Are the lymph nodes in the neck enlarged in a child? No self-medication!

Very often an unpleasant situation occurs when the lymph nodes in the neck of the child are enlarged in several places at the same time. Naturally, such a manifestation should in no case be ignored. As a rule, small tumors in this area are a consequence of inflammatory processes due to tonsillitis, colds, or even a simple cold. However, inflamed lymph nodes in the neck in children can cause them a lot of inconvenience - pain occurs, not only when moving, but also in a calm state.

enlarged lymph nodes in the neck in a child

If an infectious disease occurs somewhere in the body, then why are the lymph nodes enlarged? The fact is that they are, as it were, a filter between the lymph and the human body, so everything that is unnatural for a normal state is collected in this place. If a child has systematic manifestations of colds and infectious diseases, we can already talk about a violation of the function of this filter. Lymph nodes are located throughout the human body, including on the neck, as well as in the groin, in the armpits, under the knees, around the head and intestines, and even inside the chest.

lymph nodes in the neck in children

In childhood, the lymph nodes in a person can be pronounced, and this does not mean that there is any infection. The fact is that a growing organism does not yet have immunity to many types of diseases, and therefore it responds in a peculiar way to their occurrence. It is believed that the lymph nodes in the neck of a child are enlarged when they reach a size of more than two centimeters. If their circumference is no more than one centimeter in diameter, then there simply cannot be any disease. When they reach a size of 1-2 centimeters, boldly exclude all non-painful factors. Unfortunately, not in all places you can feel them, the most accessible ones include just the neck, inguinal region and axillary.

If the lymph nodes in the neck of a child are enlarged , then what does this mean? As mentioned earlier, most often this is a consequence of colds. In second place are infectious diseases. The following are problems with oral hygiene, that is, the presence of caries, allergies to something, as well as protective reactions to the introduction of vaccines. Very rarely, this can be the first sign of blood diseases, the development of tumors, or problems with the immune system.

the child has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck

What to do if the child has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck? First of all, contact a pediatrician, who will determine the probable cause of such an organism reaction. In principle, the doctor himself will prescribe the necessary tests for you, but you should still know that the following procedures are necessary: โ€‹โ€‹OAC, determination of the presence or absence of parasites in the blood fluid, biochemical and serological blood tests, Mantoux test and analysis for HIV or syphilis.

If the lymph nodes in the neck of the child are enlarged, in no case do you need to self-medicate, especially apply warming, compresses and other methods of alternative medicine. This can lead to serious negative consequences. Think about your child and entrust his health to professionals!

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