Beijing cabbage is a new vegetable in Russia, but it has become popular for salads. Especially in winter, when a lack of vitamins is felt acutely. But you need to know how to cut Beijing cabbage properly? This is described in the article.
Peking cabbage still has the name petsai. It is low-calorie - 15 kcal per 100 g, which is almost 2 times less compared to the white-headed type of vegetable. The Chinese version of the product is rich in vitamins, ascorbic acid, fiber, and minerals.
This cabbage variety is gentle and quick to prepare, therefore, boil, stew and fry it should be a couple of minutes. This ensures the preservation of vitamin C, which is destroyed at 60 degrees. That is why the product has become so popular. But to make the dishes beautiful, you should know how to cut Beijing cabbage.
Thin straw chopper
The shredder is a fast and versatile method of slicing a product. This method allows you to get straws of the desired thickness. Thin or medium chopped vegetable can be added to the salad. And with a thick cut, it is better to add it to the soup and other hot dishes.
How to cut Beijing cabbage into thin strips? This procedure is performed according to the following instructions:
- Vegetable should be cut along the axis into 2 parts.
- One half should be put on a cut. The product must be held by hand. The shredder should be cut across thin straws. To make it long, you need to cut it at an angle.
If the work is done carefully, it turns out a beautiful, neat straw. It is ideal for different types of salad.
Large shredder
How to cut Beijing cabbage? A photo of this process allows you to understand the basic principles of this work:
- The vegetable must be washed, laid on the board, cut off the top with the sagging sheets, and then cut lengthwise into 2 parts.
- Then you should cut each half along, in the center, into 2 equal parts.
- Shred it is necessary across large strips.
Such a product is ideal for heat treatment, for example, for cooking borsch.
For Caesar
Caesar salad is made from lettuce, but with Chinese cabbage, the snack will be tastier, as petsai has juicy pulp. How to cut Beijing cabbage for Caesar salad? To make the dish original, you need to use the following method:
- Washed, dried, peeled from spoiled leaves vegetables should be laid on a cutting board. The knife should be sharpened with a medium wide and long blade.
- Then the forks must be disassembled into sheets, rinse them, shake off water and you can cut.
- At an angle, you need to cut off the thick part from all sheets, leave only greens.
- Each green piece needs to be cut into 2-4 parts, it all depends on the size of the leaf and the desired cut.
Using a Vegetable Cutter
To grind a vegetable quickly and thinly allow electric kitchen gadgets:
- Blender
- Meat grinder with a special nozzle.
- Food processor.
Work with such devices is carried out as follows:
- Vegetable should be cut into small pieces for easy access to the loading hole.
- It is necessary to assemble the appliance, install a nozzle with a shredder of a suitable size.
- It is necessary to turn on the equipment, alternately insert the cabbage into the loading window and press it with the pusher to the rotating shredder.
These are the main ways to properly chop Chinese cabbage. For all dishes, their own methods are used. Keep in mind that the product is preparing quickly, so you need to add it at the end of cooking.