Crab Meat Salad

A large number of various dishes invented by mankind in its history. Some are common in selected small settlements, but most are known far beyond their place of origin. A separate niche in the list of gourmet dishes is occupied by products from seafood. A huge amount of marine flora and fauna has been eaten by humans since ancient times. But a special place is occupied by the crab. In eastern Russia, Kamchatka crab is mined on an industrial scale . Its meat, found mainly in claws, is an indispensable source of the most valuable vitamins and minerals. In it, as in oily sea fish, polyunsaturated fatty acids are a sufficient amount - a source of youthful skin. Crab meat in itself is a wonderful product. Recipes with crab meat, combined with perfectly selected ingredients in savory sauces, open up new flavors and the finest marine aroma in this product.

One of the most common cold dishes are salads. What recipes you will not meet! But crab meat salad is especially good. It is distinguished by one amazing property - extraordinary lightness. Below are recipes that perfectly emphasize the unusual taste of crab meat.

Recipe 1. This crab meat salad is prepared from the following ingredients: crab meat - one hundred fifty - two hundred grams, two small fresh cucumbers, about three hundred grams of fresh cabbage, one avocado, four boiled eggs. Salad preparation: cut crab meat and eggs into small cubes, cucumbers with thin strips, finely chop cabbage. Mix the products, add finely chopped green onions (chives or sibule), salt and season with mayonnaise.

Recipe 2. For this salad, you need to cook the following products: crab meat - 200 grams, two fresh cucumbers, two small bell peppers, a can of canned corn. Cut crab, cucumbers and peeled peppers into strips, add corn, salt and season with mayonnaise. This is an easy and healthy crab salad recipe.

Recipe 3. cook half a can of canned corn, boil four hard boiled eggs, peel and cut into cubes, cut into cubes two hundred grams of crab meat. Mix the listed ingredients, add a few tablespoons of washed boiled rice, salt and season with mayonnaise.

Recipe 4. The next salad of crab meat is prepared from such products: two hundred grams of crab meat, two red tomatoes and green onions. Cut the meat and tomatoes into a small cube, add finely chopped onions or squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic, season the salad with a mixture of equal parts of sunflower or olive oil and mayonnaise.

Recipe 5. Ingredients: proteins and yolks of five boiled eggs, one hundred grams of cheese and frozen butter, grate on a coarse grater in separate containers; finely chop one onion and two hundred grams of crab meat; lay out all the listed components in layers in the following sequence from the bottom up: proteins, cheese, butter, onions, crabs. Coat each layer with mayonnaise. Decorate the top of the salad with yolks. Such a salad of crab meat will decorate any holiday table.

Recipe 6. This salad is served in small baskets of puff or shortcrust pastry - tartlets. For it, one hundred grams of cheese, two hundred grams of crabs, three boiled eggs, several cloves of garlic, red caviar are needed. Preparation: cut cheese, crab and eggs into a small cube, mix and squeeze the garlic there. Season with mayonnaise, garnish with a small slide of red caviar.

We hope that the above recipes will help you prepare delicious and light salads!

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