Herpes on the lips: treatment at home. How to quickly cure cold sores on lips at home?

Many people are familiar with the condition when bubbles appear on the lips that itch and hurt. This disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus, the most common disease on earth. Scientists have found that more than 90% of the world's population is infected with it. This is explained by the fact that the virus is very contagious, spreads easily and remains in the body for life. It may not manifest itself in any way, but it is activated in certain conditions. This condition is also called a "cold on the lips." It appears suddenly and gives a person not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. Especially women suffer from the fact that herpes appears on her lips. Treatment at home in most cases brings positive results, but only after 5-7 days.

treatment of herpes on the lips at home

Virus features

Found it in the beginning of the 20th century, but investigated only in the 90s. The virus is very resistant and viable. It remains at room temperature for a day, especially on soft surfaces. He does not really like metal objects and in a couple of hours he perishes on them. But the temperature of -70 ° is favorable for him, he lives in such conditions for up to 5 days. Herpes virus kills only high temperature - it dies in half an hour already at + 50 °. It penetrates the body mainly through damaged skin or mucous membranes. Herpes remains in the cells forever, and it is impossible to completely get rid of it. Scientists believe that almost all life on Earth is infected with this virus, except for fungi and algae. Therefore, each person needs to know how the treatment of herpes on the lips is at home.

Types of virus

Science knows about 200 types of herpes virus. But only eight of them affect a person:

1. The virus of the first type or herpes on the lips. Treatment at home is possible, and it usually takes place within a week.

2. Also herpes simplex, but is not localized on the face, but in the genital area.

3. The virus of chickenpox and shingles. They are most easily tolerated in childhood, in adults there is a high fever and severe complications.

4. Infectious mononucleosis manifests itself most often in adolescence and is characterized by fever and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

5. Cytomegalovirus. It is believed that more than 50% of people are affected. But it is activated with a decrease in immunity or during pregnancy.

6. Roseola infant is found only in babies under 2 years old and is not dangerous.

7. A virus that causes chronic fatigue syndrome.

8. Radonovirus, which with a strong decrease in immunity causes cancer.

Features of herpes first type

herpes cold sore lips treatment

They call it herpes simplex or the common cold, because it is often activated during colds. This is the most common form of the virus. True, in most people, it may not manifest itself in any way, and only 20% of infected people experience frequent relapses. In most cases, cold sores occur on the lips. Treatment at home brings positive results, since most often the course of the disease is simple. The body itself produces antibodies that cause the virus to go into a latent or latent form.

Rashes are most often localized on the upper lip, but can also appear on the lower, near the nose and even on the cheeks. Usually 1-2 bubbles appear, but in severe cases there can be many, and they merge, sometimes covering the entire lip. The situation is complicated by the fact that during a conversation or eating bubbles are injured and therefore heal more slowly. And many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to effectively treat herpes on the lips at home. Scientists believe that it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus - it is incurable. This is due to its features.

What happens when a virus enters the body

After contact with an infected person, the virus enters the skin cells and integrates into them. Herpes is a type of DNA-containing virus, and each cell contains 74 genes. Inside the human body, the virus embeds its DNA into the genetic apparatus of the cell forever. He makes her make proteins for her reproduction. Often this is asymptomatic, but with the formation of a large number of viral cells, rashes appear on the lips. Then the body begins to produce antibodies that fight the virus. After the destruction of most of its particles, only those that are embedded in the cells of the body remain. Most often, ganglia of nerve cells, such as the trigeminal nerve, are affected. The virus goes into a latent or dormant state.

Reasons for the activation of herpes

cold sores on the lips treatment of the cause and prevention of the disease

Under certain conditions, most often with a decrease in immunity, the virus is activated and reproduces. What can provoke this process?

- colds and infectious diseases;

- hypothermia or overheating - it can be prolonged exposure to the sun, swimming in cold water and even sitting next to an air conditioner;

- stressful situations, conflicts;

- severe overwork, lack of sleep;

- improper nutrition, lack of vitamins or poisoning;

- abuse of alcohol and strong coffee, smoking.

Since it is impossible to completely cure herpes, you must try to minimize relapse of the disease. And for this you need to know their reasons.

Symptoms: cold sores on the lips

Those who often have rashes can easily recognize the first signs of virus activation to take immediate action. This will help reduce the period of the disease to a few days. And without treatment, the relapse usually lasts from a week to a month, and the disease goes through four stages:

1. At first, the patient feels tingling, itching and tingling on the skin, usually in the region of the upper lip. These viral cells begin to activate and move from the nerve ganglia to the surface of the lips.

2. Further inflammation develops. The skin turns red, bubbles with transparent contents appear. The skin in this place hurts and itches. Bubbles gradually grow into

3. Then the bubbles burst, and the fluid spreads over the surface of the skin. At this time, the patient is very contagious.

4. A yellowish crust forms on top of the bursting bubbles. It is not recommended to touch it, much less remove it. After a while, she herself disappears without scarring.

Ways of infection with herpes

95% of people are infected with this virus. But in most, he is in a sleeping state in the ganglia of nerve cells. Despite the fact that herpes lives in the body of almost every person, we can talk about infection. After all, upon contact with the virus, its sleeping cells are activated. Infection occurs most often from a sick person or through personal hygiene items. The virus penetrates through skin lesions or through mucous membranes. Most often they become infected with herpes through kisses, when using shared towels, dishes or bedding. Very often, the virus passes from mother to fetus during pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, it turns out that many people have herpes in the body from birth.

The principles of treatment of herpes

how to cure herpes on the lips with folk remedies

To date, a medicine has not yet been created that helps to completely get rid of this virus. It is so firmly embedded in the DNA of cells that any treatment can only reduce the frequency and reduce the duration of relapse. Its methods are selected depending on the individual course of the disease. After all, herpes (a cold on the lips) manifests itself in different ways. Treatment should begin immediately when the first symptoms appear: itching and tingling. So you can speed up the healing of the vesicles up to several days. What is used to treat herpes?

- external antiviral drugs - creams and ointments;

- drugs that increase immunity;

- in complex cases, antiviral drugs are used in the form of tablets or intravenously;

- You can use various folk methods of treatment;

- You must also follow a certain diet.

Since the virus is very contagious, you cannot open the vesicles and peel off the crust. After contact with infected areas, wash your hands. Otherwise, the virus can be spread to other parts of the body. The most dangerous thing is to touch the eyes, because through the mucosa herpes penetrates easily.

The most effective herpes medicine

In the 70s of the 20th century, a drug was created specifically for the treatment of this disease. It is embedded in viral DNA and prevents its reproduction. This drug was called "Acyclovir." He and other medicines based on it are now the most effective against the herpes virus. But they need to be used when the first signs of the disease appear. The most commonly used ointment is Acyclovir. It should be applied to the rash several times a day with clean hands or a special stick. After contact with an infected area, hands should be washed with soap.

In recent years, other drugs based on Acyclovir have been created. These are medicines “Zovirax”, “Vivorax” and “Cyclovir”. The Zovirax drug is considered the most effective, because it contains propylene glycol, which facilitates the penetration of the cream into the deeper layers of the skin. There are also analogues of the Acyclovir drug: ointments Fenistil Pencivir and Vectavir. In complex cases of the disease - with frequent relapses and a long course - these drugs are used in the form of tablets. There are also more powerful drugs: Valaciclovir and Famvir - its analogue. But they are used only as prescribed by the doctor, as they have many contraindications and side effects.

how to quickly cure cold sores on lips at home

Other medicines used for the disease

Perhaps there is no such virus that would annoy people so, regardless of their social status and lifestyle, as herpes on the lips. Home treatment in most cases brings positive results, and antiviral drugs accelerate the healing process. But sometimes the use of other drugs is required.

  1. Means "Panavir". A herbal preparation obtained from potato seedlings. Its peculiarity is that, in addition to its antiviral effect, it relieves itching and pain and, in addition, prevents the spread of viral cells.
  2. The drug "Abreva". A cream that acts on cell membranes and protects them from virus penetration. When applied, its reproduction quickly ceases.
    cold sores on the lips treatment at home
  3. Sometimes antibacterial ointments and gels are used: oxolinic, tetracycline ointments, Flucinar, Cycloferon liniment and others.
  4. To help the body resist the virus, immunomodulating drugs are used: Interferon, Viferon, Likopid and others.
  5. To relieve the condition and relieve pain and itching, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and sedatives are used.

Simple treatment of herpes on the lips with folk remedies

cold sores or cold sores

In some cases, for example, with individual intolerance to some medications, folk remedies can be used for treatment. Very often, with these methods you can quickly help yourself if you have a cold sore or a cold on your lips. Alternative treatment is available to everyone, because simple means are used for this, which are always at hand. It is most effective to apply them externally, lubricating or cauterizing the emerging bubbles. So you can quickly stop the reproduction of the virus. So, how to cure herpes on the lips with folk remedies?

- It is very effective to burn rashes several times a day with propolis tincture, fir or sea buckthorn oil, Valocordin or just ordinary alcohol.

- Well help in the fight against this disease of the grass. You need to make lotions from fresh aloe juice, Kalanchoe, chopped raspberry branches, juice from aspen leaves or violet tricolor. Decoctions of mint, chamomile, calendula and hypericum are also effective.

- You can use the means that everyone has in the kitchen: apply table salt, slurry of soda and water, lemon juice or a slice of garlic to the rashes.

- Those who want to know how to quickly cure herpes on the lips at home can prepare an ointment in advance that will help them. They make it from petroleum jelly with Streptocid powder or calendula leaf juice, from a mixture of ash, honey and grated garlic. You can also prepare celandine juice, which is stored for a long time.

In recent years, herpes on the lips, treatment, causes and prevention of the disease have been well studied by medicine. But scientists have not yet created a tool that can completely rid a person of this virus. Therefore, you need to lead a lifestyle so that he remains in a sleeping state and does not annoy his frequent relapses.

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