Rich in various vitamins, minerals and other components useful for the body, salted cabbage is an excellent find for a table in the winter. It is suitable both as an independent snack, and as an ingredient for cooking, including many salads.
So, let's look at some delicious recipes for salting cabbage, which will appeal to many housewives.
Cooking features
There is a minimum list of features associated with the preparation of such an appetizer. The first of them is related to when it is best to carry out the salting process. Many popular beliefs say that the most delicious, crunchy and juicy vegetable is obtained if it is cooked on certain lunar days, which can be traced to a special calendar. 6 and 7 days are considered suitable, as well as all from 13 to 16.
The second secret relates to which containers are best used for the cooking process. Practice shows that for such a purpose it is necessary to select utensils made of natural wood or glass, for example a three-liter jar.
If we talk about the form of slicing, then it does not affect whether the cabbage will be crispy or not. However, studies show that the larger the chopped heads of cabbage, the more useful components are retained in their composition. As for vitamins and minerals, the structure of sauerkraut has everything you need in order to maintain the body's condition during the winter-spring period, when it is time for vitamin deficiency. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, as well as calcium, potassium and phosphorus.
In the process of preparing a vegetable in this way, it is not recommended to use iodized salt - it will make the product very soft and tasteless. As a rule, chefs recommend using ordinary rock salt, which is sold at any grocery store. Moreover, it must be added in the process of kneading the product - so it is better absorbed into it and will contribute to the allocation of the necessary juice.
And finally, a few words about choosing the right variety for salting. As the main product you can not choose one that is early ripe. For salting, only late cabbage is perfect, but not winter cabbage - when cooked, it will be very lethargic.
Fastest recipe
This recipe for quick salting cabbage provides for the use of the finished product in just a few days. Of course, many housewives like this opportunity, and they prefer this cooking technology. So, consider a recipe for a delicious salting cabbage for the winter.
To prepare an appetizer, you need to take cabbage exactly in the quantity that is needed for placement in one three-liter jar. Vegetable should be finely chopped and tamped in a pre-washed container.
Separately, you need to take 1.5 liters of purified cold water and dissolve a tablespoon of salt in it. After this, it is necessary to fill in the prepared brine with cabbage and, having covered the jar with a lid, leave the container in a warm place for a couple of days.
After this period, drain the brine from the can and pour half a glass of sugar into it. After this, the liquid must be stirred until the grains are completely dissolved, and then again pour into the cabbage. In this form, under the lid, the container must be left at room temperature for a day, and then put it in the refrigerator before use. Practice shows that salting cabbage according to the recipe proposed here in its entirety occurs after a couple of days.
Salting with carrots
The ideal combination of vegetables is cabbage with a small amount of carrots. In order to make pickling cabbage according to a homemade recipe that is distinguished by its simplicity, you need to take a large fork of cabbage, remove excess and damaged leaves from it, wash and chop finely with a knife or a special grater. After this, the vegetable must be folded into a large basin and thoroughly washed with your hands in such a way that juice begins to stand out from it. In the process, cabbage should be slightly salted. At the end of the preparation, pour a large spoonful of sugar into the bowl with the vegetable.
After these preparations, in cabbage, add one medium-sized carrot grated on a coarse grater, mix without kneading the mass, and then put everything tightly in a prepared jar. Above all, you must install oppression.
After 3-4 days, salting cabbage with a prescription will be completed.
With lingonberries and apples
Some recipes for salting cabbage for the winter offer to produce a vegetable cooking process by adding acidic ingredients to it, which may be green apples or, for example, lingonberries. So, consider the option of how to make a delicious cabbage in an enameled bucket with the addition of such simple ingredients.
To prepare snacks, you should take 10 kg of white-headed vegetable, pre-process it, and then finely chop. Now cabbage should be combined with table salt (about a glass, a quarter more can be). After thoroughly mixing and kneading with your hands, the ingredients must be allowed to infuse for an hour, and then put them in a large enameled bucket.
Then, add half a kilogram of grated peeled carrots to the cabbage, a couple of pinches of caraway seeds, and a glass of lingonberry, which, if desired, can be replaced with a kilogram of chopped apples. After the introduction of additional ingredients, the mass must be thoroughly mixed and covered with gauze, put oppression on top of it.
Now cabbage should be sent in a warm place to start the fermentation process. According to this recipe, cabbage will be salted for 15-20 days. During all this time, periodically it is necessary to open it and pierce the mass with a fork so that excess gas escapes.
With vinegar
In order to make a fairly quick pickling of cabbage for the winter, recipes of many cooks suggest using a pickle with vinegar. Practice shows that in this case, the process of preparing snacks takes only a couple of days, and the result will definitely please all households.
So, to prepare a vegetable in such a quick way, you need to take the forks of cabbage, remove everything unnecessary from it, and then finely chop with a knife. After this, add a small amount of grated carrots to the vegetable, as well as garlic cut into thin plates at the rate of one head per three-liter container.
After such preparations, it is necessary to prepare the brine. To do this, take a liter of water, add 2.5 tablespoons of salt, an incomplete glass of sugar, also half a glass of vegetable oil and vinegar. Now the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, pouring a lot of brine, carefully bring it to a state of uniformity.
Cooked cabbage should be tightly covered and sent to a cold place for infusion and pickling.
With juniper
Spicy and quite original is obtained cabbage, the salting recipe of which provides for the addition of juniper berries to the total mass. The output is a very spicy appetizer that will exude a pleasant aroma.
To prepare it in this way, you need to take 10 kg of white-headed vegetable, remove unnecessary elements from the forks, wash them thoroughly and chop without a cob. After that, pour a glass of salt into the cabbage and mix it thoroughly, squeezing a small amount of juice. When liquid is released, add a tablespoon of dried cumin to the ingredient, as well as half a glass of dried juniper berries. After mixing, the cabbage must be transferred to an enameled container, covered with gauze and put on the oppression. After 10 days, the snack will be ready. In order for it not to turn out soft, but to be juicy and crispy, every day it is necessary to release gases from the mass, piercing it with a fork.
With mountain ash
Rowan is another ingredient that is ideal for giving salted cabbage a special flavor. In order to prepare an original snack using simple technology, you should take 10 kg of vegetable, pre-process it and chop the forks, bypassing the stumps. After that, they should send a glass of salt and mix everything thoroughly, kneading the juice from the mass.
After the mass becomes juicy, you need to add spices to it. In their quality, you can use a spoonful of dried dill seeds or the same amount of caraway seeds. In addition, half a kilogram of washed and cut into small pieces of sour apples should be sent to the cabbage, from which the core must first be cut. To give cabbage a special taste, a simple salting recipe suggests putting a glass of red rowan berries in the mass. After thorough mixing, the ingredients must be transferred for further preparation into containers, which should be glass, enameled, ceramic or wooden.
On top of the components, it is necessary to lay a clean gauze, and then set the oppression. Keep cabbage in a cool place. After 15 days, the snack will be ready.
In Georgian
This delicious recipe for pickling cabbage for the winter will appeal to those who like to eat spicy and savory snacks. To prepare a vegetable using this method, it is necessary to take a loose head of medium-sized cabbage, cut off the top leaves from it, and then wash and chop it in small squares. Separately, one beet should be prepared, which must be peeled, washed and cut into thin slices, as well as chopped 100 g celery root and one small hot pepper.
After all preparations, the ingredients must be laid out in the dishes selected for the process of creating the snack. Components need to be layered. Cabbage must be placed at the very bottom of the container, beets, celery and pepper on top of it. Each tier of the dish should be sprinkled with crushed clove of garlic.
Separately, a solution should be made. This recipe for pickling cabbage in brine provides for its preparation on the basis of boiling water, to which salt and vinegar must be added to taste. After boiling, mix the mass and pour vegetables on it. Now the container with cabbage and other ingredients should be covered with gauze, put on top of it, and then left for a couple of days in a warm place. At the end of the allotted time, vegetables should be put in the refrigerator.
Culinary specialists do not recommend salting cabbage according to the very delicious recipe presented here, for the purpose of long-term storage. After cooking, the vegetable should be eaten for a month. Moreover, provided that the snack will be stored exclusively in a cold place.
"Festive" cabbage
How to cook a white-headed vegetable in an original way? The way out is to make salting cabbage for the winter. The recipe for a delicious cabbage provides for its preparation in combination with beets and garlic.
To create a spicy, fragrant and piquant snack, you should take 4 kilograms of white cabbage, remove the top leaves with a stalk from it, and then chop it in large pieces. After such preparations, put the vegetable in a bowl, the quality of which is an enameled bucket or basin. This should be done in thick layers, between which you need to put beets cut into bars (3-4 pieces), as well as chopped garlic (10 cloves).
Separately, you need to prepare a spicy pickle in which cabbage will be pickled. To do this, take a liter of water and put the pan with it on the fire. After the liquid boils, pour half a glass of apple cider vinegar into it, add the same amount of salt, as well as 4 bay leaves and 10 peppercorns. After preparing the brine, pour it into a pan with vegetables, close the lid and cool. After cooling, the mass must be sent to the refrigerator or to the basement.
It will take about 4-5 days to prepare the snack.
With honey and lemon
A very original way of cooking salted cabbage is with honey and lemon. The resulting appetizer has a spicy and sour aroma, and its taste is simply amazing.
To prepare cabbage in this way, you need to take a large head of vegetable, cut off damaged and coarse leaves from it, and then wash and chop with a very fine straw. After that, you need to add medium lemon to the cabbage, cut into small pieces. Peel must first be removed from citrus. Now you need to squeeze out the vegetables, squeezing a little juice out of them. At the end of this procedure, you need to put in a cabbage with lemon large carrots, which must first be grated.
Separately, you need to make a pickle for a snack. To do this, boil one and a half liters of purified water on the stove, add a couple of tablespoons of honey to it and twice as much salt. After mixing, the pan should be removed from the heat and the resulting liquid should be poured over the vegetables.
Now you need to cover the cabbage with clean gauze, put the oppression on top, and then leave it in a cool place for several days.