"Akriderm": reviews, indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues

The drug is for external use, which is able to have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Hormonal or not Acriderm?

The medication is produced in the form of a cream and ointment for application to the skin. The drug is available in aluminum tubes of fifteen and thirty grams.


One gram of medicine contains 6.40 micrograms of betamethasone dipropionate. Additional elements in the composition of "Akriderma" are the following substances:

  • petroleum jelly;
  • wax-like mixture;
  • emulsion wax;
  • petroleum jelly;
  • propylene glycol;
  • ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid sodium salt;
  • sodium sulfite;
  • water;
  • methyl ether.

Pharmacological reactions

Betamethasone is considered a glucocorticosteroid that is used externally. The medicine has antipruritic, vasoconstrictive and antiexudative effects.

An active microelement (as part of Acriderm) reduces the content of leukocytes in the body, and also inhibits the release of pro-inflammatory and lysosomal enzymes in the source of the lesion, reduces vascular permeability, and eliminates the occurrence of edema.

When applied to the skin, the medication instantly and intensively affects the inflammatory process, reducing the severity of symptoms.

When applied to the skin of cream or ointment "Akriderm" in the recommended dosages, transdermal absorption in plasma is considered very small. The use of gauze dressings for inflammation and diseases helps to increase the percutaneous absorption of the main component, which can cause side effects.

acriderm reviews

Indications for Akriderma

The active active element has an antipruritic, antibacterial and vasoconstrictive effect. The drug reduces vascular permeability and prevents the formation of inflammatory edema.

The drug does not show activity to anaerobic bacteria, as well as fungi and viruses. According to the instructions for use, Akriderm is used to treat the following ailments:

  1. Contact dermatitis (an inflammatory process on the skin that reacts to contact with various substances).
  2. Neurodermatitis (a skin disease that acquires, after a while, a chronic form).
  3. Itchy skin.
  4. Psoriasis (a chronic non-infectious disease, dermatosis, affecting mainly the skin).


Ointment "Akriderm" has certain prohibitions on the use of:

  1. A serious infectious disease that has a long course with frequent repetitions of a disastrous state.
  2. Post-vaccination reactions.
  3. Chickenpox (an acute viral disease with airborne transmission).
  4. Viral skin infections (a whole group of pathologies caused by viruses).
  5. Herpes simplex (a viral disease with a characteristic rash of vesicles on the skin and mucous cavities).
  6. Rosacea (a chronic facial skin disease characterized by redness, vasodilation, papules, pustules, and edema).
  7. Perioral dermatitis (a pathology involving the skin near the mouth and chin).
  8. Lactation (the process of accumulation and excretion of breast milk).
  9. Children's age up to one year.
acriderm ointment

Is it possible to apply Acriderm during pregnancy?

The safety of using the drug during the "interesting position" of the woman has not been established, so the medicine can be used at this time only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

If it is necessary to apply "Acriderma" during breastfeeding, mothers should refuse lactation. Children may show a higher sensitivity to the use of the active substance, which helps suppress the structures of the pituitary and hypothalamus as a result of increased absorption of the drug.

Hormonal or not Acriderm? It is such and is used to eliminate chronic inflammatory processes of the skin. Addictive.

acriderm cream or ointment

In children undergoing betamethasone therapy, adverse reactions such as an increase in intracranial pressure, weight gain, and a set of clinical symptoms due to the high content of corticosteroids in the blood were observed.

Suppression of adrenal gland function in infants is expressed in a decrease in cortisol and a lack of response to the stimulation of adrenocorticotropic hormone. Signs of increased this disease are considered to be swelling of the optic nerve, migraine, swelling of the fontanel.

acriderm analogues

How to use the drug?

According to the instructions for use, "Akriderm" must be applied, slightly rubbing, on the damaged surface of the skin from one to three times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease and the pharmacological effect, but should not be longer than three weeks.

If within fourteen days of applying the medication positive dynamics are not observed, then you need to inform your doctor.

acriderm instructions for use

Side effects

The use of the drug "Akriderm" can provoke the following negative reactions:

  1. Burning.
  2. Folliculitis (infection of the middle and deep parts of the hair follicle, which leads to a purulent process).
  3. Irritation and dryness of the skin.
  4. Hypertrichosis (a disease that manifests itself in increased hair growth that is not characteristic of this area of ​​the skin).
  5. Allergic dermatitis.
  6. Loss of natural skin color, the appearance of light spots or an unusually light color of the whole body.
  7. Atrophy of the skin (a change in the surface of the skin, which is characterized by a decrease in its volume, especially elastic fibers).
  8. Sweating (skin irritation that develops due to increased sweating and delayed evaporation of sweat).
  9. The appearance of striae (atrophic scars).

With the development of negative phenomena, it is important to consult a medical specialist. In case of poisoning, Akriderm can suppress the functioning of the hormonal regulation network, the activation of which occurs in response to stress. Therefore, it can cause secondary adrenal cortex insufficiency, as well as signs of hypercorticism and Cushing's syndrome.


Acute poisoning with Acriderm is extremely rare, but when applying the drug in high doses, or with too long a treatment, sometimes there are signs of hypercorticism - hyperglycemia, glucosuria.


For children under the age of twelve, Akriderm is applied only when necessary and under the supervision of a specialist.

The drug can not be used for a long time to treat facial skin. To avoid the occurrence of fungus, glaucoma, cataracts and exacerbation of herpes infection, it is not recommended to use the medication in the eye area.

The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car and the implementation of complex types of work that require an increased concentration of attention. What analogues does Akriderm have?

Drug interaction

There is no information on the interaction of the drug "Akriderma" with other medicines.

acriderm hormonal or not


The following medicines are referred to structural analogues of Acriderm:

  1. Beloderm.
  2. Betliben.
  3. "Canison".
  4. Lacticort.
  5. "Clotrimazole".
  6. Rederm.

Before changing the drug to a substitute, it is important to consult with your doctor.

acriderm composition

Terms and conditions of storage

It is necessary to keep the medicine at a temperature of plus fifteen to twenty-five degrees in a place inaccessible to children. Shelf life is forty-eight months. Acriderm is released without a prescription from a medical specialist.

Reviews about "Akriderme"

The drug is often used to eliminate skin diseases. As stated in the responses about the preparation in the form of a cream, this form is more suitable for application in case of mild skin lesions, which manifest as itching, irritation and hyperemia.

Ointment, as a rule, is bought by patients who already know the diagnosis. But in this case, the treatment is sometimes accompanied by complications, which is due to the long course, in which side reactions occur, a decrease in effectiveness.

In addition, patients narrate in their reviews of "Akriderma" that, when using the drug for the first time, the symptoms of the disease disappear instantly. With repeated use of the drug, longer therapy is required, and the stability of the effect decreased.

Sometimes a medicine is applied to eliminate acne, and the situation is similar. At first, the rash becomes almost invisible, but then returns again. Moreover, this is observed quite often.

As well as patients in the reviews about "Akriderma" report a deterioration in the surface of the skin and the alternation of light and pigmented areas on it during therapy. Most do not have a clear idea of ​​how and when to use Acriderm.

Dependence is explained by the fact that the drug does not act on the source of the appearance of dermatitis, but only eliminates the external signs of the disease. Therefore, therapy brings temporary relief. In the future, it can lead to serious problems.

But, as a rule, the drug helps to significantly alleviate the disease. It is best to combine it with medications that affect the symptoms of the disease:

  • decoctions of herbs;
  • vitamins;
  • enterosorbents.

According to reviews of Akriderma, the cost of a drug in drugstores varies from 150 to 250 rubles.

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