Atrophy of the nasal mucosa: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Almost all had runny nose, which manifests itself in the form of symptoms of seasonal colds. However, this is not the only type of discharge from the nasal passages. There is a more dangerous condition - atrophic rhinitis, which accompanies atrophy of the nasal mucosa. The causes of the disease, its symptoms and treatment are described in the article.


Atrophy is a condition in which any organ of the human body ceases to fulfill its functions and decreases in size. Atrophy of the nasal mucosa is a chronic disease in which its structure changes, degradation is noticeable, and the gradual death of nerve endings inside is noted. In especially advanced conditions, the mucous membrane is gradually replaced by bone tissue.

As a result, the necessary humidification of the air, which was previously performed by the mucous membrane, does not occur; barrier functions are also significantly reduced. In addition, it should be noted that with this pathological condition, partial or complete loss of smell is often noted.

Causes of occurrence

Atrophy of the nasal mucosa can occur for a number of the following reasons:

  1. Surgery during which the nasal cavity was affected.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Adverse environmental conditions in the region.
  4. Hormonal disorders.
  5. Infectious disease, the treatment of which was incorrect or insufficient.
  6. Work in harmful enterprises without the use of respiratory protection.
  7. Excessive use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops.
    vasoconstrictor drops
  8. Too dry air in the home.
  9. Chronic stressful conditions.
  10. Smoking.
  11. Frequent use of fragrances and air fresheners.
  12. Viral infections such as influenza, SARS.
  13. Injuries to the nose.
  14. The period of pregnancy and lactation.

Also, pathological changes in the nasal mucosa can be noted with some mental illnesses.


Otorhinolaryngologists distinguish several types of diseases in which mucosal atrophy is noted:

  1. Atrophic rhinitis is a condition characterized by a sensation of a foreign body in the nose, scanty viscous mucous secretions and rare nosebleeds.
  2. Subatrophic rhinitis is a disease without obvious signs. It can only be recognized by the fact that crusts constantly form in the nose, and the mucous membrane is rough to the touch.
  3. Ozena is a serious condition in which necrosis of the mucous membranes is noted. In this case, a large amount of fetid mucus is secreted from the nose. The patient constantly feels nasal congestion, his sense of smell decreases, and yellow-green crusts constantly form in the nose.
  4. Infectious rhinitis is a disease in which an infection is connected to the mucosal atrophy.

Treatment of atrophic rhinitis and its other varieties depends on the symptoms. These species have varying degrees of severity, so the appropriate therapy is selected.


Manifestations of atrophy of the nasal mucosa may differ depending on the disease that has developed:

  1. With atrophic rhinitis, a person notices crusts that form as a result of drying out the mucous membrane, partial loss of smell, whistling when breathing, frequent breathing through the mouth, loss of appetite, and insomnia.
  2. In infectious rhinitis, symptoms such as an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, frequent sneezing, a slight increase in body temperature, secretion of a mucous secretion from the nose, and increased nervousness are connected. Also, with an advanced case of infectious rhinitis, asymmetry of the jaw, swelling of the face, curvature and softening of the nasal septum can be noted.

With ozen, blood crusts often form in the nose, which also greatly complicate breathing. In addition, a person constantly smells putrefactive.

fetid odor

Possible complications

If a person does not have the necessary treatment for atrophy of the nasal mucosa, then in addition to the main problem, such complications may arise:

  • inflammatory process in the lungs as a result of insufficient air filtration by the nose;
  • meningitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • a significant decrease in immunity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the larynx;
  • sinusitis;
  • hearing impairment.
    hearing impairment

In extremely rare cases, blood poisoning is possible. For this, several factors must coincide - extensive mucosal atrophy, decreased immunity, and aggressive pathogenic bacteria or viruses that enter the body.


An experienced otolaryngologist (ENT) for the diagnosis will conduct such studies:

  1. A history and examination to collect information about the symptoms that the patient feels.
    ENT doctor
  2. A smear from the nasal passages, which is necessary to identify pathogenic microflora.
  3. X-ray to determine the structural features of the nasal passages and septum.
  4. Computed or magnetic resonance imaging is used in advanced cases, when using other methods it is impossible to determine the structural changes in the nasal mucosa.
  5. Laboratory studies on the level of thyroid hormones.
  6. A general blood test, which can show the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

An endoscopic examination of the nasal passages is also used. A preliminary diagnosis can be made almost immediately after rhinoscopy and a patient survey, other diagnostic methods are used to obtain a more detailed clinical picture.

Drug treatment

The therapeutic complex used for mucosal atrophy is as follows:

  1. Frequent irrigation of the nasal mucosa with saline or weak solutions of sea salt, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
    nose wash
  2. Instructions for use of the solution "Dioxidine" involves instillation of the nose. It is a broad spectrum antibacterial. The drug before instillation should first be diluted with a solution of sodium chloride, hydrocortisone or water for injection. The dosage in the nose for an adult is from 2 drops to a third of the pipette 3 to 5 times a day.
    dioxidine solution
  3. Irrigation of the nasal mucosa with a composition of glucose and glycerol.
  4. Topical antibiotics are used if there is a pathogenic microflora in the nose.
  5. Emollient ointments in the nose based on plant components, petroleum jelly or glycerin.
  6. Immunomodulators to improve the functioning of the immune system.
  7. Vitamin complexes rich in B and D vitamins.

In some cases, hormonal therapy is required.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at improving the blood circulation of the nasal mucosa, as well as restoring its natural functions. The following treatment procedures are most often used:

  • electrophoresis;
  • laser treatment;
  • irradiation with ultraviolet light;
  • inductothermy of the nasal passages;
  • aeroionotherapy.

With a regular visit to the physiotherapy room and following the instructions of the otolaryngologist (ENT), the first improvements are noticeable after a few procedures.

Surgical intervention

The operation is indicated in cases where conservative therapy does not bring the desired results. During surgery, the surgeon can perform the following actions:

  1. Elimination of the defect in the curvature of the nasal septum.
  2. Transplantation of its own mucous membrane to the site of affected atrophied sites.
  3. Transplantation of donor mucous tissue.

After the operation, the recovery period is significantly increased.

Folk remedies

To moisten the nasal mucosa, folk remedies can be used:

  • sea-buckthorn oil, which must be applied to a cotton swab and inserted into the nose for 10 minutes, repeat the procedure daily, before bedtime;
    sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • instillation of the nose with olive oil 1 drop in each nostril 2 times a day;
  • rinsing the nose with a decoction of calendula 2 times a day.

No traditional medicine can be used as the main treatment, since they can only alleviate the condition, but they do not have a therapeutic effect. In addition, the use of various oils to lubricate the nasal mucosa is unacceptable with the bacterial nature of the pathological condition. This is due to the fact that any oil medium is favorable for the development of harmful microorganisms.

Prohibited Tricks

What can absolutely not be done in the treatment of atrophy of the nasal mucosa?

  1. Use drying and vasoconstrictive drops and sprays.
  2. Smoke and drink alcohol.
  3. Work or be in dusty places without the use of personal respiratory protection.
  4. Remove dry crusts from the nose without first moisturizing. This threatens additional trauma to the already atrophied mucosa.

Treatment of this pathology should always be carried out under the supervision of a qualified otorhinolaryngologist.

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