Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies: effective methods and reviews

Everyone probably heard about the nail fungus (onychomycosis), because every day we have to see posters and commercials about miraculous remedies that promise to get rid of unpleasant manifestations in just a few days. If you believe that only those few people who do not monitor their hygiene appear to be fungus, then you are mistaken.

In fact, about 20% of the world's population suffers from a disease such as mycosis (in any of its manifestations). Moreover, children, men and women of absolutely different ages are equally affected by this ailment. However, one should not rejoice very much in recovery - in 90% of cases, people who have already had mycosis are subject to relapse.

What causes mycosis

The cause of the appearance of the fungus is pathogenic microorganisms. They can get on human skin when using someone else's shoes, towels, and other hygiene items. In other words, getting infected with onychomycosis and other types of mycosis is quite simple, but it will take much more time to fight it.

Effective folk remedy for the treatment of nail fungus reviews

Arising manifestations in the form of severe itching, burning, exfoliating nail plates, which causes a person not only numerous unpleasant sensations, but also constraint. Take even the unaesthetic look of nails and toes - with such a pedicure you can hardly wear open shoes or go to the pool or the beach.

Fortunately, there are a huge number of various folk remedies for treating nail fungus that will eliminate unpleasant symptoms and will not cause side effects.

Features of home therapy

If a person decides to use folk recipes, then he should know several features:

  • When using any of a wide range of various folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus on the feet or hands, one should not expect a momentary effect. Iodine, beekeeping products, vinegar and other medicines do not have numerous side effects, but they fight the disease quite slowly.
  • Regularity must be present. Rare procedures will not give any effect, so baths, masks, lotions should be used every day or every other day. In addition, they can be successfully combined with each other.

Propolis treatment

This beekeeping product has long been famous for its medicinal properties. It will be useful in various diseases, and the fungus of toenails is no exception - a folk remedy in this case is quite effective. The principle of propolis is based on a powerful antiseptic and antiviral effect that allows you to cope with pathogenic microorganisms. The use of tinctures, ointments, lotions based on propolis is effective at all stages of the development of the disease. Regular use of them eliminates even old forms of onychomycosis. To prepare such a folk remedy for the treatment of nail fungus at home is quite easy.

Treatment of nail fungus with propolis
  • Propolis tincture is a simple and at the same time quite effective medicine. To make it, you will need only 2 ingredients: a spoon of propolis and about 0.5 liters of alcohol (it can be replaced with ordinary vodka). The crushed propolis is placed in a container (an ordinary jar will do for this purpose), poured with alcohol and sent to a place where direct sunlight does not penetrate at all. The container is kept tightly closed. Every day, the tincture is shaken vigorously, which helps propolis to dissolve more thoroughly. After the prepared tincture stands in a dark place for 2 weeks, it is removed and filtered. If you believe the reviews, the resulting liquid is one of the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of skin and nail fungus.
  • Putting cotton pads. In this case, the cotton pad is abundantly moistened in propolis tincture and applied to damaged nails. After drying, the disc is replaced.
  • Cooking baths. In hot water (it will take 3 liters), dissolve several tablespoons of propolis tincture. Take such a bath for hands or feet should be at least 15 minutes. After this, the steamed nails are cleaned of the stratum corneum.

Garlic - a folk remedy for the treatment of nail fungus

Such a product as garlic will probably be found in every kitchen, and it will help to quickly and effectively cope with the onychomycosis. The peculiarity of garlic consists precisely in the fact that it has a pronounced persistent antibacterial effect, accelerates the healing of damaged tissues, and increases the body's defenses. There are several ways to use this natural folk remedy for the treatment of fungus on the hands.

Garlic from nail fungus
  • Compress of fresh chopped garlic (gruel). Fresh cloves of garlic are passed through a press and a little soapy solution is added to it. It is necessary to apply such a tool on clean steamed legs (on the area of ​​nails). A cellophane film is used on top of the compress. The procedure takes about 15 minutes. Repeat regularly every other day for 1 month.
  • Garlic juice. Chopped garlic in a blender is squeezed through several layers of gauze or bandage. The juice that was obtained in the process is used to rub into the affected area. It is most convenient to do this with a cotton swab. Do not rinse until this fluid has completely dried. Repeat the procedure several times a day until the symptoms are completely eliminated.

Iodine use

Iodine is often used to combat many diseases, so it can be safely called a common folk remedy. When treating nail fungus with iodine, a double effect is achieved: disinfection and cauterization. In addition, iodine can safely be called penny, and this is a pretty important characteristic today.

  • Iodine baths. A little iodine is added to the basin with enough hot water and the legs (or hands) affected by the fungus are lowered there. This procedure should last approximately 15-20 minutes. Exfoliated areas are removed from the heated nails and the skin is lubricated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. As a fastening stage, a gauze dressing with an antifungal ointment is applied. Repeat three times.
Treatment of nail fungus with ointments
  • Oil with iodine. For 20 grams of vegetable oil (olive is best suited for this purpose), take 3 drops of iodine, mix the ingredients thoroughly and carefully apply on the nails. After about 15 minutes, the active substances absorb well into the skin, and excess oil should be removed with a cotton pad or cloth. It is advisable to do this immediately before bedtime. Legs or hands after such a mask do not need to be washed. It is enough to put on soft socks on the legs. Completely wash off the product in the morning. It should be noted: iodine oil goes well with other folk remedies for the treatment of fungus. In this case, the nails on the hands and feet will recover somewhat sooner. At least that's what people who have tested this method claim.

Potassium permanganate will help with onychomycosis

Potassium permanganate, popularly called potassium permanganate, should be noted among antimicrobials. According to healers, the regular use of this tool helps to eliminate the infection and more quickly restore damaged skin, as well as nail plates. How to use potassium permanganate as an effective folk remedy for the treatment of fungus? Hands and feet with nails affected by mycosis should be carefully steamed. To do this, a small amount of permanganate is added to hot water and the crystals are thoroughly dissolved.

Important! During the preparation of the bath, you need to make sure that the solution does not turn out to be too strong (it should be light pink). Otherwise, skin burns may occur.

Steaming your legs (or hands) is best before going to bed for about a quarter of an hour. This procedure is well combined with other types of treatment using iodine, garlic and other medicinal products. Repeat taking baths 2-4 times a week until symptoms are completely eliminated.

Vinegar treatment

Another popular folk remedy for treating nail fungus is vinegar. You heard right! This product, which is widely used in cooking, copes with mycosis no worse than special medicines. This is explained by the fact that vinegar contains acids that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Important! If there are wounds on the skin (cracks, scratches), then vinegar treatment should be abandoned for a while. It is also necessary to stop the exposure if after applying the product there is a strong burning sensation, redness (slight tingling is allowed).

  • Foot baths. This is a fairly effective method of therapy, however, it requires large volumes of vinegar - for this, 0.5 l of the product will be required. It is heated a little and poured into a basin; keeping legs or hands in vinegar should be about 15 minutes. You do not need to rinse it off, just wait until the moisture is well absorbed.
Treating nail fungus with vinegar
  • Apple cider vinegar is a folk remedy for the treatment of nail fungus, known for many decades. To make a medical mask, apple cider vinegar and iodine are mixed in equal proportions. Affected nails with mycosis are lubricated with this fluid twice a day (this is best done in the morning and evening). Repeat until all symptoms are gone.
  • Vinegar + egg. Such a mixture is not without reason listed in the list of the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of fungus. Toenails, according to many patients, quickly regain their healthy appearance. To get such a medicinal mask, you need to stock up with vinegar essence (the one that has a concentration of 70%) and ordinary vodka. These ingredients need 2 tbsp. l There they add 1 raw egg. After preparation, the product is stored only in the cold, applied at bedtime to the nails and the skin adjacent to them. For a better effect, put on cling film or a plastic bag.

Celandine juice

The celandine plant is well known among the people as an effective cure for many skin diseases. The peculiarity of this perennial herb is the toxicity of the juice, it is this property that is used to destroy mycosis. According to the healers, with a nail fungus, this folk remedy can eliminate even a neglected disease, the main thing is the correct and regular use.

  • Tincture of celandine. To prepare the medicine, you need only vodka and celandine (a freshly cut washed and ground plant). In this case, you must observe the proportions: for 2 parts of vodka, 1 part of celandine. The resulting mixture is infused for 12 days, after which it is well filtered and used daily to lubricate the affected areas. First, a small dose (5 drops) is used and gradually increased to 20.
  • Compress. You can use compresses from celandine even in the treatment of advanced forms of nail fungus. A folk remedy, judging by the reviews, allows you to soften the nail plate somewhat, after which it will be easier to remove the deposits. To do this, you can apply a cotton pad soaked in tincture to the nail, fix with a plaster and leave for a day. By evening, the nail will become so soft that it can be easily grinded and all excess layers removed. After a warm foot bath, you can already apply a healing cream or ointment.
Treatment of neglected nail fungus

Coffee as a medical product

Surely in the kitchen cabinet in many families there is aromatic ground coffee. I must say that such a drink is not only very tasty, but also very healthy. In particular, it is considered a fairly effective folk remedy for the treatment of nail fungus. The methods of exposure may vary - use baths, compresses, masks on the affected area.

Tray for legs and arms. You can use coffee as follows: brew coffee to make 1 liter of a fairly strong drink. Warm liquid is poured into the basin, legs or hands are lowered there so that the coffee completely covers the fingers. In this state, you need to be 15-20 minutes. After taking water procedures, the skin is wiped dry and antimycotic ointments and gels are applied to the nails. Repeat this procedure every day (or every other day).

If you believe the reviews of those who already use this method of therapy, then after 1-1.5 weeks the skin becomes softer, the itching and unpleasant odor, which is a symptom of the disease, disappear. In addition, the nail plates cease to break much.

Use of hydrogen peroxide

Do you have a running nail fungus? Treatment with folk remedies based on peroxide is what you need. The principle of its action is reduced to a cleansing property and the destruction of pathogens. Moreover, many doctors agree that it is hydrogen peroxide that can prevent the attachment of other infections.

  • The method of therapy according to Neumyvakin (lotions). This requires a small piece of cotton the size of a fingernail and a 3% peroxide solution. Cotton wool (you can also replace it with a bandage folded 2 or 3 times) is moistened with peroxide and applied to the affected or nail. To fix the lotion, use a plaster. Skin exposure should be 30 or 40 minutes. After this, the lotion is removed, and the nail is cleaned of burrs, peeling of the nail plate. This folk remedy is effective in the treatment of nail fungus. According to reviews, you can understand: daily use of peroxide gives good results even with severe damage. After 2-3 weeks, the nail plates begin to lighten, fragility decreases after a month, and after 2-2.5 months there is no trace of onychomycosis.
Nail care
  • Baths. In the list of the most effective folk remedies for nail fungus is treatment using hot baths, in which peroxide is added. For every 2 liters of hot water, add 100 ml of peroxide (concentration of 3%). Legs are lowered into the pelvis, while water should be enough to cover the fingers. You can continue this procedure from 15 to 25 minutes. After this, the feet are wiped, they eliminate rough skin, burrs and exfoliations from the nail plates. Repeat every other day.

The complete absence of contraindications is the main advantage of using all folk remedies. The nail fungus at home is pretty quickly eliminated with all the unpleasant manifestations. Another feature that is simply impossible not to mention is wide availability and low price.

As it becomes clear from the foregoing, to cope with mycosis will help not only the vaunted pharmacy drugs, but also many of those products that are present in every home. At the same time, doctors advise combining home prescriptions with medicinal ointments and creams. This approach will significantly accelerate the relief of symptoms and eliminate the visible manifestations of mycosis. This statement is repeatedly confirmed by reviews. Folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus, combined with drugs, will provide a visible effect after 2-3 weeks. However, after recovery, you should not finish therapy - to consolidate the result, it will take about another week.

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