Vodka "Russian Standard". Read more about the drink

Among the many strong alcoholic drinks, the Russian Standard is not the last place in the world. It may well be considered the subject of national pride of her country.

Historical roots

vodka russian standard

For many centuries, several countries have been arguing about which of them may consider themselves to be the full progenitor of an old drink called "vodka". In addition to Russia, as you know, Sweden and Poland are fighting for such a title. Despite this, the production of a popular product is carried out by industrial enterprises in all corners of the globe. It is difficult to say who was the first to master the method of preparing it, but in Russia they drove vodka back in the sixteenth century. For this we used a variety of raw materials. Yes, and technology has also been constantly changing. By the end of the 19th century, the option that was now introduced at all enterprises was approved.

Only in Russia alone there are thousands of recipes and names for this drink. For example, Russian Standard vodka. It is the main product of the famous holding of the same name. The manufacturer is located in St. Petersburg, and this choice was not made by the company's leaders by chance. It is here, in the vicinity of the Northern capital, from underground sources on Lake Ladoga that water is extracted, which then goes to production. Its unique characteristics make it possible to obtain the highest quality product. In addition, Russian Standard vodka is made on the basis of pure rectified alcohol, which allows it to be considered a luxury product itself.

Assortment list

The presentation of the new brand took place in 1998, and since then, Russian Standard vodka has been a leader not only in our country, but throughout the world. Now the famous product is available in four different types:

1) "Original" (Original). For the production of alcohol, the best varieties of winter wheat from chernozem regions are used. After distillation four times, vodka undergoes several degrees of purification in charcoal filters and turns into a soft-tasting product with a pronounced grain aroma.

2) "Gold" (Gold). In this case, at the last stage, the drink is enriched with the extract of the famous golden root. Ginseng gives the product tonic properties and a gentle creamy aftertaste.

3) "Platinum" (Platinum). After passing four times through carbon filters, the finished product is additionally twice subjected to purification using silver ions.

4) "Imperia" (Imperia). The drink appeared in 2004. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that after eight times distillation (distillation) and coal purification, vodka is passed through quartz crystals. This gives her extra softness.

Each of them is good in its own way and worthy of the attention of consumers.

Tastes differ

vodka russian standard reviews

Nowadays, on the shelves of many shops flaunts vodka "Russian Standard". Customer reviews about the product in most cases are positive. Vodka is quite soft and is very easy to drink. There is no characteristic alcohol smell. All this thanks to the unique modern technology. Repeated distillation and purification turn ordinary raw materials into a premium product. Often, consumers do not skimp on compliments, calling it "wonderful," "excellent" and "first-class." The desired effect can be obtained already from the first sip. Moreover, all subsequent ones go just as smoothly. Fun comes instantly, and it’s already hard to keep oneself within. True, they say that after this vodka there is no hangover at all. In the morning there are no any negative feelings and consequences. This is a clear plus for a product of this kind. That is why people like Russian Standard vodka. Reviews only confirm the descriptions of specialists. Among the positive qualities, buyers also note a stylish packaging design and a relatively low price. Indeed, 400-600 rubles is quite a bit for a product of excellent quality.

Worthy representative

Russian standard vodka

Russian Standard is vodka that is not ashamed to serve. Recently, there are so many varieties of it on sale that it is not difficult for anyone to choose the option suitable for themselves. First of all, it is necessary to note a wide selection of packaging options. Containers can be of very different volumes: from 0.5 and 0.7 liters to 0.75 and 1.0 liters. In addition, there are non-standard options in the form of flasks of 0.375 and three-liter bottles. The dishes are made of frosted gray glass.

The colorful label contains comprehensive product information. In addition, on its back there is a historical reference about the creator of the drink, Dmitry Mendeleev, and the great Russian sovereign Peter the Great. The bottle is equipped with a screw metal stopper. Below it on the neck is a dispenser in the form of a valve with a small glass ball located inside it. It is very easy to use and prevents the possibility of a sharp overflow of the drink over the edge.

Thematic design

Russian standard vodka 0 5

A drink under the proud name "Russian Standard" is very popular all over the world. Vodka 0.5 liters is most often used to complete a variety of gift packages. It can be tubes or cardboard boxes with a lid. For example, this year, on the eve of the celebration of City Day, packages with themed designs dedicated to the solemn foundation date of Peter the Great's Northern capital appeared in stores in St. Petersburg. On the front surface, interspersed with colorful ornaments and drawbridges, the main architectural sights of the city are depicted: the Peter and Paul Fortress, a monument to the emperor and St. Isaac's Cathedral. The design is made in two colors: silver and burgundy.

Vivid appearance, according to the designers, should attract additional attention of buyers. It was possible to purchase such goods only within the city and region. Sometimes such packages are made out in the form of special kits. They are two bottles neatly folded into a convenient portable bag. There are also sets of three bottles of different names in a strict translucent box.

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