Drops "Krom-allerg": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

How should I use the drug "Krom-Allerg"? Instructions for use, indications and form of this medication will be presented later.

chrome allergy instructions for use

Description, composition, form, packaging of an ophthalmic agent

“Krom-Allerg" - 2% eye drops, available for sale in the form of a colorless and clear medicinal solution (may have a yellowish tint).

The drug is placed in a white plastic dropper bottle, screwed with a cap with a safety ring, which, together with instructions for use, is contained in a cardboard box.

What components include Krom-Allerg eye drops? The main substance of this medication is sodium cromoglycate. The ophthalmic solution also includes auxiliary ingredients: sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, sorbitol, polysorbate 80, benzalkonium chloride, edetate disodium dihydrate and purified water.

The pharmacological action of a local agent

What are Krom-Allerg eye drops? Instructions for use indicate that it is an anti-allergic agent for topical use, which is very popular in ophthalmic practice.

The action of the medication in question is based on the stabilization of mast cell membranes. After installing the solution, the release of leukotrienes, histamine and other biologically active components is prevented. At the same time, the release of inflammatory mediators is delayed due to the blocking of Ca ions into the cells.

chrome allergy instruction

Kinetics of Ophthalmic Medicine

Are Krom-Allerg drops absorbed into the bloodstream? The instruction reports that the absorption of this medication through the mucous membrane of the visual organs occurs slightly. Moreover, the systemic bioavailability of the drug is less than 0.03%, and its half-life is 7-10 minutes.

Indications for the use of eye drops

In what cases can a tool such as Krom-Allerg be used? Instructions for use indicate such indications for the use of the drug in question, such as:

  • therapy (as part of complex treatment), as well as the prevention of conjunctivitis that are allergic in origin (chronic and acute);
  • relief and removal of irritations of the mucous membrane of the visual organs that have arisen due to allergic reactions to environmental factors, as well as after contact with pets or plants, the use of household chemicals, medicines, cosmetics, or due to occupational hazards (including for smoke, dust, solvent vapors and other chemicals).

Contraindications to the use of ophthalmic drops

In what cases "Krom-Allerg" cannot be used by the patient? As a rule, this remedy is not prescribed:

drops chrome allergy instruction

  • in children under four years of age;
  • with increased sensitivity to the elements of a local medicine.

The drug "Krom-Allerg": instructions for use

The ophthalmologist should explain to the patient how to use the medication in question correctly. If it is impossible to visit a specialist before using this tool, you must carefully read the attached instructions.

For the treatment of ophthalmic diseases in adults and children, an eye preparation is instilled in the lower sac of the affected organ (conjunctival) in an amount of 1-2 drops four times a day. Such a procedure should be carried out after an equal amount of time.

The maximum dosage of this drug per day is 12 drops, that is, up to 6 instillations per day.

The duration of use of the drug in question with seasonal conjunctivitis of allergic origin is 1 week, and with a similar disease of a chronic type - up to 28 days.

For prophylactic purposes, children and adults “Krom-Allerg” is instilled in the conjunctival sac 1 drop four times a day (after an equal amount of time). In this case, the use of the drug begins 8-10 days before the possible occurrence of allergic conjunctivitis (seasonal) and continues for another 10 days after the disappearance of all signs of the disease.

chrome allergy eye

Side effects of the drug

In some cases, Crom-Allerg eye drops, the instructions of which were presented above, can cause such local adverse reactions as burning sensation in the visual organs, temporary violation of the clarity and clarity of visual perception, damage to the (superficial) corneal epithelium (due to content of preservative in the preparation - benzalkonium chloride).

Also, against the background of the use of the considered drug, allergic reactions such as mild soreness, itching and conjunctival hyperemia may occur. In addition, in isolated cases, patients using Krom-Allerg experienced nausea.

Drug overdose, drug interaction

There is currently no information about an overdose of the drug in question.

As for the interaction, according to the instructions, cromolyn sodium is able to reduce the human need for the use of ophthalmic agents that contain corticosteroids.

Lactation and the period of pregnancy

The use of drops for lactation and pregnancy is indicated only if the benefit for the woman in labor significantly exceeds the risk for the fetus and newborn baby.

The main substance of the agent in question can be excreted together with breast milk. It should be noted that its adverse effect on the child is unlikely, since the systemic absorption of cromolyn sodium is negligible.

drops chrome allergy

Special information

Eye preparation “Krom-Allerg” contains in its composition such a preservative as benzalkonium chloride. In this regard, people wearing contact lenses need to remove them before installing the drops and install them again after only ¼ hours have passed.

During treatment with the Krom-Allerg medication, patients should be careful when engaging in hazardous activities and driving vehicles, since the use of drops briefly reduces visual perception and clarity of vision.

Conditions, shelf life of the medication

“Krom-Allerg" is a medicinal ophthalmic solution that should be kept in a dry place, protected from sunlight and inaccessible to babies, at a temperature of no more than 24 degrees.

The shelf life of such drops is 4 years. After opening the medication, it must be used within a month.

Similar drugs and reviews about drops

The following drugs are referred to the analogues of this medication: Neuselin, Agistam, Cromohexal, Alomid, Lecrolin, Pharmadex, Dinaf and others.

What do patients say about this medicine? According to them, this drug works very well, especially with conjunctivitis of an allergic origin. Thanks to these drops, consumers can quickly alleviate the severe course of an allergic reaction by eliminating the irritation of the mucous membrane of the visual organs.

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Also, many patients are pleased with the price of the drug in question, which is approximately 60-100 rubles.

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