Coconut oil "Baraka" (Baraka): composition, methods of application, reviews. Coconut oil for food - benefits and harms

Since ancient times, women comprehended the secrets of beauty, health and longevity - they applied natural coconut oil to the hair and body, which gave the skin a radiance and strength to the hair. Today, the popularity of cosmetic oils is gaining momentum. One of the most popular and universal remedies is coconut oil "Baraka" (Baraka). It is used in the field of cosmetology, dermatology and cooking.

About product

Coconut oil

Meet the unrefined coconut oil "Baraka Virgin" (Baraka Virgin). It is noted that this product has a beneficial effect on the whole body, making it a popular and effective tool among many women in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. As a rule, the production of coconut oil "Baraka" proceeds according to the method of the first cold pressing in Thailand, India and Sri Lanka.

But on the shelves in stores you can find oil, different in color and consistency. This is due to the fact that there are several types of coconut oil:

  1. Refined - this product has neither the smell nor the taste that is characteristic of coconut oil. During processing, part of the nutrients leaves it; therefore, in its use, it is slightly inferior to unrefined oil.
  2. Unrefined - also called "extra-class". This type of oil undergoes only mechanical processing, so it retains its taste and incredible aroma. The unrefined product retains most of the nutrients.

In addition, there is coconut oil in liquid and solid form. The first option is obtained by cold pressing coconut pulp. It has a slight flavor and aroma of coconut. This option is popular among women, it is used in everyday life, cooking and is the main component of personal care products. In addition, this product is well suited as a substitute for butter and vegetable oil in the preparation of various dishes. Solid coconut oil is obtained by converting coconut pulp into mashed potatoes. A distinctive feature is a pronounced aroma and a more intense taste.


The composition of the product contains saturated fats, mono - and polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  1. Myristic acid accounts for approximately twenty percent of the total oil composition. Its useful properties are the ability to restore the skin and stop the development of pathogenic microflora.
  2. Lauric acid is one of the main components of first-pressed coconut oil, the content of which reaches fifty percent of the total composition. This component is used to treat viral infections, including herpes, colds, flu.
  3. Palmitic acid promotes skin regeneration, and with daily application creates a film on it that can protect against the effects of frost and other adverse conditions. In addition, this substance improves the structure of nails and hair.
  4. Oleic acid is necessary for normal metabolism. In the human body, this component is the main source of energy.
  5. Capric and caprylic acids have antifungal properties, which helps maintain the necessary environment in the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Stearic acid in coconut oil "Baraka" is only three percent, however, is one of the important components of any cream. This component has a rejuvenating effect, eliminates irritation, restores water balance and protects the skin from the harmful effects of wind and sun.
  7. Linoleic acid contributes to weight loss, and also helps to build muscle during exercise.
  8. Among other things, coconut oil contains the minerals necessary for maintaining human health, such as phosphorus, calcium, iodine, magnesium, potassium, iron and others.

Application methods

It is worth noting that coconut oil is a multifunctional product for health and beauty, and is widely used in various sectors of pharmaceuticals, cosmetology and food industry. Thanks to coconut oil "Baraka" you can easily maintain your health, beauty and youth for many years.

Beauty and care

Today, coconut oil is gaining more and more popularity in the beauty industry. After studying numerous reviews of coconut oil "Baraka Extra Virgin", you can identify a number of effective ways to use this tool in daily routine.

Hair nutrition

Healthy hair

Coconut oil can be an effective and natural alternative to ready-made hair conditioners. The fatty acids contained in it moisturize and soften the strands. There is a quick and popular mask recipe:

  • mix coconut oil with a little honey;
  • apply to the entire length of the hair;
  • wrap your hair in a plastic bag or use a special hat for coloring;
  • keep the mixture for at least forty minutes, then rinse with ordinary shampoo.

Hand and Cuticle Care

Coconut oil will help get rid of dryness and peeling of hands and cuticles. To do this, you must daily rub the product into the skin of the hands and around the nail plates. For best results, this procedure should be performed before bedtime.

Shining skin

Beautiful skin

In order to return a healthy color and shine to the skin of the face, a mask recipe is suitable:

  • mix a small amount of Baraka coconut oil with baking soda;
  • apply on the skin with massaging soft movements;
  • After a two-minute procedure, the mask is washed off with warm water.

The following face mask recipe has a moisturizing and antibacterial effect:

  • combine one teaspoon of coconut oil with the same amount of honey;
  • apply on a clean face for fifteen minutes;
  • rinse with warm water after a while.

Moisturizing lips

To get an effective lip scrub, you need to mix coconut oil with brown sugar. And you can replace ordinary hygienic lipstick with natural pure coconut oil, applying it to the lips with your finger or a special brush. In addition, if you mix the remnants of your favorite lipstick with this product, you can get a moisturizing lip gloss with a coconut aroma.

Body care

Coconut oil

Coconut oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and also helps to remove stretch marks as much as possible. There are many variations of its use:

  • coconut oil can be used instead of shower gel during water procedures;
  • this tool will be a good substitute for a regular body cream after taking a bath;
  • this component is great as a body scrub: mix coconut oil with ground coffee, brown sugar or salt, add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil, and the effective remedy is ready.

Feet care

If it is necessary to eliminate peeling and dryness of the skin of the legs, then coconut oil can easily cope with this task. In addition, this tool acts as a deodorant and antiseptic, which helps prevent an unpleasant odor. For a more effective result, a mixture of coconut oil with the addition of a few drops of tea tree essential oil helps in the fight against various fungi.

Eyelash care

Applying a small amount of oil daily at bedtime will help restore and strengthen your eyelashes. A month later, the result will already be visible: the cilia will become slightly thicker, stronger and longer.

Domestic use

Domestic use

Coconut oil will be a great helper for the hostess. Using this tool in the process, you can significantly reduce the cleaning time, but at the same time eliminate all pollution without unnecessary labor.

Brilliance back

Coconut oil is well suited as a skin care product. In order for a leather sofa, armchair or any other thing to take on its pristine sheen, it is enough just to wipe the surface with a small amount of coconut.

Cleaning dishes

Oil is also used to care for wooden furniture and appliances, including kitchen utensils (shovels, spoons, cutting boards). In addition to the fact that the coconut product thoroughly cleans the dishes from contamination, it also disinfects and protects it from drying out. And it will add shine to metal objects, remove rust from their surface.

Opening a jammed lightning

Sometimes, at the most inopportune moment, zipper on the bag or jacket may break. Coconut oil can also easily fix this problem. Due to the excessive fat content of the product, it is worthwhile to ensure that it hits directly the zipper, in order to avoid greasy stains on clothing.

For health

In the medical field, coconut oil is used in the treatment of diabetes, viral, fungal and other diseases. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. In this regard, before taking this product inside for medicinal purposes, you should consult with a specialist.

Oral hygiene

White teeth

This product carefully fights against microbes in the oral cavity, and also gently whitens teeth. Replace standard mouthwash with coconut oil. With daily use, the result will not be long in coming.

Cold treatment

To reduce cough, as well as get rid of a sore throat during a cold, add a teaspoon of oil to tea or take inside in a pure form. And to facilitate breathing, you must mix this product with rosemary or tea tree essential oil, then apply the resulting mass to the skin under the nose and chest.

Metabolic acceleration

Many women use coconut oil as a means to lose weight. This component is often part of diets, as it is an excellent substitute for other vegetable fats, helps to speed up metabolism. Taking a tablespoon of oil before breakfast will give you a feeling of fullness, which will help reduce the amount of food consumed. As a result, a coconut diet in conjunction with physical training helps significantly reduce weight.


Cooking oil

Due to its positive properties, coconut oil is used quite actively in the food industry today. Many restaurants, confectioneries and industrial factories use this product as a food additive to give a pleasant aroma and characteristic taste.

Consider the most common methods of using oil in cooking:

  1. Frying foods. Coconut oil can be completely replaced by sunflower or olive, which is usually used for frying products.
  2. For dressing vegetable salads.
  3. For adding to sweet pastries (cookies, cakes, pies, muffins and more).
  4. As a sugar substitute. By adding natural oil to tea or coffee, instead of honey or sugar, you can enjoy the delicate aroma of coconut and a slightly sweet aftertaste.
  5. Cooking peanut butter. Adherents of proper nutrition, but lovers of sweets, will definitely like peanut butter: put any peeled nuts in a blender, add one tablespoon of coconut product to them, and after a couple of minutes we get natural peanut butter.

Benefit and harm

Coconut oil

It is worth noting that the question of the benefits and dangers of coconut oil for food is quite controversial. Specialists identify useful product features:

  • normalizes blood sugar concentration;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • heals intestinal and stomach ulcers;
  • improves liver function;
  • inhibits the development of fungi;
  • prevents stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis.
  • activates brain activity;
  • reduces overweight.

But, despite the above positive properties, there is another point of view. A recent study showed that taking this drug increases cholesterol just like cream. Due to the fact that high cholesterol can cause heart problems, many nutritionists do not recommend using it for food.


Coconut oil "Baraka", according to customer reviews, is considered one of the highest quality products. Consumers are attracted by the versatility of the oil, since it has a wide range of applications. Reasonable price, natural components, and most importantly, efficiency, ensure the demand for the products of this brand.

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