Absinthe King of Spirits ("King of Spirits"): description, brands, manufacturer

Absinthe is a very strong alcoholic drink. Its degree may exceed 70% of the alcohol content. The name "absinthe" comes from the Greek word and literally means "wormwood." And this is no coincidence, since the main ingredient in absinthe is the extraction of wormwood. The extract, due to the essential oils contained in it, has a persistent menthol odor. This effect is achieved thanks to the thujone, which is attributed to hallucinogens. It is an extremely toxic substance. However, its content in absinthe is so small that to achieve a visible toxic effect, you need to drink a lot. Which is almost impossible due to the high strength of the drink.

Around the appearance of absinthe spores still do not subside. However, it is absolutely known that the drink appeared as a medicinal tincture and was initially sold as a drug in pharmacies. Like alcohol, it began to be sold thanks to Henri Dubier. He bought the recipe and made it a consumer product. Until today, it is produced at the Dubier factory.

Absinthe was so widespread that it began to be mentioned in art. The Hermitage Museum houses a painting by Pablo Picasso, “Lover of Absinthe,” one of the paintings in the trilogy. In addition to her, Picasso wrote Perno (a brand of alcohol) and A Glass of Absinthe.

Absinthe King of spirits is especially popular among connoisseurs.

absinthe king of spirits


King of spirits ("King of spirits") is a wonderful absinthe of emerald or grass color based on wormwood. The name is translated from English as "King of Spirits." And for many years now he has been justifying his title of king. Manufacturers make high demands on the drink. The taste of absinthe is spicy with bitterness, a little tart with a long sweetish finish. They make a strong drink in the Czech Republic. The recipe is very close to the original, invented in 1792 in Switzerland. Therefore, the color of King of spirits is different from its counterparts. Absinthe “King of Spirits” has natural natural colors, unlike other drinks, often painted in acidic green colors.

A drink is made from selected herbs, which are processed by a special method. At the bottom you can find anise, mint, parsley. Therefore, the smell is very saturated, grassy. The concentration of thujone in drinks depends on the species. So its content varies from 10 mg per 1 liter to 100 mg per liter. The last value is the maximum allowed by European law. In the original drink, thujone was contained in proportions from 80 to 250 mg per liter of drink. Which provided a hallucinogenic effect. In the "King of Spirits" proportions are observed with concern for human health, but the original recipe is preserved.

absinthe king of spirits gold

Museums of absinthe

Absinthe is represented in all absinthe bars and museums around the world. Basically, they are common in Europe - the ancestor of the drink. There is a museum in Prague (Czech Republic).

absinthe king of spirits Price

There is also a museum in Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic). In Prague, visitors are even offered ice cream with the taste of this famous drink. There is a museum in America - this is the "Museum of Absinthe", New Orleans, USA.

absinthe king of spirits original

Two more museums are located in the French cities of Auvers sur Oise and Antibes. In Switzerland, there is only one museum in the small town of Montier.

History of creation

The history of absinthe King of spirits has more than 20 years. In the early nineties, two Czech merchants involved in the import of elite alcohol conceived the production of their own drink. Since the Czech Republic in the nineties was filled with fake and low-quality alcohol, entrepreneurs decided to change this situation. For about two years they chose which drink to produce. This has repeatedly become the cause of controversy. However, in 1994, they managed to agree. They create the company L'or special drinks ("Lor Special Drinks"). Buy one of the Czech wine factories in the village of Pradlo. So they become producers of absinthe King of spirits.

The name of the company comes from the French word l'or, meaning "gold" and special drinks from English special drink. The choice fell on absinthe because wine and cognac require a special terroir that can only be achieved in certain geographical regions. Therefore, this kind of drinks immediately swept. The choice was from strong alcoholic drinks that were not tied to a particular area. This is rum, absinthe, vodka, tequila, moonshine and others. One of the entrepreneurs has been studying the culture of alcohol consumption in many countries of the world for a long time.

absinthe king of spirits

Production process

The manufacturing process for King of spirits absinthe is a painstaking undertaking. Since the whole process of selecting herbs, bringing them to the required consistency is done manually. All ingredients are selected in the most thorough manner, after which they are processed using a special technology, which is kept under the strictest confidence. In this way, the highest standards can be achieved. What is a kind of mantra for the enterprise.

Absinthe is infused for some time, after which it is subjected to multi-stage filtration. The drink is not distilled, which allows you to maintain a rich color and aroma. No artificial preservatives, dyes or anything else are added to absinthe. At the bottom of each bottle you can find herbs on which the drink is infused. This allows you not only to maintain a pleasant taste, but also to continue to continue alcohol to infuse directly in the bottle. Acquiring an even brighter and unique taste that is easily distinguishable from other brands.

Composition of the drink

According to the description of King of spirits absinthe, presented on the label, the basis of the drink is made up of wormwood, fennel and anise. Also included are additional ingredients: parsley, mint, chamomile, needles, lemon balm and licorice. The last ingredient gives a sweet aftertaste to the drink. For production, only selected natural components are used. No chemistry. The creators of the drink took care of this even before launching the production of absinthe. This allows you to save the taste, which was so admired by the aristocracy of the XIX century. And to which no painting is dedicated. It is he who is mentioned in many literary works.

absinthe king of spirits manufacturer

Types of absinthe

Absinthe is produced under two trade names: Original (original) and Gold (gold). Absinthe price of King of spirits original is much lower. In duty free, it can be purchased at a price of 4.5 thousand rubles. While the “golden” absinthe will cost 15–20 thousand rubles. This difference is due to the concentration of thujone. In the "original" absinthe it is 10 mg, and in the "golden" as much as 100 mg. You can also find the “King of Spirits” in a gift box, complete with a glass and a spoon for sugar of 0.2 l at a price of less than two thousand rubles. It is possible to try to find alcohol at a lower price on the Internet, but with this option there is no guarantee that alcohol is not fake.


absinthe king of spirits description

Absinthe King of spirits Gold is distinguished by its high thujone content. And is the record holder for this indicator among well-known brands. Hence the name "Golden". The color resembles mowed grass with an emerald hue. In the aroma, wormwood and light notes of anise are felt. The taste of absinthe is bitter, wormwood, fennel, anise, parsley dominate in it. The finish is caramel, long. The light sweetness of absinthe King of spirits Gold is determined by the included licorice. Which does not dominate the drink, but perfectly complements the bitterness of wormwood, replacing it with a barely perceptible sweetness. Also in the composition you can feel the subtle notes of chamomile, lemon balm, mint, coriander and other herbs. This absinthe is intended for connoisseurs of an old recipe. An unprepared person is better to drink a drink with water and sugar. When diluted with water, a cloudy precipitate should appear - this is the result of mixing the essential oils that absinthe is rich in.


This absinthe differs not only in thujone content. His taste is more delicate, feminine. Wormwood is given a light bitterness. The first violin is mint and anise. Absinthe has a less vivid taste. But it suits people not familiar with absinthe and its bitterness. The smell is less pronounced than the "golden" absinthe of King of spirits. More pleasant and less tart. The taste is more reminiscent of cough syrup. However, do not forget that the strength of absinthe is also 70%.

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