Raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter: two recipes

A delicious dessert rich in aromas of summer, an excellent filling for pies and cakes, as well as an irreplaceable remedy in the fight against colds - raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter.

grated raspberries with sugar for the winter
Tea with it, fruit drinks from raw berries help with diseases of the throat and have a good warming and diaphoretic effect. If raspberries and sugar are prepared for the winter, you will not be afraid of any frosts and blizzards. The sweet component must be taken twice as much as berries, so that cans can be stored in the cellar. If you take a little sugar, then the grated mass can be put in containers, plastic bottles or even just in double food plastic bags and frozen. If you take berries and bulk ingredient one to one, then the mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. The main thing is to sterilize the jars well and follow all cooking recommendations.

Raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter: the first recipe

A kilogram of raspberries will require two kilograms of sugar.

grated raspberries with sugar
It is better to pick berries after warm warm days, then they will be really sweet. In no case should you wash raspberries. You need to pour the berries on the table and sort through, separating the garbage. Then put pure raspberries in an enameled pan or basin and cover with sugar. Keep in the refrigerator for several hours so that the berries let the juice flow. Now you need to grind them. You can use a blender, but many housewives prefer a wooden pusher or a spoon, because the process of oxidation begins from contact with the metal. You need to grind carefully, in a homogeneous puree, so that not a single whole berry remains.

Cooking cans

Cans should be washed with laundry soap, rinsed as best as possible and sterilized with boiling water or steam. You can in the oven. Arrange raspberries in containers and pour a layer of sugar on top. So mashed potatoes will be preserved better. Banks should be closed with sterilized plastic lids or parchment paper, folded in several layers and fixed with an elastic band. Such raspberries, grated with sugar, can be stored even in the cellar, even in the refrigerator. A jar opened on a cold winter day will return fragrant summer to your apartment!

raspberries with sugar for the winter
Raspberries with sugar for the winter: the second recipe

This preparation can be done not only with raspberries, but also with other berries. Especially good and useful is mashed strawberries and currants. And raspberries are out of the question. So this berry is fragrant, beautiful and tasty in grated form. And most often raspberries and sugar are cooked raw for the winter. Then it does not lose useful properties, because it has many organic acids and a lot of vitamins: C, B1, B2, PP, which are not lost during storage. The only condition is keeping in the refrigerator.

Berry preparation

Sugar and berries must be taken at the rate of one to one. First sort through raspberries. Do not wash it! Sorting by type of cereal: pour it on the table, put a bowl for benign berries on your knees and roll them, separating all the leaves, bugs and other garbage. Then sugar should be poured into a container with raspberries and grated carefully: the longer, the more homogeneous the mass.


You need to use only non-oxidizing dishes: glass, plastic or enameled. Pestle, which is crushed raspberries, it is best to choose a wooden one. Jars do not need to be taken large - best half a liter and less to eat it quickly. Raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter, are not stored in open containers. Of course, the container should be perfectly clean and scalded with boiling water.

Packing and design

Fill the finished mass, leaving two centimeters of the neck of the jar free, fill the top with sugar in one centimeter and close. A layer of sand is soaked in juice and hardens with a crust, due to which air to raspberries will not pass and the fermentation process will not begin. Hermetic capping is useless. Only plastic covers or parchment. Can be closed with plastic film on an elastic band or on a rope. Very beautiful, as a gift option, look such cans covered with beautiful paper and tied with a ribbon or a colored cord. Raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter, is ready!

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