Colpitis, otherwise called vaginitis, involves inflammation of the mucous membrane of a woman’s internal sexual organ - the vagina. The main causative agents of the disease can be viruses (herpes, papilloma), fungi (candida), bacteria (chlamydia, trichomonas, E. coli).
Causes of colpitis
The woman’s vagina is populated by various microorganisms that make up its main microflora. Excessive reproduction of some of these microorganisms leads to the onset of the disease. An integral part of the vaginal microflora are lactobacilli. Their main function is to protect the body from the development of pathogenic microbes in it. Under certain conditions, the number of lactobacilli can significantly decrease, which ultimately leads to the colonization of the vagina by third-party harmful microorganisms. It is their active activity that leads to inflammation.
The main causes of colpitis are:
- hormonal failure in the body;
- taking certain medications;
- the presence of other diseases of the reproductive system (uterine fibroids, endometriosis);
- decreased protective functions of the body;
- insufficient genital hygiene;
- damage to the vagina as a result of childbirth or rough sexual intercourse.
Most diseases of the female reproductive system have similar symptoms, so their accurate diagnosis is available only to a qualified specialist. You can notice the development of colpitis by the appearance of severe itching in the genital area, the appearance of nonspecific discharge and an unpleasant odor from the vagina, the occurrence of pain at the time of intercourse. You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms of the disease at home, but it is best to entrust the treatment of colpitis to a specialist.
Currently, there are three main types of colpitis:
- candida or yeast, caused by the multiplication of candida fungi in the vagina, which is the cause of thrush known to all women;
- atrophic, arising from a violation of the production of hormones by the ovaries;
- Trichomonas accompanying the development of trichomoniasis.
Today there are a lot of drugs for the treatment of candidal colpitis (Pimafucin, Diflucan, Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Terzhinan medicines), produced in the form of suppositories for topical use and tablets. Treatment of atrophic colpitis is primarily aimed at eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of the disease with topical preparations. The occurrence of this type of colpitis is associated with a decrease in the blood of a woman's sex hormone as a result of the onset of menopause. Trichomonas colpitis is treated mainly with antimicrobials (Furazolidone, Trichomonacid, Osarsol).
Pregnancy colpitis treatment
A frequent companion of pregnant women is thrush, or yeast colpitis. The development of the disease in this case is associated with a weakening of the immune system or a change in the hormonal background. Treatment of colpitis in women expecting a baby is very difficult, since the use of most drugs in their position is extremely undesirable. Attempts to independently get rid of the symptoms of the disease are all the more unacceptable. With thrush during pregnancy, a combination of local treatment in the form of vaginal douching with decoctions of herbs, the use of certain types of creams and suppositories with the use of such oral preparations as Pimafucin, Terzhinan, Nystatin is recommended. In the case of Trichomonas colpitis, the medication "Clotrimazole" is prescribed.
Treatment of colpitis with folk remedies
Many women try to get rid of unpleasant symptoms of the disease on their own, using traditional medicine. Many experts do not recommend this. Firstly, such treatment may not give a positive result. Secondly, some people's councils are simply dangerous for women's health. The treatment of colpitis using traditional medicine methods is best used as an adjunct to the main treatment of the disease. The most popular folk remedy for relieving the symptoms of the disease are decoctions of various herbs sold in the pharmacy: calendula, chamomile, celandine, yarrow, and nettle. Douching with therapeutic decoctions helps to relieve inflammation and eliminate itching in the intimate area. Before using any remedy, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.