A new cure for stroke. Drugs for a stroke. Pine cones for stroke

In today's world, even young people are familiar with a common source of mortality - cardiovascular disease. Among such pathologies, the most dangerous is stroke. Each person must have certain information about the disease.

Knowing the cure for stroke, you can prevent the disease in time. In the event of its occurrence, you should immediately seek help from specialists.

cure for stroke

How to prevent ailment?

Despite the prevailing opinion, a stroke has nothing to do with rock or fate. Even in the case when the ailment is due to heredity. The main factor provoking the disease is an incorrect lifestyle. By changing it, you can avoid a stroke.

The most common cause of the disease is arterial hypertension. It is not at all difficult to correct it with adequate therapy. It should be remembered that the normal indicators of blood pressure are: 140 mm. Hg. Art. (top) and no more than 90 mm. Hg. St. lower. Pressure in excess of the figures puts the patient at risk for the occurrence of an ailment such as a stroke.

All patients diagnosed with arterial hypertension are required to undergo an examination at the clinic by a neurologist every six months. It is he who will pick up special medicines for the prevention of stroke.

In addition to the appointment of adequate drug therapy, the doctor will give the necessary recommendations. They relate to continuous monitoring of blood pressure.

Particular attention is required to suddenly feel unwell. It is recommended in this case to call an ambulance. Arriving doctors will intramuscularly introduce the drug "Cerebrolysin." This prophylactic drug is the best cure for stroke. Timely assistance with a stroke is the key to a successful recovery.

new cure for stroke

Drug therapy

Modern pharmacology has provided patients with many tools to prevent and treat stroke. Consider the main drugs that successfully help with this disease.

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Group

These drugs contribute to the expansion of veins and arteries. Thus, the load on the heart is reduced. The body includes special mechanisms that improve blood supply to the brain.

This group of drugs includes Captopril (Capoten), Perindopril, Enalapril, Monopril and some others.

It is proved that these drugs can effectively protect the patient from the development of a stroke. For example, a patient taking the drug Ramipril as a medicine for stroke reduces the risk of disease progression by 32%.

Angiotensin II receptor blocker class

Quite effective drugs. This group is distinguished by its excellent tolerance. The drugs completely eliminate the side effect (which the drugs of group 1 differ in) - an unpleasant dry cough.

This category includes drugs such as Losartan, Valtarsan, Candesartan and Irbesartan.

Drugs are contraindicated in bilateral renal artery stenosis. Also not recommended for use in liver damage. Failures in the work of the kidneys is another contraindication to taking drugs of this class.

pine cones for stroke


Prescribe drugs for arterial hypertension, combined with heart failure. This class of drugs for diabetes is not recommended. Avoid taking such funds if the level of lipids in the blood is increased, as well as with a decrease in potassium. It is not recommended to appoint people of advanced age.

Classifies drugs as follows:

  1. Thiazide diuretics. They can act as monotherapy or combined with other antihypertensive drugs. These include drugs "Hydrochlorothiazide", "Chlortalidone", "Indapamide" ("Arifon"), "Clopamide" ("Brinaldix").
  2. Loop diuretics. Assign in severe forms of hypertension. The main drugs: Furosemide, Areliks and Uregit.
  3. Potassium-sparing diuretics. They are combined with the appointment of funds that lead to the loss of potassium by the body. Representatives of this group include Aldacton, Amyloride and Triamteren.

Beta blockers

The treatment is quite effective in the diagnosis of ischemic stroke . Drugs are also prescribed for hypertension, combined with heart disease. This ischemia, rhythm disturbance, myocardial infarction. Also effective in case of hyperthyroidism. Often, these drugs are used for a crisis of hypertension.

This group includes the following drugs: "Atenolol", "Propranolol", "Metoprolol" ("Betalok"), "Pindolol", "Nadolol", "Bisoprolol" and some others.

The above drugs have contraindications. This is bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Often they can cause a decrease in blood sugar. Therefore, medications for diabetes should be taken very carefully.

help with a stroke

Calcium antagonists

These drugs are prescribed with a combination of hypertension with atherosclerotic damage to the peripheral arteries, angina pectoris, dyslipidemia, obstructive pulmonary diseases.

Separate them as follows:

- Short acting antagonists. These include drugs "Diltiazem", "Nifedipine" ("Corinfar"), "Verapamil", "Nimodipine", "Isradipine".

- Antagonists of prolonged action. These are the drugs Nifedipine R, Adalat Retard, Isradipin SRO, Isoptin Retard, Amlodipine.

Contraindications for use are acute coronary insufficiency, some types of arrhythmias, decreased contractility of the left ventricular myocardium.

Adrenergic receptor blockers

Effectively, this medicine for stroke with hypertension, combined with diabetes, bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, impaired renal function.

You should not take such drugs with diuretics, as well as with central agents.

The main representatives of the group are the preparations Prazosin and Doxazosin.

medications for the prevention of stroke

Group of drugs of central action

This category includes:

  1. Klofelin (Klondin). It is used, as a rule, for stopping a hypertensive crisis. The medicine is completely incompatible with alcohol. Its action is aimed at reducing cardiac output. Contraindication is dyscirculatory encephalopathy and some types of arrhythmias.
  2. "Labetalol". It stops pressure peaks in the morning, which in most cases lead to a stroke.

Drug rehabilitation

An excellent drug that can quickly restore the body, recognized as a means of "Mannitol." Its intake leads to a decrease in cerebral edema, stimulation of normal blood circulation. As a result, the memory returns to the patient much faster, musculoskeletal functions are restored.

Nootropic drugs for stroke are quite effectively used. Their action is aimed at brain metabolism. They can reduce the impact of damaging factors due to stimulation of blood circulation.

Consider the most popular drugs in neurological practice after a stroke:

  • Piracetam (Nootropil). Improves memory, facilitates learning. The medicine does not have a side effect inherent in psychostimulants. It is prescribed for stroke patients, especially in old age.
  • Encephabol. It is used in the early recovery period.
  • Pantogam, Phenibut. It relieves the patient from neurosis-like conditions, sleep disturbances, hyperkinesis, pain and convulsive syndromes.
  • Cortexin. It is used for pathologies that are accompanied by cerebral edema.
  • Actovegin, Solcoseryl. They have a neuromodulatory trophic mechanism of action.
  • "Glycine". The drug has an anticonvulsant effect, reduces increased muscle tone. Used as adjunctive therapy for hypoxia, cerebral ischemia.

drugs for stroke

New drugs

Effectively enough, the development of funds intended for the healing of patients is being conducted. A new cure for stroke was created at a West Toronto hospital. Clinic staff reported the test of this drug, the result was excellent. However, only if the drug was ingested within 3 hours after the impact.

Today, the hospital is trying to improve the medicine. The development of a drug that is able to affect the body after 2 hours or more after a stroke is underway.

An amazing drug has been patented in Russia. A new cure for stroke was invented by scientists at the Academy of Medical Sciences. The drug is aimed at saving nerves from destruction. A new tool can be an effective drug for the treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's diseases. No less effective is it able to fight depression.

Pine cones for stroke

Traditional medicine comes to the aid of patients. A sufficiently effective remedy is a tincture of pine cones. It is recommended to take it for 1 teaspoon immediately after eating. The substance of tannins, which are rich in pine cones, with stroke minimizes the death of brain cells. Thus, the tool has a rather favorable effect on the recovery process.

To prepare the drug should be stocked with green cones. They will need 7-10 pieces. Grind them. For the manufacture of tinctures, it is recommended to use dishes made of dark glass. Put crushed cones in it. Pour the mixture with quality vodka. You should choose alcohol without any impurities. It is allowed to use alcohol. Previously, it should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

drugs after a stroke

Close the container tightly and transfer to a dark place. Shake the contents daily. After a week, it is recommended to filter the tincture. This drug is completely ready for use.


Unfortunately, such an ailment as a stroke has long ceased to be a disease of the elderly. Stress can shake a person of any age. Therefore, today you should take care of the right lifestyle. It’s not too late to do so. If you have the first symptoms, you should immediately seek help from doctors. And know that taking drugs without medical prescription is a very dangerous activity.

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