How to quickly remove alcohol intoxication at home?

Physical and mental dependence on ethyl alcohol appears with alcoholism. Its action is aimed at inhibiting the central nervous system, which causes neurological disorders and those with respect to the psyche. A sober person’s blood contains about 0.4 ppm of alcohol. Everything that exceeds this value is considered alcohol intoxication of the body.

Degree of intoxication

The use of alcoholic beverages contributes to a state of intoxication, in which the following symptoms are noted:

  • inability to control their actions;
  • dilated pupils;
  • inappropriate behavior compared to when a person is sober.
Alcohol intoxication at home

There are three degrees of intoxication:

  • light
  • average;
  • heavy.

In the first of them, the alcohol content in the blood does not reach 2%. Human behavior is even more adequate with a sense of euphoria, redness of the epidermis, dilated pupils, the appearance of calls for frequent urination. In the event of cessation of alcohol consumption, this condition quickly disappears.

With an average degree, the alcohol content in the blood is already 2-3%. A person’s control of his condition is significantly reduced, walking and movements become inaccurate and uneven, his tongue begins to “braid”, and a desire arises to commit rash acts. However, when laying him in bed, he quickly falls asleep. After waking up, a hangover syndrome may occur, accompanied by headache, weakness with nausea and vomiting, and a feeling of thirst.

Severe intoxication is accompanied by severe alcohol intoxication of the body. The amount of alcohol in the blood exceeds 3%. This can lead to cardiac arrest, temporary stunning and respiratory arrest. A person can fall into a coma.

Alcohol poisoning

Alcohol intoxication is due to the psychoactive effect of ethanol. When alcohol enters the body, it is sent to the liver, the cells of which begin to die under its influence. The latter produces enzymes that must process the incoming alcohol. As a result, acetaldehyde is formed, which adversely affects the brain. This is precisely what causes the state of the hangover, which appears after a “drunken dream”.

In the case of severe intoxication, a person is not brought to his senses even with the help of ammonia. It is necessary to deliver the victim to the toxicological department of the hospital, since not everyone will be able to deliver a dropper during alcohol intoxication at home. This can lead to very sad consequences.

300-400 g of pure alcohol consumed by a person can lead to his death. In terms of 1 kg of body weight, the lethal dose is 8 g.

But a small dose of drunk alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning, especially in relation to people with weakened immune systems and children.

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication:

  • intense thirst;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • gleam in the eyes;
  • excessive sweating;
  • weak pulse;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Violation of the nervous system as a result of alcohol can lead to loss of consciousness. This condition complicates resuscitation and further rehabilitation.

Acute form

How to remove alcohol intoxication in this case? No need to try to influence the situation in a serious way on their own. It is necessary to call an ambulance and only prior to her arrival to carry out emergency measures in relation to the victim. If it is possible to deliver it to the medical institution on your own, you cannot discard it, since the sooner qualified assistance will be provided to him, the more likely it will be saved.

At home, the patient can be helped in the following ways:

  • lay on its side on a soft surface - this is due to the fact that in the event of the onset of vomiting, it should not be choked with these masses;
  • when it is unconscious, do not try to wash the stomach, as this can cause it to choke;
  • call an ambulance.

After the arrival of doctors, rehabilitation measures will be taken. If there is no threat to life, then recommendations on caring for the person will follow from them. These may include taking various medications, injections, and droppers for alcohol intoxication.

Getting rid of a hangover

The latter is understood as the state that a person experiences after taking alcohol in large volumes, when he experiences a headache, weakness in the body and thirst.

How to remove alcohol intoxication

A common folk remedy for it is brine, but it forms unstable compounds with alcohol, as a result of which hangover syndromes quickly return.

How to quickly remove alcohol intoxication at home? To do this, you need to use a large amount of water with aspirin, which neutralizes acetaldehyde. To accelerate the removal of alcohol decay products from the body, diuretics can be taken.

In the absence of aspirin at home, painkillers can be taken.

The main activities that contribute to the removal of poisons from the body:

  1. Full sleep. This method can be difficult to apply if you need to go to work, however, if you do not need to rush anywhere, this is the most optimal option.
  2. Taking painkillers.
  3. Anti-hangover drugs: Alkoprim, Alkozeltser and others. With their help, you can achieve first aid for a poisoned body with getting rid of the consequences.
  4. Activated carbon. Opinions about this drug are diametrically opposed. Some believe that it helps to eliminate alcohol residues, preventing alcohol poisoning when taking more than 10 tablets, washed down with a large volume of water. Others believe that it can provoke attacks of vomiting during gastric lavage, which may contribute to the fact that the patient is choked with vomit. The fact is that before carrying out this procedure, a person is given activated carbon. Warm water is injected into the stomach to irritate the tip of the tongue, which causes a gag reflex.
  5. Walk in the fresh air. It is carried out in the event that a person who has taken an excessive dose of alcohol is able to move around.
  6. Eating light foods to restore the water-salt balance, including a dairy product. Strong tea or coffee is recommended to drink after passing the first stages of a hangover syndrome.
  7. Reception of a warm shower. It must be taken after the onset of a hangover syndrome, but not after taking alcohol.

All of the above methods may be useless, and then the question of how to remove alcohol intoxication will be especially acute. In this case, you need to call a doctor, otherwise the consequences can be catastrophic, which is especially typical for patients with hypertension and atherosclerosis, who may develop heart attacks and strokes, and in a patient with diabetes, re-drinking can cause a coma.

Alcohol intoxication

The hangover syndrome lasts no more than 2 days. If you drink alcohol within a week after passing it, then encephalopathy appears, which can cause a number of other serious diseases.

Dropper for alcohol intoxication

With a severe form of intoxication, you can bring a person to life and rid the body of the decay products of ethanol by setting a dropper, which should be performed by a professional. Attempts to put it on their own can be fatal.

Potions and medicines in the form of tablets are ineffective, because:

  • have a long suction period;
  • during nausea and vomiting, it is very difficult to introduce anything into the stomach, including drugs;
  • you may need to take several drugs, which will lead to excessive overload of an already weakened body.

Therefore, it is better to use a dropper to relieve alcohol intoxication.

Therapy is carried out for a short time, after which the patient is injected with sleeping pills, and he falls asleep.

Positive aspects of using a dropper

Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home

As a result of its use in the body, the following processes occur:

  • dehydration is eliminated;
  • vitamins get into it;
  • there is an accelerated withdrawal of alcohol decomposition products;
  • diuretic effect is provided;
  • you can simultaneously enter several drugs to enhance effectiveness;
  • detoxification of the body occurs almost immediately.

Contraindications for the dropper

Unfortunately, not all drunk people can be removed from the condition in question using this quick and effective tool. In some cases, the removal of alcohol intoxication at home with a dropper is contraindicated. These include the following:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • long binge period;
  • delirium tremens;
  • rave;
  • hallucinations;
  • depression.

Drug treatment

If it is not possible to put a dropper, then you can use medication in the form of a solution of warm water, in which the following drugs are diluted, as a preventive measure:

  • "Phenamine";
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • Corazole.

After a quarter to an hour - half an hour, the patient begins to think.

Alcohol intoxication treatment

In addition, the following drugs may be used:

  • "Biotredin" - helps to cope with psycho-emotional stress, stop the symptoms of a hangover, increase mental activity and performance, normalize metabolism.
  • "Zorex" - binds toxic substances and alcohol decay products. At the same time, they are removed from the liver, there is an increase in biochemical reactions, the removal of intoxication.
  • "Metadoxyl" - the intake promotes the intake of sodium and magnesium in the body, which helps to remove ethyl alcohol decay products from the body, and restore the ratio of fat in plasma.
  • “Alka-Seltzer” - contains citric acid and sodium carbonate in its composition. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the liver, improving its functioning, relieves muscle and headaches, improves sleep.

Using this method allows you to answer the question of how to remove alcohol intoxication at home.

The use of folk remedies

For the treatment of alcohol intoxication, it is possible to take a decoction of chicory roots for 1 tbsp. l 4 times a day.

Folk remedies for alcohol intoxication

In the case of nausea, insomnia, nervous strain, you need to take green tea with lemon balm or mint.

For faster bringing the body into working condition, you can use celery root juice for 1 tsp. three times a day.

To restore the water-salt balance, restore a vigorous state and a deficiency of some elements, you can take mineral water.

Under the influence of alcohol, vitamin C is destroyed. To prevent this process and enrich the body and normalize the general condition, you need to take a rosehip infusion.

The consequences of alcohol intoxication

Excessive alcohol consumption causes the liver to become affected. The more toxic substances entered the body, the faster its tissue degenerates in the fatty type. As a result, with prolonged binges, the liver ceases to perform the functions of neutralizing them. Fatty hepatosis appears, which is most characteristic of people who are often abusing, initially it is asymptomatic, and in the later stages it goes into cirrhosis.

The consequences of alcohol intoxication are gastrointestinal lesions. Ethanol causes necrosis of the mucous membranes of the organs of this tract, which contributes to the improper absorption of nutrients and vitamins. Peptic ulcer and pancreatitis may also develop.

With prolonged alcohol abuse, a decrease in contractile function of the heart occurs. It also leads to brain damage. Small amounts of alcohol consumed can contribute to epilepsy. Seizures that occur can lead to the development of epilepsy.

Constant alcohol abuse leads to mental problems. Alcohol intoxication can result in a coma, which, in turn, if untimely assistance is rendered fatal.


Prevention of alcohol intoxication

The most effective way to prevent this is to completely stop drinking alcohol. However, unfortunately, it is rarely practicable. Therefore, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach;
  • prefer drinks of the same fortress;
  • know your measure, which must not be exceeded.

In order to avoid a hangover, you need to follow these rules:

  • during a feast, consume a large number of carbohydrate and meat dishes;
  • before drinking alcohol you need to eat tightly;
  • take vitamins;
  • before drinking alcohol, drink a glass of milk;
  • before the feast, take activated charcoal.


It is necessary to try to abandon this bad habit or learn to feel your body and in time to refuse the next portion of alcohol. If poisoning has occurred, it is necessary to adhere to medical methods of treatment in mild and moderate cases, severe forms require hospitalization of the patient. With the onset of a hangover syndrome, you can combine the use of traditional medicine, drugs, including droppers. The consequences of poisoning can be severe. The article discusses how to remove alcohol intoxication. If the proposed preventive measures are followed, it can be avoided.

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