Papillomas are small benign neoplasms that form from epithelial cells. Why do papillomas grow? To answer this question, you need to understand the nature of their origin and the factors that influence their appearance and further development.
What is this disease?
Papillomas can appear at any age and in a person of any gender. But the older the person, the greater the risk of developing neoplasms. Pathological formations can appear not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes, ligaments, and even on some internal organs.
The causative agent of the disease is papillomavirus, in short - HPV. If at least once he enters the body, he will remain there forever.
Papillomas do not cause any pain, the growth can be single or appear in the form of whole placers.
The appearance of the neoplasm is completely dependent on the strain. It can be hard or soft growths, ranging in size from a few millimeters to two centimeters, nipple-like. The color of the growths is usually the same as that of the skin, but the formations can be darker and very similar to ordinary moles.
Types of papillomas and causes of appearance
The most common cause of a neoplasm is a decrease in the body's immune forces. If everything is in order with the immune system, then even if the virus enters the body, then it does not take root in the body. By the way, this is really a fact that has been proven by a number of medical studies.
According to statistics, every 7 people out of 10 has HPV available. The virus can for a long time not manifest itself at all.
The main classification of pathology divides the virus into three types:
- Oncogenic type, that is, they do not entail the development of cancer, but significantly reduce the immune forces;
- Pathology of the minimum oncogenic type, that is, with a low threshold of occurrence;
- Oncogenic type, that is, with a high risk of developing cancer.
In light of this, if at least one papilloma appears, you should consult a doctor, but do not panic.
HPV growths are divided into five main categories.
This is the first group that includes ordinary papillomas. Such growths are also called vulgar, and they are always small. Vulgar papillomas are the most common type. In the process of growth, the growth turns into a keratinous tubercle, usually of a dark color.
Most often, neoplasms appear on the hands, lower part of the face.
One of the varieties of this type are plantar papillomas. In appearance, they are indistinguishable from the vulgar, but can cause problems in the walking process.
The second group of papillomas is characterized by group accumulation on the skin. Almost all of them are flat and usually dark in color.
Why do papillomas appear on the body of this type? Adolescents are at risk, and it is flat papillomas that appear in people under the age of 20. In this case, the main reason for the appearance is a failure of the immune system.
The third type of papilloma can appear in almost any part of the body. They are also called condylomas. Most often they appear on the mucous membranes and genitals.
Why do papillomas of this type grow? Often faced with such a problem are people who practice promiscuous and unprotected sexual intercourse. Pointed papillomas are classified as oncogenous and are characterized by rapid development.
This type of HPV is very dangerous for pregnant women, since there is a huge risk that the disease will be transmitted to the baby in the process of exit through the birth canal.
Filiform papillomas
Doctors call this type of acrochord. These papillomas are characterized by the presence of a leg holding the mole itself.
What is the reason for the appearance of papillomas in this case? Doctors insist that these are peculiar age-related changes, since acrochords most often appear in old age. Typical places where neoplasms appear: neck, chest area, armpits, eyelids and inguinal zone.
What do papillomas grow under the armpits? This happens against the background of increased sweating and due to the constant friction of the skin in the armpit.
The peculiarity of growths of this type is that they are traumatic, that is, with careless movements, a person can disrupt them.
As the name implies, this type of growths appears on the internal organs. They can appear on the rectum, on the walls of the stomach, in the bladder, in the mouth and on the walls of the throat.
The danger of such neoplasms has not been clearly established, but in some cases, internal papillomas can cause bleeding, and eventually develop into a malignant cancer.
In women, intraductal papillomas may appear. The dislocation of such neoplasms in the mammary gland. A characteristic symptom is reddening of the nipple, burning and itching in that area. It is also possible the appearance of a succulent or greenish discharge, if you slightly press on the nipple. Initially, intraductal papillomas are not a harbinger of cancer, but in the absence of proper treatment, they can cause the development of cancer.
Common symptoms
Why do papillomas appear on the body, and do all types have common symptoms? In fact, common symptoms cannot be distinguished for each type of HPV. The only symptom for external neoplasms is the appearance on the skin.
In some cases, the pathology may be accompanied by itching and redness on the skin. The growths may peel off and cause a tingling sensation. The biggest inconvenience is caused by papillomas on the genitals and feet. But most often, growths carry only aesthetic discomfort.
Who is at risk?
Why do papillomas grow and who is at risk? It is a known fact that HPV infection is 90%, but the development of the disease occurs in rare cases.
The first people at risk are those who are immunocompromised. In second place are those who often visit pools, baths, saunas and other public places. In third place are people who have promiscuous sex, neglecting protected sex.
Bad habits can also lead to the development of the disease, in particular drinking alcohol and smoking.
To the appearance of papillomas, the slopes of the face with increased sweating, but they are often benign.
Women between the ages of 30 and 40 are also often affected by the disease. Even if the papillomas were up to 30 years old, then with the onset of this age they can rapidly develop.
Risk factors
Why do papillomas grow, and how can HPV get infected? To get infected with the papillovirus, just a little contact with the carrier of this virus, which penetrates through microdamages on the skin, is enough. If the pathology is in the acute stage, then even the use of the same personal hygiene and household items together with the virus carrier can become a source of infection.
The appearance of genital warts in the genital area may be associated with unprotected sexual contact with the virus carrier.
Pregnancy of women with HPV carries a huge risk, the probability that the baby will have a virus is 100%.
Doctors also note that there are cases of transmission of the virus and its further development by airborne droplets. Most often this happens among medical workers who come in direct contact with virus carriers and carry out manipulations.
The most common method for the appearance of papillomas in a child is intrauterine penetration of the virus or during childbirth.
Also, a child can become infected by the contact-household way, that is, through any common household items. Most often this happens with children visiting children's institutions, swimming pools and baths. The child should not be allowed to bite his nails, tear off barbs and rarely wash his hands, touch existing wounds and break off the crusts from them. It is through microcracks that the virus enters the body.
The appearance of papillomas in a child is a sure sign of a weakened immunity. Provoking factors can also include:
- colds;
- drug treatment, antibacterial and prolonged;
- allergies
- digestive tract problems;
- stress and nervous strain.
As a rule, it is possible to notice that the virus has infected a child’s body and develops within 6 months after infection.
Papilloma is growing, what should I do? Naturally seek medical attention. But it is very dangerous when the growths begin to blacken. This is a sure sign that an infectious process has begun in the body. Blackening may also indicate that the papilloma is injured. If the growth turned black and fell away, while there were no injuries, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Papillomas and moles
What is the difference between a mole and papilloma? The difference in these neoplasms must be known. Moles are benign tumors, but under a number of circumstances they can develop into malignant tumors. Therefore, it is very important to monitor their growth and development, the emergence of new ones.
Babies are usually born without moles, and they appear only by 1 or 2 years from birth.
Nevertheless, the difference between a mole and papilloma is that the last growth is also a benign neoplasm. The most important difference between these growths in the nature of origin. Papilloma is a virus, and a mole is just a transformed human pigment. By the way, you should know that warts are also attributed to papillomas.
Moles and papillomas also differ in structure and appearance, therefore, even after an external examination, it is quite simple to distinguish them. Papillomas are usually very soft and have a pinkish color, moles are hard and do not have vessels in their composition. If you break a mole or papilloma, then blood will go, but in the latter case, an injury can lead to an unusually rapid growth of a new growth.
Papillomas on the neck, other parts of the body began to grow? See your doctor right away. Despite the fact that today there is no treatment that can save a person from the virus, nevertheless, you should definitely undergo a course of therapy.
Treatment involves the use of immunomodulatory and general strengthening agents. In some cases, surgical removal may be indicated if the growths grow rapidly. Today, not only traditional surgical intervention is used, but also laser therapy, liquid nitrogen, radiosurgery and diathermocoagulation.
The methods of laser and radiosurgery today are recognized as the most sparing and effective. First of all, both therapies do not suggest any bleeding, and if the virus is deep, it will be removed in the deep layers of the epidermis. In the case of cryotherapy, this does not happen, only the top layer is removed. Secondly, both methods are completely painless.
In the presence of HPV in the body, a person is more susceptible to the development of cancer, even if papillomas are not attributed to the oncogenic type. Especially dangerous formations in the groin area. For women, the presence of papillomas in this area is a huge risk of developing cervical cancer. For men, there are fewer risks, but they cause significant discomfort.
It is very dangerous to injure neoplasms, since there is a huge risk of the appearance of new papillomas, which in the future can develop into malignant formations.