Famous Argentine actress Cecilia Roth. Biography and filmography

Cecilia Roth, also known as Cecilia Rotemberg, is a popular Spanish and Argentine actress. Her career began with episodic roles in various television shows, but thanks to her talent, Cecilia achieved popularity and recognition. Today she is actively acting in films produced not only in Argentina, but also in Spain and Mexico. More than once, the actress won prestigious awards for best female roles. She is in great demand in the modern film industry, and at the Venice Film Festival in 2001, Cecilia Roth was even a member of the jury.

Early biography of the actress

Cecilia was born in Buenos Aires on August 8, 1956. Her father is Abrash Rotenberg, a Jew of Ukrainian descent. He is a talented journalist, editor, author of a number of historical and journalistic books and Jewish folklore. It so happened that A. Rotenberg emigrated to Argentina in the 30s of the last century. There he met Dina, the mother of the actress, a Chilean singer performing Jewish songs. The couple had two children: a girl Cecilia and a boy Ariel. The brother of the actress also became a famous person, he is a popular rock musician who played in groups such as Los Rodríguez and Tequila. The future actress spent her childhood and youth in Argentina. There, her first auditions in the acting direction began.

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The beginning of a film career

Cecilia Roth, her biography testifies to this, from childhood dreamed of an actress career, fortunately, fate contributed to this. Initially, the girl took part in various television shows, where she got only episodic roles. But very soon Cecilia was noticed, and she received invitations to several large Argentine projects. But after such a successful start in her acting career, the girl still has to leave Argentina. This was due to the fact that her father was persecuted by the armed detachments of Monteros. Abrash Rotenberg in 1976 left Argentina with his children and moved to Spain. Cecilia Roth did not say goodbye to her dream of acting in films, but continued to work hard in this direction.

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The collaboration of the actress with Pedro Almodovar, the great Spanish director

One of the first films in which Cecilia Roth appeared in Spain was a picture of Ivan Sulueta entitled "Flash." She was released in 1979 and very soon became a cult. Widespread fame for the actress came after a collaboration with Pedro Almodovar. She was lucky enough to meet this great filmmaker, after which they collaborated fruitfully for a long time. At first, the girl had episodic roles in his paintings, but then, as Pedro himself said, "she has grown to the main." The talented actress became one of the muses of the cult director, because she starred in six of his paintings.

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Viewers saw Cecilia Roth in Almodovar's first film, entitled “Pepi, Lucy, Bom and the rest of the girls.” This was followed by the eccentric comedy "Labyrinth of Passions", where the actress played one of the supporting roles, and his black comedy "Indiscreet Charm of Vice." Despite the fact that in 1995 Cecilia Roth returned to Argentina and began to participate in other projects, she did not lose touch with the talented director. As a result, the audience in 1999 saw another of their joint and most successful projects. The painting, entitled "All About My Mother," where Cecilia plays a major role, has received tremendous recognition from both viewers and film critics. This film has won more than forty prestigious awards, including Oscar, Czech Lion, Golden Globe, Goya. In 2012, Pedro Almodovar invites the actress to star in a film called "I am very excited", and in the spring of next year this picture is released.

Cecilia Roth. Filmography

The actress received the greatest recognition for the film "All About My Mother", and she worked most fruitfully with Almodovar. But besides this, Cecilia Roth actively starred in other Spanish, Argentinean and Mexican directors. She can be seen in the films of Daniel Boorman, Marcelo Pinheiro, Alejandro Agresti, Aristaraine and others. The filmography of the actress is quite impressive, all of her film works will not be listed. But some paintings, except for those mentioned above, should still be called. The most famous were such paintings with the heroine of our article: “Second Skin”, “Night of Love”, “Private Life”, “Kamchatka”, “Talk to Her”, TV shows “Women Killers”, “Epitaphs”, “The Chosen One” , "Treat me well" and other interesting film works.

Awards and prizes of the famous actress

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Today, one of the most popular Spanish-speaking actresses is Cecilia Roth. Films where she was shot are warmly received by the audience, and critics highly appreciate. For this, the actress several times won prestigious awards. In 1998 and 2000 she received the Goya Award as the leading female actor. In 1999 she was awarded the prize of the European Film Academy. Cecilia Roth also became the "Best Actress of Spain", this state rank she was officially awarded in 1997. She was also one of the members of the jury of the Venice Festival in 2001.

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