Pizza with sausage and cheese and tomatoes - it's delicious!

This dish of Italian cuisine is firmly settled both in the menu of expensive restaurants and in the kitchens of housewives. This, without a doubt, will be about pizza. This dish of poor villages, which was originally a cake with tomatoes and mozzarella, over time was transformed beyond recognition, acquired national features in many other cultures, and began to amaze with the variety of fillings. Two things remain unchanged - delicious cakes and cheese, which are sprinkled with pizza in all cuisines: from Australia to Alaska. Let us and we prepare a delicious and satisfying version of this dish. So, pizza with sausage and cheese and tomatoes is on the agenda.

pizza with sausage and cheese and tomatoes
What will be needed for its preparation? The basis of pizza is delicious and fragrant cake. Traditionally, in Italy, for her dough, there are no other products besides flour, olive oil, water and salt. However, the Italian version of the cakes is not to everyone's liking - they turn out thin. On the other hand, the American version differs by a thickness of 1.5-2 centimeters, which is also too much, however, somewhat in the other direction. Let's try to make a medium cake, moderately lush and moderately thin. Our pizza with sausage and cheese and tomatoes will be made on the basis of yeast dough. Pour a glass of water into the container, heat it to a moderately warm state. Pour 1 teaspoon of yeast into the water, a pinch of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Mix a little so that bubbles appear on the surface of the dough. After that, pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the dough, drive 1 egg. Sift 2-2.5 cups of flour in a separate container, make a depression in it, pour in the liquid component. Knead the dough, which now needs to be left under the film in the heat for an hour, so that it rises. And at this time, we will decide on the filling that our pizza requires: sausage, cheese, tomatoes will be its main components. In order for pizza to be nutritious and tasty, it is best to take several types of meat, but you can get by with one sausage - for example, raw smoked. It should be cut into circles.

pizza sausage cheese tomatoes
In addition to the meat component, the sauce is also an important part of the filling that our pizza requires. The recipe "sausage, cheese, tomatoes" suggests that the sauce in it will be tomato. It is better to avoid purchased sauces, ketchups, because they have a lot of preservatives. Do not be lazy, choose 3-4 large tomatoes, scald them with boiling water and remove the skin. Then chop their flesh with a blender or three on a grater. Add salt, sugar and black pepper, a little olive oil to the resulting sauce. If desired, add finely chopped basil and a clove of crushed garlic.

pizza recipe sausage cheese tomatoes
And, of course, how would pizza with sausage and cheese and tomatoes cost without an appetizing crust? To do this, take the grated cheese. It is better to take hard grades. After all, the harder the cheese, the longer it melts and the tastier the result. We will need about 200 grams for this amount of dough.

During the time that the filling was preparing, the dough had already approached, now it should be laid out on a surface slightly dusted with flour, knead a little and roll out the cake. It is better to make it about 0.5 cm thick. Remember that yeast dough tends to rise. We spread the cakes on a baking sheet, grease the sauce on top, lay out the sausage slices. Sprinkle with grated cheese, and on top of this you can add a pinch of dried oregano - a traditional seasoning for pizza. And leave for 15 minutes to keep the dough. And then our pizza with sausage and cheese and tomatoes can safely go to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes. Enjoy your meal!

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