Cough pepper patch: instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Respiratory viral and bacterial ailments are treated in many ways. The pepper patch helps with coughing, which eliminates the symptoms of the disease and has an excellent effect on the protective functions of the body. The product has a cotton base, saturated with useful components. The medicine is convenient to use. Read more about the patch in the article.

Active components

Cough pepper patch is created on the basis of natural substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. The composition may be different depending on the manufacturer. But usually the product is made from:

  • chilli peppers;
  • belladonna extract;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • extracts from arnica;
  • belladonna extract;
  • rosin.

pepper cough patch

Does a cough pepper patch help? These substances have a positive effect on the respiratory system. With them, it will be possible to get rid of a dry cough, since blood circulation is restored, muscle pain is eliminated, sputum is diluted and sputum is removed.

Is it possible to glue a pepper patch for cough treatment? This tool will eliminate inflammation and strengthen the immune system. If you place it on special biological active points, you can cure a runny nose.


Pepper plaster is used in the treatment of certain diseases:

  1. ARI and ARVI.
  2. Bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis.
  3. Whooping cough.
  4. Pneumonia.

pepper cough patch where to glue

An effective treatment will be with warm milk, which is consumed with honey, soda, butter and cocoa butter, and internal fat.


For treatment, 2-3 procedures are sufficient, but if no improvement is found during this time, you should consult a doctor. The composition has active components, therefore, before using the product, contraindications must be taken into account. The patch should not be used with:

  1. High temperature.
  2. Children under 6 years old.
  3. Vegetovascular lesions and varicose veins.
  4. Skin ailments.
  5. Pigmentation and moles.

If during treatment there are discomfort, then you need to remove the patch, treat the affected area with Vaseline. Do not use the tool for remission.

Application rules

Many do not know where to glue pepper patch when coughing? There are several ways to use the remedies. All of them are necessary to combat spasm of the respiratory system and eliminate sputum. The pepper patch instruction will help you do this:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the skin. In order for the product to be properly fixed, it is necessary to degrease the place of its application. For this, alcohol-containing tinctures, cologne or medical alcohol are used. Then the skin must be wiped.
  2. The patch is glued. To do this correctly, you must remove the lower protective layer and attach the sticky side to the body. With one finger, the patch should be pressed to the skin, and the second should peel off the film.
  3. The product must be worn for a while. The active substances of the adhesive patch last 2-3 days. It must be removed after this time. If it has come unstuck earlier, you should replace it with a new one.
  4. The skin must be treated with an alcohol-containing solution and a fat cream. If there is a slight redness, there is no need to panic: irritation will be eliminated within a day.

pepper patch instruction

This simple instruction of a pepper patch will allow you to use the remedy correctly. Compliance with such rules for a cough disease will be effective.

Bonding points

The use of pepper patch is classic and unconventional. The tool was created as a warming compress for prolonged exposure, but experts have suggested another of its use. The duration of exposure to the pads and treatment are always the same. Where else to glue a cough pepper patch? It is used for the following places:

  1. Chest, back. You can apply pepper patch with a strong cough, like mustard plasters. It must be placed on the chest and back according to the instructions, after which positive changes can be expected.
  2. Active points on the back. Dr. Popov advises fixing the patch only on the active points of the back, responsible for the cough reflex. They, in his opinion, are located on both sides of the spine at the site of the shoulder blades or below. For each person, the area of ​​the patch should be selected individually, using the method of palpation, with palpation, pain is felt in these areas with the disease.
  3. Points on the feet. There are also points on the legs responsible for the respiratory system. To enhance the effectiveness of the patch should stick it on the feet.
  4. Phalanges of the ring fingers. Eliminate the cough will allow the patch, which is glued to the middle phalanx of the fourth finger. And with a cold, you need to place the product on the upper phalanx. There are biologically active points responsible for the normal functioning of the respiratory system.

Is it possible to glue a pepper patch when coughing

If you want to cure a cold in a couple of days, a pepper patch will not work. The tool is necessary for long-term use. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, it all depends on the severity and neglect of the disease. But the effect of therapy is worth it, since it will be possible to recover from chronic bronchitis and chronic diseases of the respiratory system.


Although only natural ingredients are found in the pepper cough patch, it can not always be used. Before using this tool, you should consult your doctor. During treatment, it is important to observe the following safety measures:

  1. Use caution with a patch for children 7-14 years old. The body can respond differently to the remedy, in addition, the skin of babies is sensitive.
  2. Pregnant women should stop treatment if there is discomfort in the lower abdomen. During lactation, do not use the product if the child is allergic.
  3. Cough pepper patch should not be used at high temperature because it has a warming effect. The tool is used in treatment only after eliminating the heat.
  4. You should not be treated with a plaster if there are injuries, wounds, abrasions, scratches on the skin. Peppers can irritate painful areas.
  5. The drug is not used for hyperpigmentation or the presence of moles.
  6. In case of intolerance to the components of the drug, another treatment method should be used.
  7. Use of the drug should be stopped with the appearance of itching, burning. The appearance of a runny nose, tearing, shortness of breath, burning eyes is likely.

Does Cough Pepper Help

Thus, pepper patch is considered an effective method of treating cough. It has a natural base, and sputum is excreted much faster. If there are no contraindications, then it will be possible to recover from the cough promptly.

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