During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes major changes. First of all, this applies to the endocrine system. The endocrine glands produce an increased amount of hormones. This increases the risk of allergies. Often, pregnant women experience itchy skin rashes, runny nose and cough as a reaction to irritating substances. It is impossible to leave such conditions without treatment, however, most allergy medications are forbidden to take during pregnancy. Diazolin is one of the few approved drugs. However, it can be taken only in the later stages of gestation and must be prescribed by a doctor.
Composition and pharmacological action
The active component of the drug is mebhydrolin. This substance affects the mechanism of allergy. Upon contact with irritating substances, histamine is released in the body. This compound causes inflammation, skin rashes, itching, runny nose, and sneezing. Mebhydrolin blocks histamine-sensitive receptors and stops allergic manifestations.
"Diazolin" refers to first generation antihistamines. This is a fairly old, but proven and effective tool.
This medicine is prescribed for various manifestations of allergies. It effectively relieves the following symptoms:
- itchy skin;
- runny nose and inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
- coughing and sneezing of allergic origin;
- inflammation of the eyes.
In addition, the drug stops itching and burning after an insect bite.
This drug may not be taken by all patients. In some conditions and diseases, it is not used. The instructions indicate the following contraindications to the prescription of this medication:
- ulcerative processes in the digestive tract;
- high intraocular pressure;
- cardiac arrhythmia;
- epilepsy;
- pyloric stenosis.
If a pregnant patient suffers from the above pathologies, then she should avoid taking this drug.
The period of gestation is not an absolute contraindication for the appointment of this tool. But here it all depends on what stage of development the embryo is at. "Diazolin" during pregnancy can be taken only in the later stages, when all the organs are formed in the fetus. The possibility of taking this drug in different trimesters will be discussed in detail below.
Side effects
The drug "Diazolin" has a small sedative effect, like many other first-generation antihistamines. During treatment, drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness, and increased fatigue may occur.
The medicine may cause unwanted gastrointestinal symptoms. During therapy, nausea, constipation, and pain in the stomach may be disturbing. When taking Diazolin during pregnancy, it must be borne in mind that the drug can enhance the symptoms of toxicosis.
The most dangerous side effect of the drug is its teratogenic effect. This means that the active component of the drug can contribute to abnormalities in the development of the embryo. Therefore, this tool is not prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy. In addition, the drug has an abortive effect and can provoke a miscarriage in the first and second trimesters.
Next, the possibility of taking this medication at different stages of pregnancy will be considered.
First trimester
"Diazolin" during pregnancy in the early stages (in the first trimester) is strictly prohibited. During this period, the embryo forms internal organs, in particular the spinal cord and brain. Taking the drug can lead to severe developmental abnormalities of the unborn child. In addition, the use of antihistamines increases the risk of miscarriage. In the early stages of pregnancy, most medications should be avoided.
Some women mistakenly believe that you can take the baby "Diazolin" during pregnancy in the early stages. This is a dangerous fallacy. The children's form of the drug does not differ in composition from the adult, so taking the medicine can adversely affect the development of the fetus.
What to do if a woman has an allergy, and "Diazolin" during pregnancy in the early stages is strictly contraindicated? In mild cases, the patient is recommended to completely exclude contact with the irritating substance. This usually leads to the disappearance of allergy symptoms. In severe forms of pathology, the doctor selects other, safer means.
Second trimester
Is it possible to take Diazolin during pregnancy from 13 to 26 weeks? If a woman has very severe manifestations of allergy, then the doctor can authorize the use of the drug starting from 14 weeks. However, this is highly undesirable and is done only in exceptional cases. The central nervous system continues to form in the embryo, and the antihistamine easily passes through the placental barrier.
"Diazolin" during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is better to take only at the end of this period, closer to 25 - 26 weeks. At this time, the fetus is already ending the formation of organs, and taking the drug is safer. However, even during this period, the doctor prescribes the drug only if the benefit to the woman exceeds the possible danger to the fetus.
Third trimester
"Diazolin" during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is allowed to take in most cases. At this period of gestation, the drug can no longer harm the unborn baby. In this case, the medicine can be of great benefit to the expectant mother, since it quickly and effectively removes the manifestations of allergies.
However, in this case there are some restrictions. If a woman has late pregnancy toxicosis (gestosis), then taking the drug is strictly contraindicated. It is also forbidden to use this tool if the patient has a risk of premature birth. Therefore, you should not take this medicine on your own, antihistamines should be prescribed by an allergist. In this case, you must definitely consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist. In the absence of contraindications, a reduced dosage of the drug is prescribed - no more than 1 tablet per day. But such a small dose can be taken only under constant medical supervision.
Reviews about the drug
You can find many positive reviews about taking "Diazolin" during the period of gestation. Pregnant women used this drug in the 3rd trimester. They write that the drug quickly eliminates the unpleasant manifestations of allergies. The patients disappeared skin itching, rash and runny nose. The drug helped many women to survive seasonal allergies during flowering plants. This medicine has helped some patients avoid a serious complication such as Quincke's edema.
Most pregnant women tolerated this drug well. They note that with proper medication, no negative effects are observed. The use of the drug in the 3rd trimester did not affect the health and development of the baby.
The disadvantages of the patient's drug include drowsiness during its administration. Sedation is characteristic of first-generation antihistamines. However, "Diazolin" hypnotic effect is much less pronounced than other similar drugs.
Some patients complained of nausea and pain in the stomach after taking the medicine. These phenomena usually quickly disappeared after a dosage reduction or drug withdrawal. However, women prone to toxicosis should consider these side effects and take the medicine with great care.