Cocci are spherical saprophytic bacteria. Among them, there are pathogenic, widespread in nature quite widely. For humans, pathogens are mainly staphylococci and streptococci. These are inhabitants of the respiratory and digestive tracts, mucous membranes of the genitals. The concept of "coccal flora" in no case can mean a pathological process. The vast majority of cocci coexist with humans in very peaceful conditions. Consider only those coccal representatives that cause harm to humans.
First of all, staphylococci. They provoke the development of processes of a purulent-inflammatory nature. They have the ability to defeat absolutely any tissue and any organ. Leading among the rest, which is associated with the ability to develop resistance to any antibiotics. Quite resistant to other factors (physical, chemical). Survive when heated to 80 degrees, when treated with 5% phenol solution. The gate for entry is damage (even microscopic) to the skin, mucous membranes. Become the cause of pyoderma, abscesses, boils, tonsillitis, pneumonia, etc. Spreading, cause sepsis. The incubation period is up to five days, but the disease can manifest itself in a few hours. The disease is always acute. The body is capable of producing immunity, but not for long.
Streptococcus Also the culprits of inflammatory purulent processes, but already local in nature. They cause angina, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, osteomyelitis, sepsis, erysipelas, scarlet fever, etc. "Thanks" they develop rheumatism, nephritis, endocarditis. Survive when heated for half an hour to 60 degrees. Resistant to drying. The path of infection is the same as for staphylococci. The body develops a stable immunity only after cure for scarlet fever.
Meningococci. The causative agents of meningococcal infections. Penetrate through the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. The incubation period is seven days. The onset of the disease is acute.
Gonococci. They cause gonorrhea (venereal disease) and blenorrhea (eye inflammation). Outside of the human body, few are resistant. Sensitive to heat (60 degrees with a duration of 30 minutes), drying, disinfection. Entrance gate - conjunctiva of the eye, urethra, cervix. Immunity is absent.
What does coccal flora mean in a smear?
In women, normal microflora basically means the presence of acidophilic lactobacilli, Daderlein sticks, up to 10% bifidumbacteria and up to 5% peptostreptococci. Normal microflora can only occur in an acidic environment that inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The presence of cocci in large quantities may indicate alkalization in the vagina. The presence of peptostreptococci in a small amount (5%) is the norm.
Cocci flora in men looks different. The norm is: epithelium - up to 10; white blood cells - up to 5; in moderate amounts, mucus; gonococci, candida, key cells - absent; coccal microorganisms - in a single amount.
Coccal flora is checked by taking a smear for analysis.
And now - "decoding" of some terms.
“Lactobacilli dominate, gram-negative microflora, leukocytes, pseudohyphae, no spores; the presence of single normal epithelial cells is single, normal” is a normocenosis, i.e. norm.
"The number of lactobacilli is small or moderate, cocci are gram-positive and gram-negative rods are present, white blood cells are found, macrophages and epithelial cells are found" - the norm, although some doctors consider the condition to be "borderline."
"The number of lactobacilli is insignificant (or absent), the diversity of rod-gram-negative and gram-positive and microflora coccal," key cells "are available" - the vaginal epithelial cells are completely covered with bacteria. "The number of leukocytes is significant with expressed or incomplete phagocytosis" - bacterial vaginosis (or dysbiosis), colpitis (vaginitis).
"Gonococci" - gonorrhea; "Trichomonas" - mycelium, trichomoniasis; "spores" - vaginitis (mycotic).
The presence of coccal infection requires serious treatment under the supervision of doctors. Staph infections are treated with antibiotics, which have a wide spectrum of action. When sepsis is detected, immunoglobulin is recommended, plasma homologous to antistaphylococcal, if the form is chronic, staphylococcal toxoid. Streptococcal infections are also treated with antibiotics. There is no special prevention. Meningococcal infections are effectively treated with penicillin. Gonococcal infections are treated with sulfanilamides, penicillin, tetracycline. Chronic forms are difficult to treat. There is no special prevention.
After treatment, the coccal flora is checked again. Then another course is needed - restoration, which will help normalize the level of lactobacilli, since the use of antibiotics adversely affects the microflora.