Cones on the legs, why they appear and how to get rid of them

On the globe, a lot of people suffer from the fact that they have deformities, called bones or bumps, on their one or both legs, in the thumb area. A lot of recipes are offered for their treatment, but before you start using them in practice, it is worthwhile to find out what it is - the bumps on the legs, where they come from.

First of all, I want to note that this is not just a cosmetic defect, but still a disease. Not even one. Hateful cones can be the result of gout, osteoarthritis and hallux valgus deformities of the thumb joints. Of course, each of these diseases has its own causes and treatment methods, although outwardly they appear with the same ugly bones.

The bumps on the legs caused by gout are nothing more than a complex disease based on metabolic disorders in the body. In patients, uric acid is not excreted by the kidneys, but accumulates in the blood and is deposited in the joints. In addition to the sesamoid bone and metatarsophalangeal joints, it can be deposited anywhere, even in some human organs. Naturally, you can’t help with any lotions, you need drugs to reduce uric acid levels. Various ointments and tinctures, as well as ordinary iodine, only help relieve inflammation and pain caused by gout.

There are many causes of gout, including frequent drinking of large quantities of alcohol, an unhealthy lifestyle, an unbalanced diet, psychological disorders and heredity. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely restore the metabolism and thereby end permanently with gout. But you can control its manifestation, adhering to a proper diet, eliminating the consumption of salty foods, smoked meats, hot spices and alcohol. During periods of exacerbation, it is recommended to use baths of sea salt, decoctions of chamomile, nettle, sage, and calendula. After the bath, wipe the legs, and apply an ointment with an analgesic to the sore spot.

You can apply gruel from raw potatoes or ordinary potato starch mixed with sunflower oil. Also, traditional medicine advises taking decoctions of nettle and lingonberry leaves to remove salts from the body. The rice diet also gives excellent results, during which every morning for breakfast you need to eat boiled rice without salt, sugar, butter or any other ingredients. If a sufficient amount of salts has been deposited in the joint, and the deformation is already significant, shock-wave therapy is used that destroys and removes salts, followed by mud treatment.

Lumps on the legs caused by valgus deformity of the joint are usually associated with congenital flat feet, congenital deformities, and the frequent wearing of tight or narrow shoes and high-heeled shoes. In this case, the toe turns inside, and the joint begins to protrude, forming a bump. In contact with shoes, especially stiff ones, pain appears in a bent joint, it becomes inflamed. If measures are not taken in time, the thumb may bend so much that it will rest on neighboring fingers. The joint can shift so much that even surgical intervention does not return the foot to its normal appearance, and a person has an easy gait.

How to remove bumps on the legs in such cases? There are many tips and recipes. Perhaps if the disease is in the initial stage, and the lump is small, applying animal and bird wax, beeswax, propolis to the affected area of ​​the bile, combined with the constant use of corrective bandage (even in shoes) and the use of wide soft shoes will give certain results. If the deformation of the joints is already significant, all tinctures and lotions can only help relieve inflammation. Effective treatment is carried out only surgically, and in some cases, surgeons insert knitting needles into the joints of bent fingers, and neighboring fingers are held in position by special screws. This operation is very difficult. To prevent this, you need to contact orthopedists at the initial stage of the disease.

In some cases, joint deformation develops into osteoarthrosis. In this case, deformations occur not only in the joints, but also in bone tissue. This disease often occurs in obese people and in the elderly, although it can occur at a fairly young age. It is caused by a lack of microelements in the body, acquired or congenital diseases of bones and joints, regular hypothermia, joint injuries, operations on them, toxins.

It is necessary to treat such bumps on the legs under the supervision of a doctor. Medical methods, laser therapy, mud therapy, oxygen therapy and others are used. From traditional medicine, you can take recipes that relieve pain, swelling, redness around the bump. If the doctor suggests surgery to remove it, there is no need to refuse. The operation in most cases does not boil down to simple cutting off the bone. In addition, the surgeon puts the joints in place, fixes them in the right position, aligns the deformed foot.

In any case, if you have bumps on your legs, treatment should only begin after consulting with an orthopedic surgeon and determining the cause of their occurrence. A general recommendation is to wear comfortable shoes, proper nutrition and daily routines. You can not abuse alcohol, it is necessary to avoid various injuries of the feet and legs.

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