Eckhart Tolle: biography, family, books and quotes

E. Tolle is a well-known German writer, an enlightened spiritual speaker. Today his works are published and translated into many languages. But Tolle was not always enlightened - the beginning of his life was not filled with joy and happiness.

Eckhart Tolle and his ideas

Biographical data

Eckhart Tolle is not a philosopher of the past - he was born in 1948. Initially, his name was Ulrich Tolle, but he decided to take the name Eckhart. The childhood of the future spiritual speaker passed in Spain and Germany. Several times he talked about the fact that his early years were filled with anxiety and misfortune. Until the age of thirteen, Eckhart studied at a German elementary school. At this time, conflicts constantly arose in his family. Then the young Tolle discovered that in the school environment it is customary to relate to each other rather hostilely.

At 13, Tolle moved to Spain, where he lived with his father. The parent offered him two options: the young man could either go to a new, Spanish school, or study at home. Tolle chose to study at home, as his school experience was unpleasant. From the biography of Eckhart Tolle, you can find out that he had the opportunity to read various books on literature, philosophy, physics and other subjects.

At 19, he moved to England, where he worked at a language school as an English teacher. At 22, Tolle transferred to the University of London, and then became a scientist in Cambridge.

Onset of depression

Toward 10 years, Eckhart Tolle began to suffer from bouts of protracted depression. In one of these depressive phases, he experienced an unusual experience of spiritual enlightenment. It was then that he changed his name Ulrich to Eckhart. It is believed that this Tolle wanted to be like Meister Eckhart, a famous German mystic.

Spiritual awakening

How did the spiritual enlightenment of the future philosopher and writer come about? One night, during one of the episodes of his depression, he realized that he could no longer live with himself. Eckhart Tolle had a question to which he could not find the answer: who is the “I” with which he can no longer exist? What is it, in principle, “I myself”? All his unhappy personality with mental images of suffering suddenly collapsed. The next morning he woke up in a calm and peaceful state. There was a feeling of vital energy, the power of the presence of self, which silently watches the events taking place around.

Tolle understood that some important event had happened to him, but he could not understand what exactly its essence was. In this state, he spent several more years until he learned from spiritual teachers: in reality, what happened was what they all aspired to, spiritual awakening.

Of course, the most wonderful experiences came and went. However, this fundamental sensation of peace always remained, which never again left Eckhart. Sometimes it becomes very strong, almost tangible.

Enlightened family

Currently, Tolle's beloved wife, as well as his assistant, is Kim Eng. For many years now, she has been helping him develop the teaching of the present. Photos of Eckhart Tolle and Kim can be seen below.

Eckhart Tolle and his wife

She not only helps her husband, Kim Eng also teaches yoga. Together with his wife, Tolle lives in Vancouver (Canada). The family often travels around the world, giving lectures and seminars.

Tolle's literary works

The following books by Eckhart Tolle have gained great fame and have been translated into many languages ​​of the world:

  • "The power of the present." Saw the light in 1999
  • “New land. Awakening to your life’s goal. ” It was first published in 2003.
  • "Keepers of Being." Released in 2009
  • "Oneness with all life." The first publication is in 2008.

The book "The Power of the Present"

This is one of the most popular works of Tolle. One of its main ideas is that a person needs to abandon the value judgment of reality and move on to the realization of his own life. When a person accepts what is in him, what is filled with his reality, a sense of fundamental peace, the spiritual world arises within him. This is the true "I" of man - a real source of love and happiness. The book is written in a simple and understandable language. It is recommended by many readers.

books by Eckhart Tolle

"New Earth"

This work highlights the fact that the concept of "Ego" as the basic essence of man is erroneous. The work also describes the concept of the so-called pain body - the spiritual part of a person who constantly responds to reality through suffering. In the book you can find a description of those laws by which a "pain body" functions. The main message of the work is that a person needs to be identified with the thought process that is happening in his head constantly.

modern philosopher Eckhart Tolle

Tolle's main ideas

The most important insights Tolle shares on the pages of his books are:

  1. Do not look for happiness. If you throw all your strength into becoming happy, you can just become unhappy. Joy is always elusive, but freedom from unhappiness is available to everyone.
  2. The original cause of suffering is not an external situation, but the fact that a person thinks about it. It is necessary to be aware of thoughts so as not to be unhappy. It is much more useful to state the facts than to look at the situation from the position of the victim. For example, a destructive installation may sound like this: "I am bankrupt, I have no money." Such a thought limits a person, does not allow him to act effectively. If we simply state the fact: “There is exactly one dollar left in my account”, this will not deprive forces, will allow us to proceed further in order to improve the situation.
  3. People should pay attention to the “voice” in the head, which constantly complains about the circumstances. Tolle emphasizes that this voice is nothing more than thoughts. Whenever a person notices him, it is necessary to realize: this complaining voice is not the personality itself. The own "I" only observes, is aware of it from the outside.
  4. Stress and anxiety always appear due to the fact that a person refuses to be “here and now”. It seems to him that something else may be more important than staying in the present moment. And this little mistake creates a whole world filled with suffering. For many, this Eckhart Tolle idea is the best, as it allows you to switch to the present moment, no matter what. And this is exactly what relieves stress.
  5. People tend to believe that their personal happiness depends on what is happening. They do not understand that these events are the most unstable thing in the whole Universe. Everything around is constantly subject to change. The present moment appears either as overshadowed by events, or as insufficient due to the lack of pleasant circumstances. You must learn to accept the present.
  6. When a person compares the mortal physical body with his own "I", this leads to suffering. The fate of the body is inevitably associated with such phenomena as suffering, old age. However, refraining from this identification does not mean completely forgetting about the body and not caring about it.
  7. It is impossible to get better, struggling to be better. It is necessary to find your inner kindness and allow it to arise. However, this will happen only if significant changes occur in the human mind.
interview with Eckhart Tolle

Aphorisms, phrases, valuable thoughts

The original cause of all human problems is the inability to be in the present moment. This is evidenced by the following statement by Eckhart Tolle:

Have you ever seen an oak tree under stress or a dolphin in a gloomy mood, a frog suffering from low self-esteem, a cat that can’t relax, or a bird burdened with insult? Learn from them the ability to put up with the Present ...

Other quotes also provide insights into the deepest wisdom of this thinker and philosopher:

Fear disappears when you start to do what you are afraid to do, instead of thinking about it.

Accept first - then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with him, not against him. Make him your friend and ally, not an enemy.

Nothing will ever happen in the future. Everything that happens will happen in the Present.

In most cases, suffering and pain can be avoided. The cause of the pain is ourselves, because our life is governed by the mind - a mind that we do not observe. The pain we create is always a sign of rejection, an unconscious resistance to what is.

Only your ability to consciously overcome difficulties, and not how long you can sit with your eyes closed and watch beautiful images, will show how developed your consciousness is.

photo Eckhart Tolle

The problem of true love and relationships in the works of Tolle

In his seminars, the philosopher pays considerable attention to the sphere of love relationships. Eckhart Tolle expresses an unequivocal opinion about what happens in most love relationships. Over time, a beautiful and bright feeling turns into an addiction that brings suffering. Relations are not defined as “love,” but as “love-hate.” Here is what the philosopher says about this:

Man-to-person relationships can be hell. Or great spiritual practice.

Moreover, people often regard this as the norm. A love affair for several months or even years of its existence seems to swing between two opposite poles - love and hate. A person does not understand what is more in it - good or bad, joy or pain.

Such a drama allows such people to again feel more “alive”, to feel a taste for life. If the equilibrium between these two polarities is lost (which happens sooner or later), the final breakup of relations occurs very quickly. In his slightly harsh quote, Eckhart Tolle puts it this way:

Other marriages allegedly made in heaven are actually concluded in hell.

It is difficult to disagree with these words. Indeed, in a marriage, people can suffer for years and not find the strength to break off such a relationship - and all because of the inability to be in the moment "here and now."

At the same time, Eckhart Tolle shares true love and romantic relationships, which are more suitable for the definition of love. In the latter case, the positive already contains the negative. These two polarities are opposite, but both are simply different aspects of the same phenomenon.

As for true love, it is given to people from above, and therefore has no opposite. In his lectures, Eckhart Tolle emphasizes: it is much easier to identify the negative side of love than the positive. In the same way, it is much easier for a person to see the bad in his beloved than in himself.

As a way out, the mystic suggests paying attention to the moment “here and now.” This allows you to gain access to the power of the Divine presence, which eliminates pain and illusions.

Eckhart Tolle on stage

Eckhart Tolle Reader Reviews

What do those who read his books say about a spiritual mentor and his ideas? Reader reviews can be divided into the following categories:

  • The former love Tolle's work very much. Such readers emphasize that his books are not intended for religious fans or those people who, on the contrary, are used to overly rationalizing events. Tolle's works help those who have a complete mess in their hearts. People who are used to constantly analyzing what is happening, to worry about many things at the same time, Tolle’s books have helped make life much easier. The readers who leave positive reviews are the majority.
  • For representatives of the following category, the work of a spiritual mentor became interesting. However, a revolution in their minds did not happen. But even so, they recommend Tolle's work to anyone interested in self-knowledge.
  • Representatives of the third category of readers, the works of the philosopher seemed frankly boring. They could not learn anything useful from books.

Tolle's ideas will be of interest to those who would like to make their life better, to find spiritual freedom. His works help to learn to focus not on frightening events, but on what is really worthy of attention - on a real person.

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