Hop sourdough bread: step by step recipe

Recently, among the followers of the ideas of proper and healthy nutrition, the opinion of experts about the benefits of homemade yeast-free bread has gained great popularity. Natural sourdough for its baking can be created from almost all fruits and vegetables. However, the most famous and common among home cooks is a hop hop sourdough for bread, with a recipe for the preparation of which we propose to read further.

The best hop for baking bread, according to experts, is wild-growing, which is usually harvested in August during the period of its technical maturity and dried at a low temperature in the shade. However, in some recipes, a pharmacy is also used (from a pack). How to make bread with hop leaven? Recipes can be found in this article and choose to your liking.

Bread making process

About the variety of approaches

There are many ways to make hop bread. They differ both in the type of flour used for baking (the highest, first, second grades are used, bread is baked from wheat, rye flour, etc.), and in all kinds of combinations of fillers (malt, bran, seeds, seasoning, etc.). ), as well as the varieties of hop yeast used (it can be dry, liquid, or in the form of a small piece of the remaining finished dough created on hops).

How to make a standard hop ferment - liquid?

The recipe for hop yeast for yeast-free bread (liquid) provides the following actions:

  1. In the evening, hop cones (ripened and dried) are poured with boiling water (a ratio of 1: 2 is used, i.e., 1 cup of cones should take two glasses of boiling water, for a half-liter can of cones - one liter of boiling water, etc.).
  2. Cones filled with boiling water are boiled for 20 minutes, wrapped in a towel and left overnight. In the morning they are filtered through gauze or a fine sieve.
  3. Next, sugar (or honey) and flour are added to the broth. The prescribed ratio of ingredients looks like this: in each glass of broth put two tablespoons of sugar and half a glass of flour.
  4. The resulting mixture is well wrapped and put for fermentation in a warm place for 2-3 days. Every day, the mixture must be heated in a water bath and stirred continuously (otherwise the settled flour may burn) until there are many bubbles and the taste acquires a characteristic bitterness. If the mixture ceases to be heated, the fermentation process will stop.

If the starter flavor remains sweet, it means that the fermentation process is not yet complete. Such leaven is stored in the refrigerator, in hermetically sealed bottles, banks. The recipe for bread with hop yeast (liquid) provides the following consumption of the product: 1 cup of hop yeast per 2-3 kg of flour, add more flour to mix. When baking Easter cakes or other muffins, it is recommended to add a little more liquid sourdough (about half a glass) to improve the rise of the dough.

Preparing a dry mixture

A hop recipe for bread can use a dry product.

Preparing dry sourdough like this:

  1. Instead of flour, bran is added to the decoction of hop cones (strained) (so many bran should be used so that they can absorb all the liquid).
  2. The mixture is well mixed and sent for 3 days for fermentation to a warm place. Stir the yeast periodically. A product is considered finished if it does not have a very pleasant characteristic sour smell.
  3. Bran (fermented) is scattered with a thin layer on the surface of the table (or any other suitable surface) for drying.
  4. The dried sourdough is placed in a hermetically sealed container and stored outside the refrigerator for a long time.

Before use at night, it is poured with warm water (one teaspoon of sourdough per half a glass of water), add a little flour and stir until sour cream. The next morning the mass should foam. After that, water, salt and flour are added to it and the dough is kneaded.

How to make a finished product?

In the recipe for baking bread from hop starter culture, the use of the finished product is often provided. What is a ready-made hop yeast? This is usually a small piece of dough prepared previously on hops, or purchased at a monastery or church.

After preparing the dough, a piece is cut from it, which is placed in a container covered by a lid or a plastic bag and put away in the cold (in the refrigerator). The size of the piece can be very small, for example, 1 cube. cm.

Before use, the sourdough is placed in a container in which the dough will be kneaded, poured with warm water, stirred well, added a little flour and left in a warm place. Every one to two hours, you need to add flour and water to the sourdough. Gradually, it is brought to the desired volume. The bread baked on such a sourdough tastes more sour than the one prepared on a fresh liquid hop base. In addition, it should be borne in mind that it will sprout a little longer.

What sourdough to apply?

Usually, the preparation of rye bread involves the use of the finished product, as well as bread with bran. Muffin and white bread are kneaded on a fresh liquid sourdough, which has better convergence and taste. As experienced housewives assure, the white bread baked on the finished sourdough also turns out to be very tasty - it has a characteristic pleasant, slightly sour flavor. For baking muffins and sweets, masters recommend using a liquid or dry product.

Sliced ​​bread

Baking Secrets

When baking according to any of the recipes for hop hop sourdough, some important points should be taken into account:

  1. To make the dough rise well, it is placed in oiled forms no more than ½ of their volume, covered with a towel and left for one to two hours. If the dough is placed in heat (about 40 degrees), it will fit faster.
  2. Bake bread at a temperature of up to 200 degrees for 45-60 minutes. Ready hot bread must be removed from the mold, sprinkled with water and wrapped with a clean towel - so it retains softness and aroma.
  3. Fermentation can be done once on your own or you can buy a ready-made monastery, and then just leave a small piece of the finished dough out of it - this way you will always have at hand the material needed for the subsequent fermentation of homemade bread or any other baking.
  4. Some housewives recommend not to scrape the remaining dough from the walls of the dishes, but simply gently cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and use the remaining dough as a starter for the next batch.

Chopped white bread with hop leaven: a step by step recipe with photos

In the preparation of custard white bread, we will use liquid hop yeast.

White custard bread

Ingredients (for baking 3-4 rolls):

  • wheat flour of the first or highest grade - 2-2.5 kg;
  • liquid hop sourdough - 1 cup;
  • drinking water;
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • flax seeds or other spices to taste.
Sourdough for white bread


Usually they act like this:

  1. About 5 kg of flour are poured into a 5-7-liter saucepan or bowl (enameled) in the evening, poured with boiling water, well mixed with a wooden spatula until all the flour is brewed.
  2. A little more flour is added, cold drinking water (according to the recipe), salt and again thoroughly mixed, cooled.
  3. While the dough cools, 1 cup of hop yeast (liquid), which was stored in the refrigerator, is heated in a water bath. Put it into the dough, stir, add flour if necessary (remember, the dough should not be liquid).
  4. Cover it with a towel and leave it overnight. With a shortage of time, this dough can also be kneaded in the morning - some masters begin to work with it after two to three hours (in particular, this is how prosphora is baked).
  5. By morning, the dough should approximately double in volume. It is mixed, vegetable oil is added (see the list of ingredients), if desired, you can also add herbs, flax or sesame seeds, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, raisins, dry basil, etc.
  6. Stir in a little flour and leave for another one to two hours.
  7. Then the dough is divided into three to four parts, each of which is kneaded separately, and laid out in prepared baking dishes (half the volume is filled so that the dough has where to go up).
  8. Some housewives make cuts on its surface (like a loaf), some decorate with curly dough (like in pies). The top must be greased with oil.
  9. The finished dough is covered with a towel and allowed to stand for a half to two hours at room temperature, so that it fits as it should.
  10. Bake, setting the temperature to 200 degrees for 50-60 minutes.
  11. Ready hot bread is removed from the molds, spread on a large dish, sprinkled on its surface with water and wrapped in a towel.
Sourdough bread is ready

White bread with bran

This product is prepared on prepared wheat or any other hop yeast.

Step-by-step hop recipe for bread:

  1. In the evening, they usually make dough: for this, the finished sourdough is removed from the refrigerator, placed in a container for kneading dough, diluted with warm drinking water (1 glass), mix well, add wheat flour of the first or first grade (0.5 glass), 100 grams of wheat bran (sifted), knead and leave to warm overnight. Experts recommend bran, as well as coarser flour to be introduced into the dough first (in the evening), the addition of flour of the first or highest grade can be postponed in the morning.
  2. Then they act similarly to the recipe in the previous section (see above), with the only difference that the flour in this case is not boiled with boiling water. Cold boiled water is added to it.
Choux pastry

Using this recipe, the finished product will turn out less - about 2-3 loaves of bread. If you need more baking, you can gradually increase the volume of the dough by adding flour and water to it every one to two hours - to the desired volume.

The recipe for Herman Sterligov

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the hop-recipe bread recipe from German Sterligov, a Russian entrepreneur and manager, who became famous for his revolutionary views on agriculture and crop cultivation. It is known that this figure at one time actively promoted the idea of ​​a healthy diet. How to make hop fermentation for bread according to Sterligov’s recipe?

About leaven

Sterligov's hop hop for sourdough bread is done like this:

  1. For one and a half liters of water (well) take 50 g of hops, bring to a boil and continue to keep on fire for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Next, the resulting mass is filtered through a colander, the solution cools to room temperature.
  3. Then add 100 g of honey to it and mix thoroughly.
  4. Then put one teaspoon of salt and 200 grams of flour (wheat). Cover and set for 2 days in a warm place (for example, on a stove bench Russian stove). In the morning, afternoon and evening, the mixture must be mixed.
  5. After 2 days, 400 g of potatoes (boiled) are added to it, which are previously ground on a grater. Stir and leave, still stirring three times a day. After a day, again filtered.
Ferment of german sterligov

Ready sourdough can be used immediately or stored in the basement or in the refrigerator. A slot must be made in the lid, otherwise the container may explode due to fermentation.

How to make dough according to Sterligov?

200 g of honey are diluted in 1 liter of water (warm), 150 g of yeast and a cup (liter) of wheat flour are added. Stir and place for 3-5 hours in a warm place so that the dough rises.

About making dough and baking bread

Next, add a little wheat flour to the cooked dough and knead the dough (it should turn out elastic, keep up with the hands).

The dough rises

The dough is laid out in bread baking dishes and kept in a warm place until it rises. Then it is placed in the oven and baked for 30-40 minutes.

Knead the dough

How to cook yeast-free bread in a bread maker?

Those who have a programmable bread machine at their disposal can take advantage of the ideal opportunity to bake bread with hop yeast according to individual settings. It’s as simple as that: ingredients are laid, the necessary mode is turned on, you just have to wait for the sound signal.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 45 g of sourdough;
  • 290 milliliters of water;
  • 5 grams of sugar;
  • salt (pinch);
  • 110 g of yeast;
  • 390 g of flour;
  • 35 ml of vegetable oil.
Bake bread in a bread machine


So, we are preparing another hop-based sourdough bread. The recipe in the bread maker requires the kneading of the dough to ensure the splendor of the loaf of bread twice, between the kneadings a break is made for proofing.

At first, the starter and water are placed in the device bowl, then oil is added to them (according to the recipe), bran with sugar and salt are mixed separately, flour is added and the resulting mixture is added to the liquid in the bowl. The first kneading process should last fifteen minutes, followed by a proofing (1 hour), then the second batch (5 minutes) and the rise of the dough (4 hours). Then a loaf is baked for an hour and a half.

Monastic leaven bread

And here is another recipe for hop yeast bread. "Eat at home" (the official page of the culinary project of Julia Vysotskaya) publishes a series of materials on lean food. We suggest you familiarize yourself with one of the recipes.

Monastery bread

How to make rye sourdough for monastery bread?

The first rye sourdough is prepared for a long time, over 4-5 days. They use good water, preferably spring water, but you can also use purified water. The glass container for the starter culture should have a volume of not less than one and a half to two liters, otherwise the product may “run away” because it “plays” quite violently.

Act as follows:

  1. 100 g of flour (rye) is mixed in a glass container with 100 ml of water (slightly warm). Cover with a linen napkin and send to a warm place for a day.
  2. On the second day, the yeast is well mixed, add another 100 g of flour and 150 ml of water (warm). Once again, carefully mix and again sent to a warm place for a day.
  3. On the third and fourth day, they again “feed” the leaven, that is, they repeat the above steps.
  4. On the fifth day, 100 g of the finished starter culture is poured into a clean jar, covered with a lid and refrigerated. Some housewives recommend leaving her at the battery, where she will continue to roam, making the bread tastier.

Description of the basic monastery rye bread recipe


  • rye flour - 600 g;
  • rye sourdough - 600 mg;
  • wheat flour (sifted) - 200 g;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • various seasonings (sesame, poppy seeds, Provence herbs, seeds) - 2 tsp;
  • water (or black tea) - 450 ml;
  • honey (or sugar) - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • oil (vegetable) - 3 tbsp. spoons.

About the cooking method

Mentally wishing everyone happiness, health and well, they begin to create a test. All the ingredients are mixed, the dough is kneaded (it turns out sticky, which is normal for rye dough, but flour should not be added).

Then they put the dough to rest for 30 minutes, covering it with a towel or film. Once again, mix well, put in a form sprinkled with flour, and leave for two hours.

After the volume of the dough doubles, the oven is heated to 250 degrees and put the baking sheet with the product to the very bottom so that it warms up well. Readiness is checked with a wooden skewer. The finished bread is cooled on a wire rack, covering it with a towel.

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