Urticaria: psychosomatics, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prescribed treatment, recovery period and prevention

Rashes on the skin for every person is a well-known thing, because they can appear for various reasons, at any age. For some, such a problem with health and appearance becomes part of life, and they are diagnosed with chronic urticaria. The psychosomatics of the appearance of such a rash, the problems of diagnosis, methods of therapy and prevention are discussed below.

Mind and physiology - apart and together

Already ancient scientists and doctors thought about such a problem as the relationship of the mental state of a person and the diseases that appear in him. And today the problem of psychosomatic diseases is an acute problem for modern medicine. There is no unequivocal opinion in this area regarding cause and effect. Medical scientists are considering two positions:

  • mental disorders manifested at the level of physiology;
  • physiological disorders resulting in mental abnormalities.

The specialist’s task is to identify which path the disease has passed, which is assigned the status of psychosomatic. For proper therapy, it is important to establish what class the disease belongs to, there are only three of them:

  • conversion symptoms affecting the senses and voluntary motility;
  • functional symptoms, functional disorders of some organs and systems in the absence of pathophysiological changes in them, this condition is accompanied by depression, fear, anxiety, and insomnia;
  • Psychosomatoses are the narrowest focus of clinical medicine, in which the reaction to experience leads to pathological changes in organs and systems.

In what direction this or that problem of the patient’s body develops, only a specialist can determine and, based on this, prescribe the correct treatment. Many people who suffer from skin rashes are wondering if there can be hives caused by nerves. Yes, but more on that below.

urticaria psychosomatics

Urticaria as a symptom of a problem

To date, it is rather difficult to answer unequivocally the question of the possible psychosomatic genesis of urticaria. For a long time, specialists identified only a few diseases that were defined as psychosomatoses. In recent decades, several other health problems have been added to this “holy seven”, but there is no specific term “urticaria” among them. Specialists in such diseases include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • coronary heart disease
  • neurodermatitis;
  • obesity;
  • psychosomatic thyrotoxicosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • somatoform behavior disorders;
  • essential hypertension;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • ulcerative colitis.

Before figuring out whether a urticaria caused by nerves is considered a psychosomatic disease, you should find out what this ailment means. Specialists determine his skin disease - dermatitis. In some cases, hives may appear on nerves. In any case, the official name will sound like urtikaria, from the Latin "urtica" - "nettle".

neural hives treatment

How is urticaria manifested?

Best of all shows what a hives on a nervous basis, photo. Symptoms of this problem are characteristic - pale pink blisters, slightly rising above the surface of the skin, which are very itchy. It is noteworthy that the name of the problem was not chosen by chance - the rash is similar to skin irritation that appears after exposure to burning nettle leaves.

Like many health problems, urticaria can be in both acute and chronic form. Rashes in an acute form are noticeable on the skin not for long, at most - ten to fifteen days. But if the disease takes a chronic course, then a person can suffer from manifestations of urticaria for years, and periods of remission alternate with the activation of the problem quite regularly. Nervous urticaria can also occur in various forms, which will be directly related to nervous experience or chronic stress.

In addition to the skin manifestation, a person may experience headache, drowsiness, nausea, or weakness. In some cases, during the rash period, an increase in body temperature also occurs. This symptom is called nettle fever.

A remarkable property of urticaria is that after the disappearance of the rash in its place there are no traces left. However, this applies to cases where the blisters were not combed and the skin was not damaged. In addition, the rash can appear not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes, and for the acute form, a more characteristic area of ​​the lesion is the characteristic symptom, as well as its severity - the rashes are larger, they can be slightly brighter. But in case of chronic relapse, the rash, let’s say, is less saturated both in terms of lesion area and color. Another feature of this external manifestation is that hives can quickly manifest and disappear just as quickly, even without special measures. But if this does not happen, and the rash lasts a long time or is constantly repeated, then we should talk about the chronic form of urticaria.

neural hives photo symptoms

Main reasons

Many people suffer from problems such as hives that are nervous. Symptoms of this disease can appear at any age in any area of ​​the skin. This causes great inconvenience to the moral plan, because any violations of appearance look ugly, creating a new psychological problem. According to experts, the main reason for urticaria is a whole range of prerequisites, which include:

  • allergens
  • external, including mechanical, effects on the skin;
  • endogenous factors;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Many people often have such a problem as urticaria on their faces. Its psychosomatics is associated with some kind of internal experiences or the occurrence of autoimmune problems, which also appear with the help of a rash. Before choosing a therapy tactic, a specialist should determine the cause of the appearance of irritation on the skin as accurately as possible. In this case, one should take into account the fact that urticaria may be similar to a symptom of a dermatological disease in the initial stage, which means that one of the stages of competent treatment is monitoring the course of the problem.

Nervous children and rash

For many parents, a fairly common problem is urticaria in a child. The psychosomatics of this pathology is quite complicated. Most often, for the first time, a baby's rash appears as a response to the effects of a food allergen. And only then other forms of manifestation of urticaria develop - on the external impact, including, for example, cold, water, sun. As a secondary symptom, a rash may appear as a result of a neurotic disorder. In this case, it may be accompanied by itching, and the child constantly tries to comb the problem areas on the body. As in adults, in children nervous hives (the photos presented in the article clearly prove this) can occur quite often. The spots can be either small or quite large, blisters without internal contents, just rising above the general skin. Unfortunately, the kids cannot explain what and how they are concerned, and therefore the irritation that has appeared is quite difficult to identify by etiology. Very often in childhood, urticaria is the result of hypersensitivity to food, dust or animal hair. Also, irritation may appear while taking medications. Autoimmune and psychological problems are the source of pink spots of irritation on the skin. And that is precisely why hives on a nervous basis are a fairly common problem in the appearance of not only adults, but also babies.

How is a rash diagnosed?

It is not uncommon for people of different ages to develop hives on a nervous basis. How to treat exactly this form of the disease? First of all, the specialist must accurately determine the reason for the formation of spots. Visually determine if urticaria is a sign of an allergic reaction or if its appearance provoked a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system, it is almost impossible. The main activator of the violation of the normal state of the skin is histamine. For what reason it begins to form excessively, it is almost impossible to answer without special analyzes. But the stimulus for these complex processes can be both allergens entering the body from outside, and internal problems that activate the body's immune and non-immune response to such an invasion.

In order to correctly diagnose the cause of such a problem as urticaria, psychosomatics should be included in the history questionnaire established by a specialist when choosing a therapy. The first identified problem with the skin will require a thorough analysis of the events preceding its appearance - what was new in the diet, in the environment, events that can affect the patient's psycho-emotional state, concomitant diseases and general well-being. A whole set of questions with accurate answers and laboratory tests for allergens will help determine the cause of the appearance of urticaria.

neural hives how to treat

Treatment methods

If you look at how hives look nervous on the photo, you can see a rash and blisters. This is a problem of the skin and, in some cases, the mucous membranes of the human body. The reasons for its appearance can be very diverse and even complex. For example, allergic rashes progress against a background of nervous over-excitement due to problems with the appearance of the rash on the basis of the appearance of a rash. That is why the specialist needs to establish as accurately as possible the relationship between the external and internal problems of the human body and the appearance of urticaria.

The treatment of this problem requires an integrated approach - the treatment of the irritation on the skin itself and the elimination of the cause of its appearance. If it is established that the rash that appears is a hives caused by nerves, then special drugs and physiotherapy are required that can help normalize the state of the nervous system and eliminate the autoimmune relationship.

There is a peculiarity in the approach to the treatment of various forms of urticaria. For example, the acute form often passes on its own, without even leaving signs on the skin. Here, a specialist should educate the patient to avoid contact with allergens and take antihistamines on time, or correctly respond to life situations that can cause a rash. But the chronic form in most cases cannot be stopped with the help of certain medications, since the reason for its appearance cannot be determined. In this case, the task of the doctor and patient is to take timely measures, if not to eliminate the rash itself, then at least to reduce its size and color.

Nervous urticaria in a child is a rather difficult to diagnose problem, because a baby cannot build a logical association between nervous tension and the appearance of irritation on the skin. Therefore, a leading role will be played by a survey of parents and the establishment of an absence of allergy to any products and substances.

neural hives symptoms


In order to qualitatively cure a skin rash, it is necessary to carefully determine the reason why it appeared. A common form of this problem is allergies. And therefore, in this case, therapy requires the use of antihistamines. In severe cases, the patient may be prescribed treatment with corticosteroids, adrenaline. To remove the itching, which is a characteristic sign of urticaria, external agents with menthol, with salicylic acid, decoctions of herbs - chamomile, lemon balm help.

The use of sedatives requires urticaria on a nervous basis. Treatment is also supplemented by dietary correction - tonic drinks, spicy seasonings that can excite the nervous system ingredients of different dishes should be excluded.

The chronic form of urticaria, especially if it does not have a clearly established cause, requires constant compliance with many living conditions. The patient will have to learn to anticipate, anticipate the approaching exacerbation of the disease and use certain medications to mitigate, if not prevent, the onset of relapse.

neural hives how to treat

Recovery period

Is hives nervous? Doctors often hear this question if a person has a rash that has not been observed before, and no allergies have been identified. Yes, disorders of the nervous system, stressful conditions or acute experiences can be provoking factors for the appearance of skin irritation. In this case, taking sedative and antipruritic drugs will help get rid of the appearance problem. A feature of urticaria is its ability to disappear without complications on the skin, the rash just goes away, and the skin takes its previous form. In this case, the recovery period does not require any special measures. But if the irritation caused severe itching, and the rashes were damaged by scratching, then after the disappearance of the symptoms of urticaria, you can use special pharmacy drugs to help regenerate the skin. This, for example, ointments or emulsions with panthenol. With extensive lesions of the skin, their condition can be normalized using bathtubs. For their preparation, aromatic oils of lavender, chamomile, mint or decoctions are used, consisting of herbs such as lemon balm, nettle, oregano, linden.

How to prevent a problem?

The problem of skin that can appear in a person at any age is urticaria. The psychosomatics of this disease is such that even severe stress or nervous experience can cause it to appear.

Gradually, a person develops urticaria, is affected by all the problems from which the body suffers to one degree or another. It can be gastrointestinal diseases and helminths, cardiovascular problems and chronic infections. It is important to diagnose such conditions in time and take measures to get rid of them. This will be an important step on the path not only to the prevention of urticaria itself, but also to the preservation of health and life in principle. Knowing the source of the problem will help prevent its recurrence. And if the basis of such a problem as urticaria is psychosomatics and a violation of the neurological state, then taking mild sedatives will help prevent its development. Unfortunately, the chronic form of such skin rashes today does not have an absolutely effective medicine, which means relapses will not have to be avoided, but you can increase the period of remissions and reduce the duration and severity of the rashes.

neural hives symptoms

The complexity of urticaria therapy is that once it appears as a result of a problem in the body, it can quickly disappear in order to return again after some time. For high-quality treatment and prevention of such rashes, you must carefully monitor your health and, on the recommendation of a doctor, undergo testing for possible allergens. If such an examination did not give specific results, and urticaria is periodically repeated, then the doctor can conclude that the chronic form of the problem is based on the characteristics of the patient’s nervous and immune systems. In this case, preventive measures to prevent exacerbation of skin problems will be selected individually, because there is no specific medicine for this type of urticaria.

However, no need to be upset. If you strictly follow the instructions and prescriptions of the attending physician, then you can nullify the relapse of rashes or even completely get rid of an unpleasant disease. This can be helped by modern antihistamines, sedatives and sedatives, as well as drugs for external use.

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