Sergey Pinchuk: biography, films

Theater and film actor Sergey Pinchuk is known to the viewer for many works. The biography of the actor and the creative path will be discussed in this article.


Sergey Pinchuk was born in 1971 in the city of Vladivostok. Father is an actor, mother is the head of the literary department in the theater. At a young age, he never dreamed of devoting his life to the theater. In childhood, traveled a lot around the country. He got the first role, while studying in the first class, in the performance of the Gorky Drama Theater. Played a boy kidnapped by Baba Yaga. After graduating from school, he was drafted into the army. Then he worked as a scene assembler. His acquaintances always told him that he had a vocation to be an actor. That is what prompted him to graduate from the Yaroslavl State Theater Institute with honors.

Sergey Pinchuk actor

Sergey Pinchuk loves to read books, despite the fact that he has little time left for this. Of domestic works, he prefers Chekhov and Tolstov. Of modern highlights Boris Akunin.

He does not consider working on the radio significant in his life; rather, it is a hobby. Sometimes he is invited to voice commercials and program announcements. He does this not only for Moscow, but also for other regions. In addition to Russia, the radio station broadcasts in Spain, the Baltic States, the United Arab Emirates.

Sergey considers himself a free artist. He does not play constantly in one theater. Cinema, as he said in an interview, requires constant participation, "living" roles. On the stage, all qualities are needed immediately: technology, skill, energy.

Sergey Pinchuk believes that he did not have difficult roles. It’s custom for professional actors not to remember bad work.

Sergey got a great impression on the set of the film "Siberian Barber" from the scenery. They took place in the Czech Republic near Prague. Everything was built very realistic and beautiful.

Sergey Pinchuk biography

The film "Siberian Barber"

He made his debut in the professional career of an actor. Sergei Pinchuk, having remained in Moscow by the agreement of a friend, did not regret his decision. At first he worked on the radio, voicing various advertisements. Hearing that Nikita Mikhalkov is looking for young actors, without hesitation went to the casting. In the film, he starred with Julia Ormond. On the project "Siberian Barber" Sergey met Oleg Menshikov, who gave him the role of Skalozub in his performance. The actor believes that this work was a success, despite the fact that it was a debut on the Moscow stage.

The film "Citizen Chief"

The second work of the actor, released on screens in 2001. Many viewers liked the film "Citizen Chief", where Sergey Pinchuk starred. The actor played the role of Jack. The bandit appeared in only one series, but was remembered by the audience.

The film takes place in a regional large city. All series carry a criminal intrigue. The plot tells about the investigator’s struggle with a powerful criminal structure that considers itself the main one in this city.

Sergey pinchuk

The film "Forest Princess"

In this work in 2005, Sergey Pinchuk received the secondary role of Fedor. The film "Forest Princess" was created based on a fairy tale. Fedor was the brother of Ivan Tsarevich, who fell in love with Marya. Throughout the film, they fight for their happiness. As a result, good conquers evil, and lovers stay together.

The series "Lord. Dog-policeman"

In 2012, Sergey Pinchuk receives one of the main roles. He plays Stepan in the series Lord. Dog-Police. The plot is criminal. Describes the fate of a service dog named Lord. He in each series helps the protagonists solve intricate crimes.

The series "Concerned, or Love of Evil"

It was released in 2015. Sergey played a minor role in it. The plot tells the story of a girl Sasha, who leaves for Moscow to radically change her life. This youth series combines lyrics and comedy. The director was Boris Khlebnikov.

Sergey Pinchuk, whose biography is very interesting, considers himself a good person and an original artist. He enjoys his success, but does not make global plans for life in advance.

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