Chicken thighs in sour cream in the oven: step-by-step cooking instructions, tasty and healthy recipes for every taste

Have you ever tasted cooked chicken thighs in sour cream? If not, you donโ€™t know how divine this simple product can have. And if you also like working in the kitchen, pampering your loved ones with truly exquisite dishes, then be sure to master this recipe.

Dish benefits

One of the main advantages of the recipe is its simplicity. Yes, no matter how surprising, but to cook chicken thighs with sour cream, any cook, even a beginner who used to cook only fried eggs and cooked purchased dumplings, can easily cook chicken thighs.

Great taste and smell

In addition, no rare or expensive ingredients are needed for cooking - everything you need can be easily found in the nearest grocery store.

In a couple of hours, guests will come and you urgently need to prepare a gourmet dish for their arrival, but at the same time also get out at home, put yourself in order? And again, this recipe will help you out. To cook chicken thighs in sour cream, you do not need to spend a lot of time, but they are baked at all themselves - there is no need to stir, add them or otherwise participate in the cooking process.

That is why every serious culinary specialist should have this magnificent recipe in their arsenal.

What will be needed for cooking

To prepare a truly royal dinner for guests or just for a holiday that will be celebrated with your family, you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of chicken thighs (you can also take shins or legs).
  • A glass of sour cream.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 lemon.
  • Greens, salt, vegetable oil, seasonings - to taste.

As you can see, only very ordinary products are needed. But, despite this, the taste of the dish will be simply excellent.

Getting started cooking

Now that the products are ready, you can start cooking chicken thighs in sour cream in the oven - even a novice cook will master the recipe.

Let them lightly marinate
  1. Rinse the chicken thighs from the blood, remove the rest of the feathers if they stick out of the skin.
  2. Peel and pass the garlic through a garlic press, grate or grind in a blender.
  3. Rinse the greens, chop finely.
  4. Pour boiling water over the lemon and gently remove the zest. Squeeze the flesh - you need a little lemon juice. Rub the zest on a fine grater.
  5. Put sour cream in a suitable bowl. Add salt, greens, seasonings, zest and about 1 tablespoon of juice here.
  6. Thoroughly mix the resulting sauce - it should become homogeneous.
  7. Put the chicken thighs in a sufficiently deep bowl, pour the sauce, stir well so that it covers the meat on all sides. If possible, put the chicken in the refrigerator for several hours or all night. If time is running out, you can skip this step.
  8. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  9. Put the hips on a baking sheet and place in the oven. After 40 minutes, pierce with a knife in the thickest place - if blood flows from the incision, return it to the oven for another 10 minutes, and then repeat the procedure. If there is only clear juice, then the dish is ready.
Toasted crust lovers

Well, thatโ€™s all - you can serve the chicken thighs, baked in sour cream, to the table. Even you yourself will be surprised by the great taste of the finished dish. Well, your loved ones will appreciate your culinary skills.

More juicy chicken

Each person has his own food preferences. For example, someone likes a delicious, crispy chicken crust. And someone prefers a more juicy, tender meat, more like a stew.

This is not a shame to serve guests

If you belong to the first category, then cook according to the recipe presented above. But for connoisseurs who believe that the chicken should be as tender and juicy as possible, you can offer a slightly modified cooking recipe.

There are no special difficulties here - the chicken is prepared in the same way as it has already been described. But you need to cook not on an open baking sheet, but in a baking bag. They are sold today in almost any store, and besides, they are often equipped with perfectly combined seasonings that make the dish even more delicious.

Put the pickled chicken in such a sleeve and carefully tie it (or close it with a special plastic clasp, which is often included). After that, do not forget to make two or three holes in the bag with a toothpick or thin knife. Otherwise, it may burst during cooking. Then the dish will turn out not as juicy as we would like, and the oven will have to be thoroughly cleaned of adhering and burnt sauce.

Then proceed according to a familiar recipe - put the sleeve on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees (then the meat will turn out more tender) for about 50 minutes.

Cooked according to this recipe, chicken thighs in sour cream in the oven will not have a delicious crisp, but the meat will be surprisingly juicy, steamed.

Which side dish to choose?

One of the most important issues arising before a beginner cook when preparing a meat dish is the choice of a side dish. Indeed, because the side dish should emphasize the taste of meat, successfully complement it. Moreover, you need to combine not only taste, but also consistency.

In this case, you are lucky - almost any side dish is combined with chicken thighs marinated in sour cream and baked in the oven. A very good choice would be mashed potatoes or just boiled potatoes. Perfectly complement the taste of chicken, freshly cooked spaghetti or any pasta. Steamed vegetables will also not disappoint. Well, one of the best solutions is rice. It turned out to be slightly dry? When cooking, chicken meat will emit juice, which is mixed with sour cream sauce, creating a magnificent gravy that your guests will definitely enjoy.

Mashed potatoes - a wonderful side dish

Well, if you are very limited in time, then while the chicken is pickled, peel some potatoes - 2-3 medium tubers per person. Cut each potato into four parts, salt and send to the oven with chicken - it does not matter in a bag or on an open baking sheet. Then in 40-50 minutes you will have ready not only chicken thighs in sour cream in the oven, but also a suitable side dish for them.


Our article is drawing to a close. Now you not only know the benefits of a chicken thigh in the oven with sour cream, but you can easily cook it. Surely after this, you will be recognized as a true connoisseur of culinary affairs among acquaintances.

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