Misty is a Pokemon character: the most famous Japanese anime trainer girl

Misty is a character in Pokémon, a famous Japanese animated film for children. The cartoon tells about the adventure of funny guys who dream of becoming coaches of fantastic pocket critters that live in regions around the world.

The Pokemon franchise is owned by Nintendo. She has dozens of animated masterpieces. It even includes the whole game industry, second only to SuperMario in popularity among gamers, as well as full-length films and specialized shops for Pokemon fans.

Misty Pokemon Character

Misty - one of the characters of "Pokemon"

Misty is the only girl trainer that the producers of the series paid enough attention to in the cartoon. As a trainer, she prefers monsters of the water elemental type (there are 17 in total). She dreams of becoming the main mentor of such creatures.

The main character of "Pokemon" - Ash Ketchum - meets a girl by accident when he saves his monster. He lends a bike to a new girlfriend. Subsequently, she joins Ash and travels with him along the regions, training her Pokémon and helping her friend win new badges (differences among trainers).

Misty is one of the Pokemon characters

The family and homeland of the water pokemon trainer

As the youngest of 4 sisters, she was ridiculed by her relatives. Hot-tempered by nature, the girl did not tolerate humiliation. She preferred a boring and unpleasant life in Kanto’s native region to an exciting trip with new friends Ash and Brock (another trainer). Having suffered a defeat from Ketchum in a duel for the badge of the stadium Tserulin, which was controlled by the elder sisters of the heroine, the girl still did not hold an evil on Ash. she set off without fear.

Misty, the character of Pokemon, plays one of the iconic roles in the series. The following seasons tell that the girl becomes the sole leader of Tserulin, as the sisters left Kanto’s native region for a long time. Due to the circumstances, she was forced to leave Brock and Ashe and go home. The fate of the anime is shown partially in the "New Generation". More information about the water trainer is provided by the Pokémon Chronicles.

What kind of Pokémon in Misty's Pokedex?

Preferring only aquatic Pokemon, Misty had in her collection of monsters both pets and those who annoyed her. More often than others, she used in the battles and fights against Team R (Pokemon kidnappers, negative anime characters) star-like Oldy and Starmi, who ended up in her pokeballs before meeting Ash, along with Goldin's fish.

Togepi is Misty's favorite, a Pokemon whom the leader of Tserulin constantly carried in her arms, like a child. Unlike other monsters, it hatched from an egg. A feature of Togepi type Pokémon is to consider their mother the first comer. So the kid became attached to Misty, subsequently evolving into Tohetics. Another favorite of the water trainer is Horsy, who volunteered to join travelers. Korsula and Polivag (later transformed into Polivirl) joined Misty in season 2.

misty song

Misty's character and her role in Pokémon

The girl-trainer was remembered by Pokémon fans for an optimistic attitude to life and frequent manifestations of aggression. The jokes of Brock and Ashe extremely hurt her. Being unable to hide her indignation, she was frustrated by Misty's comrades. The photo below shows one of the moments of manifestation of her many-sided nature.

The first season of Pokemon is connected with Misty’s intentions to pick up his bike, which Ash grabbed to save his beloved Pokemon Pikachu from a serious illness. But already in the second cycle in the series there is not a word about Ketchum's debt. On the contrary, sometimes Misty's behavior is ambiguous: fans of the series gossiped about hidden sympathy between them, most of which was manifested by the water coach. However, there was no direct recognition either from Ashe or from Misty. Critics assured that the feelings of the heroes are akin to the relationship of brother and sister. But the truth is known only to the creators of the series.

misty pokemon

Misty and Psaydak: what did the yellow sloth remember for the fans?

A special place in Pokedex Misty is Psaydak and Gayardos. The latter is known for its wild temper and self-will. Ash and Brock sometimes made fun of Misty, comparing her in a fit of anger with a monster. At the same time, Psaydak irritated the girl with uselessness and an endless headache. Misty has repeatedly invited him to leave her (the Pokemon himself “jumped” into the pokeball coach). She regretted that the R team did not care about him.

The girl was extremely annoyed that Psyduck could not swim. This monster flaw is akin to proving its incompetence. That's what Misty thought. The character of "Pokemon" Psidak, with his slowness and clumsiness, even managed to catch himself. The secret of the Pokemon is in the strength of its headache. Once it reaches its maximum, pokemon is capable of hyper attack.

misty photo

Misty's song from the Pokemon series

Anime fans remember Misty. The Pokemon character often performed a romantic song. Misty’s mild nature inherent in all the girls was used by the creators of the anime as another way to impress fans. The main theme, playing at the end of the series, did not undergo significant changes during the season.

The songs performed by the cartoon characters bring, among other things, the commercial success of Nintendo. In addition to Misty, the fans of Pokemon remembered the performance of Jiglipuf and the famous words of the team R. Pokemon Misty - Togepi also made a pleasant impression on the fans. His peculiar communication in the language of monsters was noted by critics as the cutest and kindest moment in the entire cartoon.

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