Cough medicine "Sinecode": reviews, instructions for use

When coughing, different drugs are used. Their choice depends on the age of the patient and the severity of his condition. To ease breathing with an excruciating dry cough in adults and children, the Sinecode medicine is often used. Reviews note that it is well tolerated, and its effectiveness is higher than that of other agents. Therefore, it is used independently and as part of a comprehensive treatment. It acts on the brain, suppressing the cough reflex. This allows you to ease the patient’s breathing and get rid of a debilitating dry cough.

General characteristics of the drug

"Sinecode" is a non-narcotic anti-cough drug whose action is based on the properties of butamirate. It acts on the cough center, suppressing it. This drug in the form of syrup is best known. But there are also Sinecode drops for children. Reviews note that this form of release is very convenient even for babies. Transparent liquid with a faint smell of vanilla is easily dosed, it can be added to milk or water. In addition, "Sinecode" is also available in tablets, which are called "dragees" because of their shape.

Different varieties of the drug differ not only in the form of release, but also in the concentration of the active component, which is most found in tablets. In addition to butamirate, they also have auxiliary substances: talc, macrogol, titanium dioxide and lactose. But due to the high concentration of the active substance, they can be taken after 6 years. Syrup and drops are considered a children's form, since it is easy to measure the dosage by age. They contain saccharin, ethanol, sorbitol, glycerol, sodium dioxide, vanillin.

drug release form

What effect does

Reviews about "Sinecode" note that the drug has an effective antitussive effect. This is explained by the characteristics of the active substance of the drug. Butamirate acts on the cough center, suppressing it. As a result of this, the bronchi do not receive a signal to contract and the cough passes. Therefore, while the action of the drug continues, cough cannot occur again even under the influence of provoking factors. In addition, thanks to butamirate, the Sinekod preparation has the following effect:

  • expands the bronchi;
  • improves breathing;
  • reduces swelling and inflammation;
  • improves blood oxygen saturation.

All this accelerates recovery, because coughing becomes very rare, the infection does not spread. The patient's well-being is rapidly improving, since the organs do not experience more oxygen starvation.

indications for use

Indications for use

Sinecod is prescribed for coughing. Reviews note that it eases a dry, painful, unproductive cough. This condition does not release the bronchi from sputum, but leads to their constant irritation and inflammation. Such a cough must be eliminated, as it exhausts the patient, makes breathing difficult and can lead to swelling. Reviews about "Sinecode" note that this drug is best suited for just such cases. Apply it with such pathologies:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • tracheobronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis;
  • bronchospasm, bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • pleurisy, emphysema;
  • before operations and diagnostic procedures on the respiratory system;
  • while coughing a smoker.

Sometimes prescribed "Sinecode" also at the initial stage of treatment of colds with dry cough. When sputum begins to recede, it is forbidden to take such antitussive drugs, as they will interfere with its passage.

synecode syrup

Contraindications and side effects

"Sinecode" is a non-narcotic drug, so it is used for children almost from birth. In addition, it can be used to treat cough for a long time, because it is not addictive. When taken regularly in the correct dosage, the concentration of butamirate necessary for suppressing the cough center is constantly maintained in the blood. But it does not accumulate in the body, so there is no danger of an overdose.

Due to these features, there are few contraindications for the use of this tool. This is an individual intolerance, a period of pregnancy and lactation, pulmonary hemorrhage. You can find out about this by studying the instructions for use.

Reviews about "Sinecode" note its good tolerance and a small number of side effects. It can be drowsiness, weakness, headache, nausea, or dyspeptic symptoms. Loss of orientation, impaired reaction and coordination of movements may also occur. Allergic reactions to the drug rarely develop, mainly in people with individual intolerance.

synecode tablets

Instructions for use

The drug "Sinecode" must be taken 30 minutes before a meal. The tablets should be washed down with water without chewing, the drops should be dissolved in a small amount of water. When using syrup, you need to use a measuring cap for ease of dosage. Adult patients take 15 ml of the drug in the form of a syrup or 25 drops 3-4 times a day. In severe cases, the doctor may recommend taking up to 50 drops at a time.

Sinecode tablets are swallowed whole without chewing. They are prescribed only from the age of six, since it is difficult for children to swallow them. From 6 to 12 years, give 1 tablet 2 times a day, from 12 to 15 years - 3 times. After 15 years, an adult dosage is indicated - 2 tablets three times a day.

synecode for children

"Sinecode" for children: instruction

Reviews about the drug note that it is tolerated quite well, not addictive. Therefore, it is used to treat cough in children from 2 months of age. Moreover, up to 3 years, you can give only drops, since they are easier to measure, and from 3 years old - syrup. After the child can swallow the pill, he can be given dragees. Usually they are allowed to use from 6 years.

The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor depending on the age of the child. Up to 1 year, the child is given 10 drops, and from 1 to 3 years old - 15 drops. The drug is drunk 4 times a day so that the interval between doses is the same - about 6 hours. If you need to take drops at an older age, you can give 25 drops. But after 3 years, Synecod syrup is most often used for children. Reviews say that kids like it more and it is easier to drink.

It is undesirable to use the drug for longer than a week without the recommendation of a doctor. If during this time the cough does not go away, it is necessary to prescribe stronger drugs. But most reviews of Sinecode syrup for children note that the course of treatment helps very well. Sputum begins to flow away, coughing becomes more rare, and the child recovers quickly.

instruction for use

Application features

"Sinecode" completely blocks the cough, so you can not take it in conjunction with means that dilute sputum. At the same time, stagnation is possible, since blocking the cough does not allow the withdrawal of liquefied sputum from the lungs. This can lead to bronchospasm and the development of infection.

Unlike some other similar means, more often than not, “Sinecode” is prescribed by doctors. Reviews note that it really is not addictive and is well tolerated even by people with chronic pathologies. It can be used for diabetes, since it contains sorbitol and saccharin, which are allowed in this case. Assign "Sinecode" even in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy, since at this time it is safe for the baby. But the drug can cause drowsiness, so during the treatment period it is better not to drive.

drug analogues

Analogues of the drug

The drug "Sinecode" has several synonyms, that is, funds with the same composition, only of a different production. These are Omnitus, Panatus, Codelac Neo drugs. All of them are available in tablets and syrup.

Unlike narcotic antitussive drugs, Sinecode can be taken for a long time. But in some cases, its analogues are still used, for example, “Codterpin” or “Codelac”. But they have more contraindications and are sold only by prescription.

But there are also other antitussive drugs, safer and over-the-counter. If for some reason it is impossible for the patient to take Sinecode, the doctor may prescribe another drug with a bronchodilator effect. A similar effect is possessed by:

  • "Ascoril."
  • Stoptussin.
  • Fluditec.
  • Erespal.
  • "Broncholitin."

All of them help to reduce the frequency of coughing, relieve inflammation, expand the bronchi and facilitate the patient’s breathing. Some of them, in addition, have an antihistamine effect.

The drug "Sinecode": reviews

The instruction notes that this drug has an antitussive effect. Numerous positive reviews confirm this. They note that taking the drug eliminates a painful cough, and the effect is noticeable on the first day of admission. But with self-medication, Sinecode may not help. This happens when taking the drug without a doctor’s prescription. After all, it suppresses cough, and does not cure it, does not eliminate the cause. Therefore, with a cold, its administration can be ineffective and even dangerous.

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