Espumisan children: instructions for use

"Espumisan" for children is an almost colorless muddy liquid with a pleasant banana smell and taste, which distinguishes this drug from similar drugs (banana is a fruit that practically does not act as an allergen).

Release form : Espumisan L is produced by Berlin-Chemie in dark glass bottles with a screw cap of thirty milliliters; it is convenient to store or take it with you. The bottle is equipped with a dispenser, which makes it very easy to dispense the drug with drops, and also protects it from microorganisms. "Espumisan" for children is available in a highly concentrated form (40 mg simethicone in 1 ml), which makes this medicine a very economical expense.

Active ingredient : The active ingredient of "Espumisan", simethicone, is a carminative drug (the so-called "antifoam"), the advantage of which is that it is not absorbed in the human body in any way and does not interact with any substances. Simethicone, having fulfilled its function, leaves the body in the same form in which it got into it. Thanks to this, the drug is given to children from birth. It can also be taken by women during pregnancy and lactation.

Principle of action : Simethicone, once in the human intestine, relieves the surface tension of gas bubbles accumulated there, as a result of which they burst. Then the gases are absorbed by the walls of the intestine or exit naturally.

Indications for use : Espumisan for children, like any carminative substance, is used for excess gas formation and gas accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, dyspepsia, aerophagy, etc.), children's intestinal colic, and also in preparation for the diagnosis of organ diseases abdominal cavity (e.g., ultrasound). In the latter case, it is recommended to take in combination with enzyme preparations.

How to use Espumisan® for children : The instructions say that children over 14 years of age and adults should take 2 ml of the emulsion up to 5 times a day. Children aged 6 to 14 years - 1-2 ml, from a year to 6 years - 1 ml. Breasts are given 1 ml of the drug with a small spoon before or after breastfeeding. If the baby is not breast-fed, but artificial, the Espumisan is added to the baby’s food or drink. The duration of the medication depends on the severity of the symptoms. If necessary, Espumisan is used for a long time.

"Espumisan" for children is taken with or after meals, as well as before bedtime. Shake the bottle before use. You can dose the drug using a special measuring spoon, which is attached to the package.

Contraindications : Espumisan is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug and suffering from intestinal obstruction. The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as patients with diabetes mellitus.

Additional information : If we talk about the side effects of the drug, it is worth mentioning only the individual intolerance of the individual components. There were no cases of overdose. Significant interaction of the described drug with other drugs is currently not established.

The drug does not affect the ability to drive and drive vehicles and mechanisms.

Store Espumisan at an air temperature of no more than 25 degrees Celsius. The drug should be stored in a place inaccessible to children. In pharmacies dispensed without a doctor’s prescription. Espumisan is one of the most popular drugs for eliminating flatulence in adults and children, primarily due to the lack of interaction with any substances in the human body.

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