symptoms of dysbiosis gradually disappeared in the children.

There is information about the use of "Live baby" with atopic dermatitis. In reviews, women talk about the fact that drops relieve rashes some time after the start of use.

Negative reviews

Negative reviews about "Lively Kid"

There are also negative reviews about "Liveo Baby", but they are much smaller in comparison with positive ones. Negative opinions are formed in mothers who are faced with unwanted effects. Some mothers, for example, complained that due to a dietary supplement, their children started to have strong gases. After stopping the use of the drug, this unpleasant symptom disappeared. There are complaints that during the use of "Liveo Kid" in children there are symptoms of dysbiosis. However, after the cancellation of the biologically active additives, this problem manifests itself with the same strength.

Pediatricians note that the occurrence of unwanted effects is possible. Each organism is individual. If any symptoms have occurred in the baby, then you should consult a doctor. The specialist will recommend some other remedy that will suit the child and help him.

Is it really safe?

Negative reviews of “Live Baby” make you wonder if the remedy is really safe. It is worth noting that a biologically active additive is produced in the European Union (Latvia, Italy, Denmark) in accordance with all the requirements for such products. The tool was developed several years ago, taking into account all the features of the child's body. It consists of only 3 components:

  1. A mixture of triglycerides from sunflower oil. This is an auxiliary component. It is this liquid that is contained in the bottle that is included in the package.
  2. Fructooligosaccharides. This component is contained in the powder and is a special sugar. They contribute to a more efficient and faster colonization of the children's intestines with beneficial bacteria.
  3. Bifidobacterium BB-12®. These are bifidobacteria. When ingested, they restore and maintain the natural intestinal microflora.

In a dietary supplement there are no such components that could cause an allergic reaction in a child. The composition of the product does not add dyes, flavors, milk proteins, lactose, gluten, GMOs.

Contraindications noted in the instructions note only individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Doses for baby

How to prepare a product?

One of the advantages indicated in the reviews about “Live Baby” is that mothers independently prepare the supplement for their child, that is, the remedy is fresh. When cooking, follow the instructions:

  • open the bottle with the mixture and open the bag of powder;
  • the powder is poured into the bottle and closed with a lid;
  • shake the mixture until a suspension forms (in the future, you will need to shake the bottle before each use).

Cooked dietary supplement can not be transfused somewhere. It should be stored in the original bottle in the refrigerator for no more than 15 days at a temperature not exceeding 8 degrees.

How to apply?

Instructions for use "Live Baby"

Before you start using the dietary supplement "Live baby", you must always consult a pediatrician, because not all the nuances of use are described in the instructions. For example, a specialist can tell you about the duration of admission. It depends on the causes of the change in the intestinal flora. The course of admission in duration is from 7 days or more.

Now we will understand the dose, as well as how the drug should be used. Once a day, the child is required to give 15 drops of a dietary supplement with food (it is possible to divide the daily dose into 3 doses). Each mother chooses the method of application that is most convenient for her. Drops can:

  • apply directly to the oral cavity of the child;
  • give on the nipple;
  • give with the mixture.

For the latter method of application, several recommendations are provided. Firstly, the product should not be mixed with a large amount of food. In reviews of “Live baby” for newborns, mothers often write that children start to act up while eating and do not eat everything, that is, as a result, the necessary dose does not enter the body. Secondly, you can not add drops to hot food or to a hot drink. Recommended temperature - no more than 35–37 degrees.

Special recommendations have been established for the use of biologically active additives during antibiotic treatment. Children are given 15 drops once a day 3 hours after taking the medicine. After completing the course of treatment, the dietary supplement is not canceled. She continues to be given to children for another 7 days.

Application "Liveo Kid"

Where and by what to buy?

The drug is sold in pharmacies, and is also sold through specialized departments of retail chains. This tool is not cheap, as mothers say in reviews. At "Live baby" the price is about 500-560 rubles. It is not necessary to think that the cost is inappropriate. "Liveo Kid" is a very high-quality tool. Bacterial strains are manufactured by Chr. Hansen (Denmark). She is a world leader in this field, so consumers can be assured of product quality.

The most important thing is that the strains are safe for the child's body. They were not genetically modified. Safety is a proven fact. More than 80 clinical and 450 scientific studies have been conducted.

Safety "Liveo Kid"

Other products from the line "Live"

"Liveo" is a whole line of modern probiotics designed to adjust the balance of intestinal microflora, eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis (for example, constipation). In the reviews of "Live Baby" and in the instructions it is mentioned that you can use the product from birth to 2 years of age.

For older children (from 1 year to 10 years) there is another biologically active supplement in the line. Its name is "Liveo Kids". This product is available in the form of a powder that can be dissolved in any cool liquid (in milk, juice, water). "Liveo Children" differs from "Liveo Baby" by the presence of 2 probiotic strains of bacteria:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5® (acidophilus lactobacilli);
  • Bifidobacterium BB-12® (Bifidobacteria).

Another tool from the line of "Live" - ​​"Live 4". This is also a dietary supplement, which is available in capsule form and is intended for use by children and adults. Each capsule contains acidophilic lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, thermophilic streptococcus, Bulgarian bacillus. This composition normalizes the intestinal microflora and strengthens the immune system.

Line "Live"

In conclusion, it is worth noting that “Liveo baby” is a very useful tool when used correctly (in accordance with the instructions). In reviews, many people praise this supplement.

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