Scars - what is it? The answer to this question is known to many people. However, not everyone knows what types of scars exist, and whether it is possible to permanently get rid of them. We will talk about this later.
basic information
Scars - what is it? According to experts, this is a dense connective tissue formation that occurs due to tissue regeneration after inflammation or damage (for example, a trace left on the skin after wound healing, in the myocardium after a heart attack, in the duodenum after healing of ulcers and etc.).
What does a scar consist of (a photo of a commonplace scar is presented in this article)? Scar tissue consists mainly of collagen. As a rule, it differs from those integuments that it replaces with reduced functional properties. How is this manifested? Doctors report that scars that remain on the skin after a wound are more sensitive to solar radiation. Hair follicles and sweat glands are not restored in them . A scar in the heart muscle that occurs after myocardial infarction does not take part in its reduction, and can also cause the development of heart failure.
It cannot be said that some tissues, including bone tissue, are able to significantly restore their function and structure after damage.
Reasons for the appearance
Scars - what is it and why do they occur? Such scars represent a banal mark left in place of a healed wound.
As you know, the human body independently fights with absolutely any damage. And skin wounds in this are no exception. However, it should be noted that after healing, the integument at the site of injury becomes completely different. This is especially true in cases when an inflammatory process occurs during skin repair.
Connective tissues, which allow the skin to regenerate, differ from ordinary ones in their properties. Their functional properties are much lower. Therefore, neither sweat glands nor hair follicles are restored at the site of scar formation.
In appearance, scar tissue is also different from normal. Fresh scars have a dark tone, and over time, on the contrary, they noticeably lighten.
Scars - what is it and what are they? Specialists distinguish several types of scars. Moreover, in each case, the human body will cope with them in different ways.
The appearance of scars is pretty much dependent on the general condition of the person, his age, the nature of the damage and the type of skin. For example, operations usually end with even linear scars, as surgeons suture the wound, carefully connecting its edges.
If the injury was extensive and healed itself, then the trace from it will be much more noticeable. Also, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, hypertrophic or atrophic scars may occur at the site of any skin damage, which can be caused by serious injuries.
So what are the scars? Consider their features right now.
Acne Scars
Acne that occurs on the skin gradually heals, and red or brown spots almost always remain in their place. As a rule, they are temporary and disappear after 2-6 months.
Experts say these are not real scars. These scars remain after acne, which are formations in the form of a fossa or tubercle.
The appearance of such scars most often occurs with cystic form of acne, and less often after resorption and healing of pustules. Such scars are more dense than the skin surrounding it. They can be convex, represent "craters" and scars, holes.
How to get rid of such traces? Treatment depends on the type and amount of scars. The most common ways to deal with such scars are: subcision, excision, skin grafting, dermabrasion, laser radiation and hyaluronic fillers.
Surgical scars
Scars usually heal quickly after surgery. But at the same time they are clearly visible. Why is this happening? Doctors say that there are a large number of factors that determine how postoperative scars will heal. The main thing is the load on the seams. The smaller it is, the faster the sutures heal, and the scar is more accurate.
Good postoperative scars are restored around the eyelids, as well as after cesarean section. This is due to the fact that there is a lot of free skin in these places, so the sutures after surgery receive a small load.
It should also be noted that the scars after surgery heal easier in the more mature age of the patient. Experts attribute this to the fact that over time, human skin loses its elasticity and becomes more stretched. The protracted seams on such covers are neat and fearless in appearance.
Most often, the ugly scars left after surgery are formed on the joints, in the decollete and on the back. This is especially true for those patients whose work is associated with weight lifting.
Hypertrophic and keloid scars
Photos before and after the treatment of such a scar can be found in this article. This is a special type of scars, which is characterized by an increase in the relief of the skin over the healthy integuments around. Such scars are pink in color, and are also painful.
What are keloid scars? A photo of this footprint is presented in this article. According to experts, they are an inevitable consequence of almost any open injury. Such scars remain for life, creating significant cosmetic and functional defects for the patient.
Is it possible to get rid of these unpleasant and mutilating body traces? Doctors say that there are several ways to treat them.
If such scars have not yet arisen, then pressure on the damaged area is used to prevent their formation. It is provided through bandages that must be worn for 6-12 months.
How to cure already formed keloid scars? Photos before and after the treatment of such scars vary significantly. If wearing a bandage is ineffective, then hormonal drugs are used. Surgical treatment of scars is also used . However, it is indicated only with extensive skin damage and the ineffectiveness of hormone therapy.
Experts note a rather high relapse rate, therefore, the operation is recommended to be performed no earlier than two years after the formation of scars, followed by prophylactic treatment.
Atrophic scars (causes and treatment)
Such scars are rather dense formations consisting of connective tissue. As a rule, they arise in the healing process of injured skin and are not capable of self-disappearance.
Typically, the formation of such traces occurs only in those places where there is no subcutaneous fat. Such scars are mobile, pigmented and soft.
How to eliminate atrophic scars? Home treatment does not bring the desired result. Therefore, many patients prefer to contact specialized clinics.
Today, there are a huge number of treatment options for atrophic scars. Most of them allow you to quickly get rid of this unpleasant defect. These include the following methods:
- microdermabrasion;
- surgical excision;
- mesotherapy;
- the use of creams, gels and ointments for scars;
- scarring, or so-called subcision;
- hydration;
- chemical peeling;
- enzyme therapy;
- laser therapy.
The choice of a particular technique should be carried out only by an experienced specialist, based on the current condition of the scar, analysis of the causes of its occurrence and the general condition of the patient.
Normotrophic scars
Such scars are located flush with the skin. As a rule, they are pale in color and do not give patients cause for concern. Most often, such defects are removed only if they are on the face or other exposed areas of the body. To do this, use the following procedures:
- microdermabrasion;
- physiotherapy or enzyme treatment;
- therapy with ointments that contain biologically active substances that enhance microcirculation and cleanse the skin of bacteria;
- peeling, which allows you to remove some cells of the epidermis and even out the skin texture;
- cryomassage and cryotherapy (i.e. treatment with liquid nitrogen);
- mesotherapy;
- operative dermabrasion.
It should be noted that good results in the treatment of normotrophic scars are given only by correction, which was applied within six months from the date of scar formation. Older defects respond to therapy very hard.
To summarize
Now you know what scars are and what they are. It should be noted that such scars are not always amenable to complete cure. However, modern medical technologies allow making the traces left after wounds and operations less noticeable. Therefore, after detecting scars on your body, we recommend immediately contacting a specialist. After all, only fresh scars respond to therapy best.