Lymphatic venous insufficiency: causes, symptoms and treatment

Lymphatic venous insufficiency (a photo of the manifestation of the pathology is presented below) of the lower limb system is a serious disease that, if the symptoms are ignored, leads to disability. Every day this disease is getting younger and more and more often it is found in people from the age of twenty years. In this article, we will consider this pathology in detail, find out what factors lead to its appearance, and see what symptoms it is accompanied by. And also find out how it is currently being treated.

lymphovenous insufficiency symptoms treatment

Causes of pathology

Specialists highlight a list of the main factors that cause lymphovenous insufficiency:

  • The presence of limb injuries along with unsuccessful surgery.
  • Loss of vascular elasticity.
  • The presence of blood clots and varicose veins.
  • The appearance of valve dysfunction.
  • The presence of congenital malformations.
  • The presence of obesity.
  • The use of uncomfortable shoes, especially heels.

The essence of the development of lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities is as follows. Ninety percent of the outflow of blood is through the deep veins up. Normal blood circulation directly depends on muscle contraction, and, in addition, on the performance of venous valves.

Muscle pressure and valves prevent blood from flowing in the opposite direction. In case of violation of either of the two conditions, venous pressure increases, blood vessels become deformed and dilate, reflux occurs along with blood flow in the opposite direction. As a result of all this, venous stasis is formed. Next, let's talk about the symptoms of this disease.

Symptoms and features of pathology

Many people after thirty years begin to experience leg problems. Knowledge of the symptoms will help to recognize lymphovenous insufficiency at an early stage and will allow you to take action in time. Contacting a doctor is the best way out in this situation. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose pathology and prescribe therapy. Lymphatic venous insufficiency has the following symptoms:

  • The presence of evening fatigue, differentiated in the legs. The occurrence of severity and slight swelling.
  • The appearance of sudden convulsions for no apparent reason.
  • The occurrence of soreness in the calves.
  • The presence of spider veins.

At this stage, it is simple enough to eliminate all risk factors, and the doctor can prescribe a drug with a therapeutic effect. If you ignore the symptoms, its manifestation will intensify over time. Against this background, the following may appear:

lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities photo
  • Puffiness, which will become a constant companion of the patient.
  • The occurrence of permanent pain.
  • The appearance of dry skin, often covered with age spots.
  • Pathological increase in the size and number of spider veins.

As the development of lymphatic venous insufficiency of the legs, the symptoms begin to manifest constantly, regardless of the loads and time of day. The pain can increase significantly, and swelling will spread to the entire leg. Intoxication will begin, so headaches, weakness and nausea will occur. This pathology varies in type depending on which vessels it manifests itself in.

Forms of pathology

The acute form of lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities affects deep veins in patients. It is rare and does not act as an independent disease. Often develops due to the appearance of trauma, thrombosis and surgery. In the presence of valve problems, the disease affects the communicative veins due to poor functioning of the vessels. Chronic lymphatic insufficiency is the most common type of disease. It independently develops and affects the functioning of superficial veins.

Risk groups

This vascular disease is congenital due to disorders that occur during pregnancy. But often it turns out to be acquired. There are several of the following causes of lymphovenous insufficiency:

  • The development of phlebopathy, in which there is a complex violation of the functioning of the veins.
  • The occurrence of an injury or tumor that deforms the shape of the veins.
  • The development of phlebothrombosis or varicose veins.
  • The appearance of excess weight loading the limbs.
  • Excessive physical exertion.
  • The occurrence of constipation and the effect of hormonal contraception.
  • The appearance of age-related changes.

First of all, as a rule, those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle suffer. Long stay in an upright position, sitting or standing, without physical activity of the legs, significantly inhibits the outflow of lymph and blood circulation.

During pregnancy

In pregnant women, a chronic form of lymphovenous insufficiency is often observed (a photo of the manifestation of the disease is presented above). The phenomena that accompany this pathology are gestosis along with fetal hypoxia, impaired labor and bleeding during childbirth. Against the background of the chronic form of lymphovenous limb insufficiency in pregnant women, complications such as thrombophlebitis and venous thromboembolism can be observed.

lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities symptoms treatment

There is also a risk of death. As a rule, with this pathology, pregnant women complain of the presence of painful sensations and excessive fatigue. There are also complaints of the appearance of heaviness in the limbs, night cramps and increased swelling. During pregnancy, the process of pathology therapy lies, as a rule, on the shoulders of the gynecologist. The basis of treatment is:

  • Carrying out compression therapy.
  • The use of medicines.
  • Use of local topical forms.

The biggest danger of the disease is the occurrence of trophic ulcers, in ordinary situations, requiring mandatory surgical intervention. Conservative therapy can help improve blood flow to tissues and avoid surgery. Pregnant women who are at risk need to take care of the health of their limbs in advance. The goal of treatment and prevention is regression and stabilization of negative changes.


First of all, as part of the diagnosis, laboratory tests of blood and urine are performed. The ease with which the red biomaterial flows through the vessels largely depends on the degree of blood viscosity. There are many research methods for determining the disease:

  • The Doppler technique demonstrates the general condition of the valves along with patency of the veins.
  • Performing an ultrasound scan. As part of this, the diameter of the vessels is calculated, the presence of reflux is detected, the nature of the venous flow in the blood is determined.
  • In extreme cases, phlebography is performed. A special substance is injected into the bloodstream, and the doctor monitors the degree of its progression through the veins.

Symptoms of lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities depend on the stage of the disease.

Pathology stages

Signs are not the same for different stages of its development:

  • At the initial stage, no pain is observed. Diagnostics at this stage is almost impossible.
  • In the first stage, after a long walk, swelling occurs. Conservative therapy can completely relieve the patient of the disease.
  • At the second stage, patients swelling increases and at this time it becomes much harder to get rid of it. Perhaps the appearance of pain, seizures and heaviness in the limbs.
  • In the third stage, a complete cure is no longer possible. Symptoms that have manifested themselves before begin to actively progress. Leg function is impaired. Joint deformation processes start, arthrosis with arthritis occurs. Treatment at this stage is almost ineffectual.
    lymphovenous insufficiency symptoms

The complex of therapeutic measures

In the presence of symptoms of lymphatic venous insufficiency, treatment is aimed at improving blood circulation, stabilizing blood outflow, relieving pain and eliminating edema. Standard therapy, as a rule, consists of the following treatment methods:

  • The use of medicines. A specialist prescribes drugs that eliminate puffiness, improve lymph circulation and increase vascular strength.
  • Use of compression clothing. Stockings with bandages eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the legs. What else does treatment for lymphovenous insufficiency suggest?
  • Conducting physiotherapy is aimed at improving the general condition of the skin.
  • Performing therapeutic massage, due to which the lymphatic outflow is normalized.
  • Physical therapy exercises improve blood circulation and the state of blood vessels.

At the last stage, a doctor may be prescribed an operation.

Drug treatment

His goals are as follows:

  • The elimination of inflammatory processes.
  • The establishment of blood circulation and microcirculation in the legs.
  • Increased vascular wall density.
  • Improving the outflow of lymph.

Phlebotonics are required for a full cure in the early stages. In case of ulcers, a treatment course of antibiotics is indicated in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs and enzymes:

  • Venous tone restores Detralex and Antistax.
  • The non-steroidal agent โ€œDiclofenacโ€ eliminates the inflammatory process.
  • "Aspirin" prevents the development of blood clots, as it dilutes the blood.
  • The drug "Clemastine" is a reliable antihistamine.
  • The medicine "Emoksipin" eliminates signs of intoxication, contributing to the speedy cleansing of the body.

All medicines and the treatment regimen are prescribed by a doctor. Allowed the use of these funds at any stage of lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities. Photos of the manifestation of symptoms in patients are presented in the article.

lymphovenous insufficiency photo

Compression therapy

With compression treatment, wearing special knitwear in the form of golf, stockings, bandages and socks is indicated. They have a positive effect on the condition, as:

  • Thanks to compression, the further progression of the disease due to compression of the superficial and perforating veins is stopped. In this case, blood with a large volume can pass into the deep veins, thereby relieving the load from others.
  • There is a slowdown in trophic changes in the skin.
  • Lymphatic drainage improves, which prevents the further occurrence of edema.

But even the constant wearing of special stockings, unfortunately, does not cure the disease, but only does not allow the disease to move to a new stage. This is especially true for chronic lymphovenous insufficiency.

Methods of traditional medicine

Folk remedies support leg health, but this does not cancel taking medications. The most popular recipes are the following recommendations:

  • For a week, insist a mixture of twisted garlic and honey. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Take the drug for two months three times, one spoon before a meal.
  • Rosehip is brewed with currant leaves in equal proportions. One spoonful of the product is brewed with boiling water, and it is drunk in the form of tea three times before meals. Thus, a diuretic effect is produced.
  • Kalanchoe leaves in a crushed state are mixed with vodka. The medicine is insisted for seven days and used as a compress.

Treatment of lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities should be comprehensive and timely.

lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities symptoms

Consequences of the disease

Pathology is a serious and rapidly progressing disease, treatable only in the early stages. In the absence of medical control and against the background of self-medication, this disease can easily affect the leg vein system and impair motor function.

The presence of pain and cramps can also impede a normal lifestyle. Trophic ulcers, which are characteristic of the final stage, quickly turn into erysipelas, which is practically untreatable. The result is amputation of the legs. Thrombosis can cause pulmonary embolism. In addition to physiological changes, starting from the second stage, the disease affects the aesthetic appearance.


Most patients are initially predisposed to lymphatic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities due to a sedentary lifestyle. In order to prevent the occurrence of this disease or slow down the negative process, it is required to follow some rules:

  • Classes in moderate gymnastics are the key to healthy legs. Running perfectly improves blood circulation, saturating the entire human body with oxygen and developing endurance. Swimming can use all the muscles of the body. Even ten-minute morning exercises have a positive effect on the overall tone.
  • Passion for hiking should be a mandatory daily exercise.
  • Reasonably eating, people not only provide for themselves the full supply of the necessary components, but also do not overload their vessels with harmful substances. You canโ€™t eat salty and spicy. It makes sense to regularly take vitamins.
  • People at risk are shown using compression hosiery.
  • Long-term sunbathing is strictly contraindicated.
  • Various foot massages, including anti-cellulite, cannot be performed without the consent of the attending doctor. The active effect of massage can trigger the formation of blood clots and activate varicose veins.

In case of lymphovenous symptoms, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist. The above set of preventive measures will not be enough if the disease has already managed to declare itself.

lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities

It is worth noting that lymphovenous insufficiency is a common disease that affects limb mobility. Severe symptoms disrupt the usual course of life, and the later stages, unfortunately, are not amenable to treatment. Amputation of the legs may result. Timely contacting a specialist will certainly help not only to avoid disability, but also fully restore the health of the limbs. In medicine, a whole range of effective measures is envisaged to improve blood circulation, and, in addition, to strengthen the vascular walls. Home recipes usually help, but do not completely eliminate the need for medication and compression hosiery.

We examined the symptoms and treatment of lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities.

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