Esenin's deep quotes

Sergei Yesenin is one of the most beloved poets of the Silver Age. His work attracts the attention of both literary critics and thinkers, and ordinary people, for whom the beauty of nature and the native land is of great value. The originality of Yesenin's poetry amazes and excites the modern reader, tells him the way out of difficult life situations. Yesenin’s quotes are many-sided and deep, the originality of thinking speaks in them, the poet’s individuality manifests itself.

“Big is seen in the distance”

In fact, one comes to the realization of this truth only when one is trying at close range to consider some details that are significant to oneself. Few understand that it is necessary to slightly change the angle: to step back and try to look at a situation or a person with new eyes.

Yesenin quotes

Yesenin’s famous quotes, like this statement, are probably known to every student. However, not everyone knows how to penetrate so deeply into the essence of what has been said, to truly comprehend what the poet draws attention to. For many years they have been struggling to solve the same problem and do not understand that we need to be able to approach it differently.

“I am not sorry for the past years, I do not want to return anything”

It often happens that when they get older, people regret their past choices and mistakes made in their youth. Yesenin's quotes show that you should not worry about bygone years. It is much more important to be able to look ahead with confidence, to be confident in the future. People rarely can give such guarantees to themselves. Only those who live in harmony with their beliefs and worldview achieve a state of happiness. It is very important to understand that in reality you can never change what is already done. You must learn to accept the situation, whatever it may be.

“We are all deceived by happiness”

Here the poet talks about the need of each person to find a soul mate. Yesenin's quotes about love are filled with realism and sadness, which seem to confirm some immutable truth. Perhaps the truth for the poet himself was that love only brings disappointment and suffering. Of course, this is actually not the case.

Yesenin quotes about love

But the experience of each individual is valuable and significant in itself, no one has the right to condemn him. When Yesenin talks about possible happiness, then in the following lines he immediately mentally moves away from him. This feature can be traced to his other poems.

“Let easy friends change”

In this statement, the poet states the bitter truth: he expects deception and no longer believes in many. Of course, there is no need to relate to life too wary, because you can easily earn yourself depression and a nervous breakdown. Yesenin's quotes are filled with disappointing sadness about the fact that a person on his life's journey will find many disappointments. With some of them he will be able to cope and overcome. Others will become a burden that will have to drag all my life.

"My life? Or did you dream of me? "

This stanza shows how easy it is to be disappointed in life, how fleeting it is. In youth, it seems to us that we will forever walk on this earth, rejoice in ordinary things. But closer to thirty or forty years comes the realization that we are here simply guests whom no one will ask to linger without good reason.

Yesenin famous quotes

It is really important to live your life as meaningfully as possible. And the greatest joy is to make happy anyone else but yourself.

Yesenin's quotes are emotional and deep. When you read them, you get the feeling that you yourself live some moments of your own existence. Try to re-read famous verses and find something new and useful in them.

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