Hand pain: causes, symptoms, treatment

If you are tormented by pain in your hands, then sleep at night and work during the day is very problematic. They can occur not only after a bruise or shock, but also due to certain diseases.

Various diseases cause pain in the hands. They are divided into two groups: the first -

damage to the hand (fracture, bruise, dislocation, sprain). The second group of diseases in which the hand hurts is the pathology of the joints, cartilage, bones and their inflammation. With such troubles as dislocation, fracture, sprain, besides pains in the hand, edema, sprain, swelling, deformation of the bone tissue. Drawing and sharp pains are characteristic of such injuries. In this case, the hand is inactive. Improper treatment can cause stiffness of the hand.

With sharp bending of the arm or hand, you can stretch the ligaments or even break them. Symptoms will be similar to those that occur with bruises and fractures. The wrist swells , the wrist hurts , any movement is given with pain. In order to avoid serious complications, treatment should be started immediately. In case of pathology of the tendons of the hand, its movements are limited, often swelling, swelling and various pains occur. A person’s condition will noticeably worsen, and treatment will require more time if measures are not taken immediately. Also, tendon inflammation can spread to different parts of the arm and even to the other arm: for example, if the pain started in the left hand, then you may feel that your right hand also hurts.

All of these injuries lead to various diseases: tendonitis,

sore hand
peritendinitis, tunnel syndrome. Peritendinitis is a disease in which the wrist joint and tendons of the hand become inflamed. Its symptoms are as follows: thumb and forefinger, and, consequently, the entire hand is moving heavily due to pain in them. Tendonitis - with this disease tendon flexors become inflamed, they connect the metacarpal bones with the wrist. Most often, this disease affects people who are engaged in manual work, or athletes. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible, even with minor pain, since subsequently they can develop into acute ones.

right hand pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome, or tunnel syndrome, is a very serious illness. With it, the nerve in the wrist becomes inflamed. Inflammation is accompanied by severe pain in the wrist and hand. The hand generally becomes less mobile by reducing the mobility of the fingers. Tunnel syndrome often occurs in musicians, surgeons, watchmakers and sculptors.

There are several types of pathologies of the wrist joints: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthrosis, deforming osteoarthrosis. Any pain in the hand may be associated with them. The nature of the pain is usually sharp, sharp, prolonged and pulling, very exhausting. Various complications may develop.

Deforming osteoarthrosis is a disease of the cartilage of the radial joints of the wrist. Wrong fractures of the carpal bones are the main cause of this disease. A disease in which the small joints of the hand (especially the wrist joint) are damaged is called rheumatoid arthritis. With it, the mobility of the fingers separately and the fine motor skills of the hands are impaired. To avoid various complications, even with minor pain, you should contact a rheumatologist and undergo the prescribed treatment immediately.

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