Syrup "Medulak": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

As can be seen from the instructions, Medulak is an effective drug designed to solve the problem of constipation. The tool is safe and reliable. It helps adults and children. Due to minimal risks and the absence of a systemic effect, they are prescribed as minors. It can be used even in cases when constipation, dyspepsia disturb babies.

Technical information

As you can learn from the instructions for the medulak syrup, the drug is made in the form of a liquid. The main active ingredient is lactulose. Sodium benzoate was used as an auxiliary substance in the production of syrup. The drug is packaged in a container of tinted glass.

The manufacturer indicates the need to store the product at an adequate temperature (room) in a place protected from light. It is necessary to choose a place inaccessible to minors. It is forbidden to freeze syrup. The expiration date, date of manufacture, the manufacturer indicates on the outside of the package.

medulak reviews

Is it worth buying?

On average, Medulak solution in pharmacies costs about 250-300 rubles. The specific price is determined by the characteristics of the pharmaceutical point of sale. People who buy this product recognize its reliability. You can find a lot of feedback from people who purchased the drug, since there was a need for the treatment of a young child. Such responses confirm:

  • the product does not provoke negative reactions,
  • very well tolerated by the body.

In reviews, "Medulak" seems to be a reliable medicinal product. Note the ease of release. It is quite simple to give to children. Since the pharmaceutical product does not have a pronounced sharp aroma or taste, even a very small child takes the drug without special vagaries.

Pharmacological features

Syrup Medulak belongs to the class of laxatives. This drug does not break up when passing through the gastrointestinal tract. The ability of the active ingredient to be absorbed is minimal. The drug slightly corrects the flora of the large intestine. Under its influence, the concentration of lactobacilli increases. As a result, the environment becomes acidic. Under the influence of a pharmaceutical product, intestinal motility is activated. At the same time, the amount of feces becomes larger. The substance softens. This provokes a laxative effect without a direct effect on the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract or muscle structures of the organ.

Lactulose stimulates the absorption of ammonia in the intestinal tract. Poison compounds containing nitrogen molecules are less actively generated. The effect is especially noticeable in the proximal intestinal tract. This leads to a decrease in the number of toxic compounds penetrating into the vena cava. However, the active ingredients of the syrup inhibit the development of salmonella, if any, in the large intestine. The drug does not affect the absorption of vitamin compounds. Long-term observations showed a lack of addiction.


β€œMedulak”, approved for adults and children, is a pharmaceutical product, the active ingredient of which penetrates the large intestine, where it is transformed due to microscopic life forms capable of breaking down sugars. This leads to the generation of simple acids, mainly lactic. In smaller volumes appear formic, vinegar. A small percentage is absorbed, eliminated in its original form with urine.

medulak instructions for use

The nuances of action

"Medulak" is able to activate intestinal motility while increasing the activity of the absorption of calcium salts. Under the influence of funds, phosphates are better absorbed. Ammonia diffusion is becoming more active, followed by elimination. After splitting the main ingredient in the intestinal tract, the osmotic pressure rises. This further improves peristalsis. The drug allows you to quickly and painlessly solve the problem of constipation, restores the physiological normal rhythm of the intestinal tract.

It is noted that the laxative effect is observed approximately within a day or two after the use of the drug. Due to the active ingredients of Medulak, bile acids are qualitatively excreted. Substances are eliminated during bowel movements. This positively affects the lipid profile of the blood, provokes a decrease in cholesterol.

medulak syrup for children

When will it help?

Instructions for use "Medulak" is recommended in case of constipation. Indications for the use of syrup are intestinal dysbiosis and Salmonella carriage. The drug is prescribed for putrefactive dyspepsia. The tool can be used with excess accumulation of ammonia in the body. A syrup helps with hepatic encephalapotia, an organ coma, or a condition preceding a coma. You can prescribe a drug to people suffering from enteritis due to invasion of Salmonella, Shigella.

It is recommended to prescribe syrup if there is a need to soften feces. Various medical purposes are possible. For example, mass softening is often required for hemorrhoids. In some cases, a change in the quality of the contents of the intestinal tract is necessary during the preparation for surgical measures localized in the pre-ductal area. In some cases, Medulak is prescribed to people recovering from surgery.

Is it possible or not?

Like any other pharmaceutical product, syrup has contraindications. All of them are given in detail in the accompanying Medulak instructions for use. So, if the intestinal tract is impassable due to some reason, you cannot take this syrup. An obvious contraindication is hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug. You can not use "Medulak" with galactosemia. It is forbidden to use the product in case of intolerance to the patient lactose, galactose, fructose.

medulak syrup instruction

How to use correctly?

Instructions for use "Medulak" states: the drug must be used inside. The optimal dose will be selected by the doctor based on the age and weight of the patient, diagnoses and characteristics of the condition. To measure the prescribed dosage, use ordinary spoons. 15 ml of the drug fits in the dining room, three times less in the tea room. In case of constipation, Medulak should be taken in the morning during the meal. The tool is used once a day. Adults are first prescribed 15-45 ml of the drug. The optimal maintenance dose varies between 10-25 ml.

If the patient is younger than three years old, you should start taking it with a dose of 5 ml. The same amount is used to maintain the condition. Instructions for use "Medulak" recommends using for children of the age group of 3-6 years, initially 5-10 ml, take the same amount if necessary, when the body receives a maintenance dose. For children over the age of seven, at first 15 ml is prescribed, 10 ml is enough to maintain the condition. The effect is achievable within a day or two.

medulak syrup

Goals and Rules

Sometimes "Medulak" is prescribed to a person suffering from intestinal dysbiosis. For an adult and a child over the age of seven, the optimal dose is 10 ml. Children over four years of age are entitled to half as much. Children older than one year of age, but under three years of age, are prescribed 3 ml. For babies younger, 1.5-3 ml should be used.

If enteritis is diagnosed, in the first one and a half to two weeks they take 15 ml of the drug three times daily, after which they make a weekly pause. The course is continued with a five-day intake in the same dose as at the beginning of treatment.

With coma, precoma, liver encephalopathy, it is necessary to use 30-45 ml of the drug three times daily at the beginning of treatment. Next, the doctor adjusts the course based on the reaction of the body. In some cases, the duration of treatment reaches a quarter of a year.

Some patients cannot inject the syrup inside. In this case, the use of an enema is indicated. 300 ml of the drug is combined with 700 ml of water or saline.

medulak instruction

Undesirable consequences

Prolonged use of syrup can provoke a violation of the ratio of liquid, electrolytes in the blood. There is a possibility of increased gas formation. Some complained of pain in the abdomen. There is a danger of nausea, vomiting.

Is there a replacement?

In some cases, you can use cheaper and more affordable "Glycerin suppositories." Alternatively, you can consider the drug "Lactulose." It contains the same active ingredient as Medulak syrup. In some cases, the doctor prescribes Dufalac if the patient does not have the opportunity to purchase Medulak. As an alternative, you can consider the medicine "Microlax" and "Lactuvit." Pharmaceutical products Fitolax and Glycelax are well known for their good reputation.

medulak solution

If the doctor has prescribed to take Medulak, but there is no way to use such a medicine, you need to check with your doctor exactly which laxative will help in a particular case.

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