Sobolev Leonid: biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Leonid Sergeyevich Sobolev is. His biography will be discussed in detail below. This is a Soviet writer. Deputy from 1958 to 1971. Member of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of the 8th convocation.


Sobolev Leonid
Sobolev Leonid was born in 1898, on July 9 (21). Comes from the family of an officer who belongs to the small noblemen. From 1910 to 1916 he was educated in the walls of the Third Alexander Cadet Corps. He was a member of the Battle of Moonsund and the Ice Fleet of the Baltic Fleet. He was the navigator of a battleship. From 1918 to 1931 he served in the ranks of the Red Navy. He was the navigator of the destroyer Orpheus, the flagship in the border guard detachment. Since 1930 it has been a member of LOCAF. Since 1931 he is the organizational secretary of the Literary Association. Works in the magazine "Volley". In 1934, Leonid Sergeyevich Sobolev spoke at the First All-Union Congress of Writers. From this period he joined the USSR joint venture.

In 1938 he went to Moscow. He was a war correspondent during the Soviet-Finnish War. He played in this capacity from 1939 to 1940. During the war he was a correspondent in the newspaper Pravda. He collaborated with the Sovinformburo and the Main Political Directorate of the Navy. Got the rank of captain. Until 1970, he served as chairman of the board of the Writers' Union. He handed over the Stalin Prize, which was awarded to our hero for a story book, to the Defense Fund. He asked for the funds indicated to build a boat, give it the name "Sea Soul", and also enlist in the fourth division of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet. He insisted on the party leadership of the Writers' Union. Here it is appropriate to mention one curious fact: the writer himself remained non-partisan all his life.

In 1968, at the age of 70, he traveled to Haiphong from Vladivostok and back on a Soviet cargo ship that delivered food to Vietnam. The writer was terminally ill. He was shot dead in 1971, on February 17. In his will, the writer asked to dispel the ashes, but was buried in the territory of the Novodevichy cemetery.


sea ​​soul
Sobolev Leonid first appeared in print in 1926 with an essay entitled "Lenin in Revel." Subsequently, the main place in the writer's works is occupied by the marine theme. In particular, stories are devoted to her, a novel entitled "Overhaul", a collection of front-line essays, and the novel "The Green Ray". He created journalistic and literary-critical books “The Wind of Time” and “On the Main Course”. Our hero also wrote screenplays.

In 1935, Leonid made a trip to Kazakhstan and Central Asia. This step has created an additional basis for future creativity. The writer contributed to the creation of the translation of the epic of M. O. Auezov “The Way of Abai”. As a result, a Russian version of the Kazakh work appeared. Together with its author, our hero in 1941 created the tragedy "Abai". The next work of the writer was the work "Epic of the Kazakh people." He wrote articles about Dzhambul and Abai. He also devoted work to other Kazakh writers.


Sobolev Leonid Sergeevich
Sobolev Leonid in 1968 was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor. He was awarded the medal "For the capture of Berlin." Received the Stalin Prize. He was awarded three orders of Lenin. He was awarded the medal "For Military Merit." He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. He received the medal "For the Defense of Odessa." He was awarded the Order of Honor. Sobolev Leonid was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Sevastopol." Marked by two orders of World War II of the first degree. He was awarded the medal "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."


In memory of the writer in St. Petersburg, a special memorial plaque is installed. It is located on the house where our hero lived from 1924 to 1971, at 30 Shpalernaya Street. There is a similar sign in Moscow. It is located at: Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 2/1. The writer worked and lived in this house in 1955-1971. In memory of the writer named research oceanographic vessel, which is part of the project 852. It should also be said about the Central District Library of the Nevsky District. Since 1971, she bears the name of our hero Leonid Sobolev.


Leonid Sergeevich Sobolev biography
Sea Soul is a collection of frontline stories and essays. The action of the book takes place during the war. The plot tells of the sailors who defended their homeland. The main characters are sailors, volunteers and conscripts. They enter into a mortal battle with fascism. The brave men are gaining unfading glory for the USSR Navy.

In addition, the pen of our hero belongs to the book "Green Ray". She tells the story of the Civil War. Her characters are also the sailors of the Navy. The writer is also the author of the novel "Overhaul", which takes place before the First World War. The protagonist is the future naval officer Yuri Livitin. The huge ship Generalissimo Suvorov Rymniksky is presented in the novel as the personification of the empire before the revolutionary explosion. The hero has to choose which side of the barricade he should be. Also, the pen of our hero belongs to the book "The Stories of Captain V. L. Kirdyagi."

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