Gastrointestinal diseases are a common problem. Improper nutrition, skipping meals and poor ecology negatively affect his work. All these causes cause not only gastritis, but also other, no less dangerous diseases. Catarrhal duodenitis has become very widespread in recent years. What it is? What causes it to appear? What are the symptoms that can identify a disease and how to cure it? We will answer these questions in this article.
Catarrhal duodenitis: what is it?
By one name of the disease, it is difficult to determine which part of the gastrointestinal tract it affects. In fact, in medicine, the so-called inflammatory lesion of the duodenum, which is in acute form. This body is necessary for us to digest food. When it gets there, it is processed by juices coming from the pancreas. The duodenum is also responsible for the production of hormones, so its inflammation greatly affects the patient's well-being. And although the catarrhal form is considered acute, with timely treatment it is easy to cure. In this case, only the upper layer of the mucosa becomes inflamed. Sometimes this disease is also called superficial duodenitis.
The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the most common cause of the development of this pathology. It can develop at any age and is often found even in young children.
Types of disease
Catarrhal duodenitis affects only the superficial layer of the duodenal mucosa. But it is also conditionally divided into several types. Pathology, which proceeds without a pronounced worsening of the patient's condition, is called asymptomatic. As a rule, the patient is unaware of its presence and it is possible to diagnose it only during the examination by a doctor. This species is especially common in young children who may suffer from duodenitis for several years and not know about it.
Catarrhal duodenitis into chronic can develop only in the absence of timely treatment. Therefore, with the first symptoms of the disease, you should seek help from a doctor.
Depending on the symptoms, duodenitis is usually divided into the following types:
- Neuro-vegetative. The patient suffers not only from the typical symptoms of the disease, but also from headaches, dizziness, severe weakness and anxiety.
- Gastro-like.
- Cholecystitis.
- Ulcerative.
- Mixed. With exacerbation, many different symptoms appear that are uncharacteristic of duodenitis. This complicates the diagnosis of the disease.
There is another classification. The type of disease in this case depends on the degree of inflammation. Focal catarrhal duodenitis is diagnosed if inflammation has affected individual areas, and not the entire mucosa. If it has erosion, then it is called erosive. Flagmethous duodenitis is diagnosed if there is pus on the mucosa.
Causes of the disease
This is a fairly common pathology, which is diagnosed in both adults and children. There are many causes of catarrhal duodenitis, but the Helicobacter pylori bacterium often provokes its appearance. It accumulates on the walls of the mucosa and irritates it, causing inflammation. In addition, because of it, the patient usually suffers not only from duodenitis, but also from other concomitant diseases: gastritis, cholecystitis, reflux esophagitis and others.
Typically, these bacteria enter the body due to inadequate hygiene. The following causes increase the risk of duodenitis:
- Improper nutrition. Continuous consumption of fatty, spicy and fried foods increases the risk of inflammation. Starvation and overeating are also harmful. The abuse of strong tea or coffee on an empty stomach can also cause duodenitis.
- Constant stress and nervous breakdowns, as well as lack of sleep and overwork.
- Long-term use of certain medications, including painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Poor ecology or work in unfavorable places can contribute to a decrease in immunity, which will lead to the active reproduction of bacteria and the development of inflammation.
- The abuse of alcohol and cigarettes.
- Not completely cured or neglected gastritis.
The main symptoms of duodenitis
The disease has no specific signs, so it is easy to confuse it with other gastrointestinal pathologies. Only a doctor can diagnose its presence, he must also prescribe treatment. Symptoms of catarrhal duodenitis can also have varying degrees of severity. Some patients do not notice a strong deterioration in health. Others, on the contrary, need urgent treatment.
Duodenitis can be recognized by the following symptoms:
- Severe pain in the epigastric region. It can intensify after about 2 hours after eating fatty, fried or spicy foods.
- Nausea and excessive salivation, which can develop into vomiting. After it, the patient usually feels better.
- Heartburn and an unpleasant bitter aftertaste in the mouth, which appears 2-3 hours after eating.
- Constant bloating and stool disorders. Typically, a patient with advanced duodenitis suffers from alternating constipation and diarrhea.
- Lack of appetite, which leads to weight loss in the absence of treatment.
- General deterioration of health. Due to inflammation of the mucosa, food cannot be absorbed properly. Therefore, patients also suffer from headaches, general weakness. They become irritable and get tired quickly.
How to diagnose duodenitis?
If his health worsens, the patient should consult a therapist. It will help to accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment. As a rule, the symptoms of duodenitis can be easily confused with other gastrointestinal pathologies. Therefore, self-medication is not recommended.
Diagnosis of catarrhal duodenitis begins with a general examination and history taking. The doctor is interested in the localization and strength of the pain, asking how long this symptomatology has been observed. If you suspect duodenitis, he can prescribe the following studies:
- Blood analysis. The patient gives him in order to find out if there is an inflammatory process in his body.
- FGDS. This is the most effective way to diagnose a disease. Using an endoscope, a doctor can quickly assess the condition of the stomach and duodenum and determine if there is inflammation on their mucous membranes.
- Ultrasound of the abdomen.
- In some cases, an additional test is prescribed to help determine the presence of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
- Analysis of feces.
- To assess the motor function of the duodenum, fluoroscopy is sometimes additionally prescribed.
How to treat the disease?
Inflammation of the duodenum always requires timely treatment. Only a doctor can prescribe it after an appropriate diagnosis. What should be done to treat duodenitis?
First of all, the doctor prescribes a number of drugs to the patient that will help relieve inflammation and relieve unpleasant symptoms. Be sure to follow a diet, otherwise treatment may be ineffective. To speed up the healing process, you can use traditional medicine, but only after consulting a doctor.
Drug therapy
Drugs are the most effective way to treat duodenitis. If the disease causes Helicobacter pylori, then the patient must necessarily take a course of antibiotics. Otherwise, after some time, the symptoms of the disease may return.
To relieve pain and discomfort in the epigastrium, antispasmodics are prescribed to the patient. Medicines that lower the acidity of the gastric enzyme will help cure inflammation. It irritates the inflamed duodenal mucosa, causing severe pain. To protect it, enveloping preparations can also be used. They form a film that covers the mucous membrane. You need to take such drugs before eating.
The duration of the course of drug therapy will depend on the severity of the disease. As a rule, it is enough to drink the prescribed drugs for 2-3 weeks to recover from duodenitis if it is not started.
What is catarrhal duodenitis? This question is asked by many patients, fearing that they will have to treat this disease for a long time. But in fact, drug therapy in combination with diet helps to quickly alleviate the condition of the patient.
As a rule, duodenitis causes malnutrition. Therefore, in order to recover, the patient must first change his diet. With damage to the duodenum, you need to eat only soft food at room temperature. From the menu you need to exclude any spicy, fatty or fried foods. The patient should not eat fast food, convenience foods, or drink alcohol. It is also advisable to give up cigarettes. Food should be fractional, so you need to eat often, but in small portions. It is recommended to eat at least 5 times a day. With duodenitis, it is useful to eat cereals, mashed fresh vegetables and fruits, and jelly. All dishes are best cooked in a steam or water bath.
Folk remedies
What is catarrhal duodenitis? Can it be cured with the help of traditional medicine? These questions are asked by many people. Non-traditional remedies can indeed accelerate recovery, but they can only be used as adjunctive therapy. Often various decoctions that have an anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed. So, with duodenitis, you can take infusions of chamomile or nettle. Anesthetizing and calming effect have decoctions of mint or centaury. You can buy them at the pharmacy. In summer, you can collect and dry the plants yourself.
Many patients, having heard the diagnosis, wonder about the danger of catarrhal duodenitis. Since this disease affects only the superficial part of the mucosa, it is easily treatable. As a rule, relief of the patient's condition occurs immediately after the start of therapy. You can completely recover in 3-4 weeks of taking medications. The exact period of recovery will depend on the severity of duodenitis. A great influence on the improvement of well-being is exerted by a change in the patient's lifestyle and nutrition.
In the absence of timely treatment, the catarrhal form can develop into a chronic one. In the future, the development of complications is possible, including ulcerative lesions.
Prevention of duodenitis
To prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is enough to follow simple preventive rules. Firstly, you need to carefully monitor your diet. Limit your intake of fatty, spicy and fried foods. Try to drink less alcohol, as well as tea, soda or strong coffee. Secondly, adhere to basic hygiene rules to prevent harmful bacteria from entering the body. Always wash your hands with soap before eating and thoroughly peel vegetables and fruits before eating.
It is also useful to strengthen your immunity. Often walk in the fresh air and do not forget to play sports. Refuse to take anti-inflammatory drugs, or at least try not to use them on an empty stomach.