Cardionate or Mildronate - which is better? Indications for use, reviews

Medicines help maintain and maintain health. The active substance that helps solve a specific problem can be produced in various dosage forms, by a huge number of pharmaceutical companies, and therefore similar and even identical drugs often have many different names. For example, pharmacists in pharmacies very often hear from customers a question: "Cardionate" or "Mildronate" - which is better? "We will try to give an answer in this article.

A cure for life?

One of the drugs actively used to maintain healthy health is meldonium. It is included in the group of metabolic elements that are actively working in the processes of energy metabolism at the cellular level. With this substance, as a major active component, the pharmaceutical industry of different countries has developed and produced a huge number of drugs. Frequently asked questions about two of them: Cardionate or Mildronate - which is better? The reviews of doctors and patients, as well as a comparative analysis will allow you to answer it as accurately as possible.

cardionate or mildronate which is better

Discovery story

The substance meldonium has a very interesting way into the pharmaceutical industry and the demand in the pharmaceutical market. Initially, it was obtained synthetically as a result of the search for the problem of rocket fuel utilization. This happened in the 1970s in the Latvian SSR at the Institute of Organic Synthesis at the Academy of Sciences. First, meldonium began to be used in crop production to stimulate growth, then its ability to act as a cardioprotector in animals was discovered. It was then that it was decided to conduct the necessary research and testing so that meldonium was among the medicinal substances. Today it is widely used both in clinical medicine and in sports. Meldonium is included in the List of Essential and Essential Medicines, which is approved by the Russian Government. This substance is part of many drugs, for example, such as Mildronate and Cardionate. Comparison of these drugs will make sure that they are similar.

cardionate or mildronate which is better reviews

In what form are drugs with meldonium produced?

For many patients who are prescribed a drug with meldonium, the question suddenly arises: "Mildronate", "Cardionate" - is there a difference between them? Consider these drugs in terms of form of release. The drug "Mildronate" has three dosage forms:

  • gelatin capsules containing 250 or 500 mg of meldonium;
  • tablets of 500 mg of the active substance;
  • solution for injection, in 1 ml of which 100 mg of the active ingredient is included.

For the drug "Cardionate" two forms of release are registered:

  • gelatin capsules containing either 250 mg or 500 mg of meldonium;
  • 5 ml injection solution in ampoules containing 500 mg of the active substance.

To answer the question, having considered the form of release of drugs, "Cardionate" or "Mildronate" - which is better? - it is impossible, since they are produced in the same form with the same amount of active component.

About Cardionate

The drug "Kardionat" is produced in Russia by the LLC Makiz-Pharma company, located in Moscow. The company is engaged in the development and manufacture of finished dosage forms. The product line includes 43 items, including the drug with meldonium "Cardionate". It is available in two medicinal forms - in capsules and in the form of a solution for injection, and in both forms it is the only active component. The remaining substances present in drugs play a formative role. For capsules, this is:

  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • calcium stearate;
  • potato starch.

In ampoules, in addition to meldonium, contains water for injection in the amount necessary for the concentration of the solution.

mildronate cardionate difference

About Mildronate

The drug substance with meldonium under the Mildronate trademark is produced by the pharmaceutical company AS Grindeks, which combines five companies from Latvia, Slovakia, Russia, and Estonia. It was in Latvia that the substance meldonium was patented in 1992. The Grindeks Association is engaged in the development, production and sale of both dosage forms and individual substances used in pharmaceuticals, in the manufacture of cosmetics, and sports nutrition. One of these substances is meldonium. The drug "Mildronate", which is produced in three dosage forms, contains the only working substance - meldonium. All other components that make up the structure of drugs are formative substances:

  • capsule shell consists of titanium dioxide (white coloring matter), gelatin, calcium stearate, potato starch, colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • the tablet form consists of silicon dioxide, potato starch, mannitol, povidone, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose;
  • the injection solution is based on special water taken in the amount necessary to obtain the percentage of the drug substance in 1 ml of solution.

Considering the dosage form and composition of the active component and excipients, we can conclude that "Cardionate" and "Mildronate" are the same drug from different manufacturers.

Mildronate and Cardionate Comparison

How does the active substance work?

Meldonium is a metabolic substance that is responsible and actively participates in the energy metabolic processes that occur in the cells of living organisms. Balance is the basis of life, and balance at the cellular level is the basis of health. In some conditions, the active work of carnitine, which serves as a conductor of long-chain fats in the mitochondria of cells to break down and generate energy, should be reduced, since fats do not have time to break down and accumulate in the form of non-oxidized fatty acids of active forms.

The process of proper healthy oxidation takes place with the participation of oxygen, but during some diseases and pathological conditions there is a shortage of oxygen and a slowdown in the process of fat oxidation to biologically assimilable structures. Meldonium is involved in the blocking of carnitine, preventing fats from entering the mitochondria without sufficient oxygen access.

This substance has the following functional abilities, based on the improvement of metabolic processes during activation of oxygen supply to cells:

  • antianginal;
  • antihypoxic;
  • angioprotective;
  • cardioprotective.

The bioavailability of meldonium in various pharmaceutical forms is about 80%. It is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and reaches a peak concentration in the patient’s blood in 1.5-2 hours. This substance is then metabolized in the liver to non-toxic components that are excreted in the urine.

cardionate or mildronate is one and the same

In what cases is the use of drugs with meldonium indicated?

Since the active substance meldonium is part of the "Cardionate" or "Mildronate" preparations, the indications for use will be the same for them. They are used in the treatment of such diseases and conditions:

  • alcohol withdrawal;
  • peripheral artery disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • encephalopathy;
  • stroke;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • cardialgia with myocardiopathy;
  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • occlusion of the central retinal vein or its branches;
  • acute violation of the blood supply to the retina;
  • postoperative period;
  • retinopathies of various etiologies;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • reduced performance;
  • thrombosis of the central and peripheral retinal veins;
  • physical overload (including sports);
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency.

When prescribing this drug, all the main methods of treating diseases are preserved. The drug can be used both as the main and as an auxiliary component.

cardionate or mildronate indications for use

Are there any contraindications?

If necessary, the doctor prescribes drugs "Cardionate" or "Mildronate." They contain the same active substance - meldonium. Contraindications to the use of these drugs will be the same:

  • individual high sensitivity to meldonium or to auxiliary components of the drug;
  • intracranial hypertension arising as a result of intracranial tumors or impaired venous outflow.

The use of drugs with meldonium is not recommended for children under the age of 18 years, as well as for pregnant and breast-feeding women. Such a ban is due to the unexplored effect of the active substance on the body of a child or fetus. Extreme caution and constant monitoring of health requires taking meldonium preparations for pathologies of the liver and / or kidneys.

cardionate or mildronate which is better for sports

What about the side effects?

In deciding whether Cardionate or Mildronate is better, for many patients, one of the factors is the potential for side effects. But since both drugs are medicines with meldonium that do not contain other active components, their manifestation will be the same. As side effects when using these medicines, there may be:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • hyperemia;
  • hypotension;
  • itching
  • heartburn;
  • edema;
  • belching;
  • increased arousal;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea.

Side effects of drugs with meldonium appear extremely rarely.

cardionate or mildronate reviews

Meldonium and sports achievements

Until recently, one could hear a debate about “Cardionate” or “Mildronate” - which is better for sports? Meldonium increases the endurance of athletes, allows you to recover faster after active training and speaking at competitions. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is a substance that has been banned for use by athletes. The meldonium scandal with Russian athletes caused significant harm to the prestige of our sport. To date, the question of “Cardionate” or “Mildronate” - which is better, is conducted only in clinical medicine and in the backstage of sports.

cardionate or mildronate which is better

Features of the use of drugs with meldonium

Only a doctor can prescribe the use of drugs with meldonium according to available indications. He will choose the form of the medicine and the mode of application. Patients should take into account some features of the use of "Cardionate" and "Mildronate":

  • it is best to take the medicine in the morning, so that as a result of the development of increased excitement, as a side effect, not to spoil the night's sleep;
  • when the drug is administered intramuscularly, a fairly strong pain at the injection site can be felt, therefore, the introduction of the drug intravenously is preferred;
  • in the treatment of retinopathies, preparations with meldonium are administered only parabulbarno (in the lower eyelid region under the skin or to a depth of 1 centimeter), this is a very painful injection;
  • it is not recommended to take alcohol during treatment with drugs with meldonium due to a possible decrease in the quality of treatment and the development of adverse reactions of the body.

The doctor must take into account the interaction of drugs, as well as the patient's condition and the course of the disease. Meldonium potentiates the activity of drugs with a coronarolytic effect, antihypertensive drugs, as well as drugs that contribute to the expansion of peripheral vessels. The combined use of such drugs can cause tachycardia and lowering blood pressure.

Reviews of doctors and patients about drugs

Preparations with meldonium, produced in the same dosage forms, cannot significantly differ from one another. Which tool to choose for use - the doctor decides. The difference between these two drugs among themselves is only in price - Russian meldonium is much cheaper than the Latvian counterpart. About 220-270 rubles should be paid for packing capsules of "Cardionate", at the same time a similar package of "Mildronate" will cost the buyer almost 3.5 times more expensive - about 800 rubles.

Which of the means to prefer - the material possibility of the patient decides. It’s difficult to choose which one is more effective - Cardionate or Mildronate. The reviews left by both doctors and patients are mostly only advisory in nature. The tool helps to cope with many health problems, if taken as directed by a doctor in compliance with the regimen of admission.

cardionate or mildronate which is better reviews

It is almost impossible to answer the question “Cardionate” or “Mildronate, which is better?”, Which is often asked by pharmacists in pharmacies. These are absolutely identical drugs that have the same composition, which means indications, contraindications and potential side effects will also be the same Only the price of the drugs will help you decide which remedy to purchase.

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