Modern people often suffer from a lack of vitamin C, which negatively affects the state of the whole organism. Most foods and vitamin preparations cannot make up for this deficiency. But there is a fruit in which there are 30 times more vitamin C than in lemons. This is a small tropical berry - acerola. What is it, not everyone knows. It grows only in India, Australia, South and Central America. The berries themselves are very acidic in taste, so they are most often used to produce vitamin C and preparations based on it.
Acerola - what is it?
The named plant is a fruit tree grown in tropical climates. It is mainly used for the production of vitamin C, since the fruits of acerola are very acidic in taste. Locals eat them for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases, to strengthen immunity or prepare jams and syrups. In other countries, not everyone knows what tastes like and what acerola looks like. What it is, for sure it is known only to lovers of natural vitamin preparations.
Acerola is also called Barbados or tropical cherry. Probably due to the outward similarity of their fruits. Acerola berries are small - no more than 2 cm, bright red, bitter-sweet unusual taste. But otherwise they are closer to citrus fruits. After all, the fruits of acerola are divided into slices, like an orange, and inside them there is not one bone, like a cherry, but several. Their flesh is not soft, but crispy.
These berries are harvested a little immature and most often used to produce vitamin C. It is extracted in the form of juice, then dried and an extract is made.
Acerola Composition
Basically, these berries are famous for their high content of vitamin C. There is no such amount in any fruits on Earth. And this vitamin C is much healthier than synthetic. But Acerola is useful not only to him. These berries are a real storehouse of essential trace elements for health. They contain:
- vitamins A, B1, B2, PP;
- minerals: magnesium, potassium, iron, selenium and a lot of phosphorus;
- pantothenic acid, niacin;
- pectins and fiber.
Useful properties of acerola
Vitamin C is very important for the normal functioning of all organs. It is involved in the production of certain hormones and stimulates blood formation. Unlike synthetic vitamins, the drugs in acerola have a stronger effect. Vitamin C in them is better absorbed by the human body and less likely to cause allergic reactions. Some time after taking such drugs, its beneficial properties are manifested:
- immunity improves;
- production of leukocytes and antibodies in viral diseases is accelerated;
- free radicals are destroyed;
- faster tissue regeneration occurs;
- cartilage is strengthened;
- skin condition improves;
- working capacity increases, fatigue passes;
- the cardiovascular system improves;
- metabolism is activated;
- brain function improves;
- Due to the high phosphorus content, bones are strengthened.
In which cases you need to use acerola
Preparations containing an extract of these fruits are often prescribed by doctors for the prevention and treatment of colds, as well as vitamin deficiencies.
But they are useful in other cases:
- during rehabilitation after injuries and serious illnesses;
- with an intestinal upset;
- in the complex treatment of liver diseases;
- with coronary heart disease;
- to reduce bleeding gums;
- with anemia;
- during stress;
- with a decrease in working capacity and severe overwork;
- for the treatment of reproductive system dysfunctions;
- as an adjunct treatment for immunodeficiency and cancer.
Some drugs are recommended during pregnancy;
The benefits of acerola for the skin
Due to the special composition of its fruits, acerola is successfully used in cosmetics. It turned out that it has antioxidant and regenerative properties. And when ingested, it stimulates the production of collagen.
These properties began to be used in the manufacture of cosmetics with acerola. They have the following effect on the skin:
- prevent wrinkles;
- quickly heal any damage to the skin;
- have bactericidal properties, therefore, can be used to combat acne;
- make the skin more firm and supple.
Recently, an alginate mask with acerola has been popular. She, according to reviews, is very effective and has a moisturizing and anti-aging effect on the skin of the face.
Vitamins with Acerola
Acerola preparations are biologically active additives that are used to prevent vitamin deficiency or vitamin C deficiency. There are several products containing the fruits of this plant: Vitamin C Acerola, Neoline Acerola, Acerola and others. Most often, in addition to the berry extract, they contain additional substances:
- sugar, fructose;
- starch and vegetable fat;
- preservatives, for example, silicon dioxide;
- flavors, most often orange;
- extracts of other plants and fruits: rose hips, currants, cherries, various spices.
How to use drugs with acerola
According to experts, a large amount of vitamin C in such tablets can cause allergic reactions and irritation of the gastric mucosa. It is not recommended to use Acerola vitamins during pregnancy and during lactation, as well as with individual intolerance. And products containing sugar are contraindicated in patients with diabetes. Such drugs are also not prescribed for children under 14 years of age. You should know that the absorption of vitamin C worsens while taking hormonal drugs and contraceptives, as well as if you drink an alkaline drink at the same time.
Despite the fact that this is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement, and it is usually well tolerated, it is still necessary to consult a doctor before taking Acerola vitamins. The instruction recommends doing this in a dosage - 1 piece 2-3 times a day. It is advisable to drink them during meals to prevent irritation of the gastric mucosa.
Some drugs are available in capsules and contain high concentration of acerola extract. In this case, you need to take vitamins 1 piece per day. The course of treatment usually lasts 1-2 months, then you need to take a break.
The drug "Neoline Acerola"
This, according to reviews, is the best dietary supplement with extract of Barbados cherry. The drug "Neoline" is available in the form of effervescent soluble tablets. This method of administration is more convenient, since you need to drink a glass of a pleasant sour drink. Therefore, it is prescribed even to children over 6 years old.
Another advantage of Neoline vitamins is the lack of sugar in the composition. Because of this, they have fewer contraindications and can be taken without diabetes by patients with diabetes. For the prevention of vitamin deficiency appoint 1 glass of drink per day, regardless of age. If vitamin C is needed to strengthen immunity and maintain health in viral diseases, the amount of the drug can be increased to 5-10 tablets per day.
Acerola: reviews
The described natural source of vitamin C is very effective for vitamin deficiencies and during recovery from serious illnesses. Many people note that such pills are well tolerated and do not cause allergic reactions, unlike citrus-based preparations. Since oranges and lemons can not be eaten by everyone, acerola is becoming increasingly popular.
What is it, now they know not only in those countries where it grows.