Dry lips - a sign of what? Why do lips crack?

Beautiful, rich lips are a very important element in the female appearance. If they are not in order, then this cannot be hidden by any cosmetic means. The most common cause of the unhealthy appearance of female lips is their dryness. As a result - cracks, bleeding.

Why do lips crack? The reason is their dryness. What is the cause of dryness? This must be clarified.

dry lips a sign of what

One’s lips are, without exaggeration, one of his most sensitive places. Violation of the structure of their epithelium may indicate inadequate care or even internal problems of the body as a whole. Dry lips - a sign of what? How serious is this? In this article, we will try to understand the main causes of the effect of dry lips, solving the problem and methods of maintaining their normal condition.

Causes of dry lips. Decision care

Dry lips - a sign of what? The problem of dry skin of the lips and its peeling can be either congenital - genetic, or acquired due to a number of environmental factors, and most often such as:

  • Frequent temperature changes with a rather high amplitude, which is typical for arid southern regions, when it is extremely hot during the day and the temperature drops significantly at night.
  • Long exposure to the open sun, as a result - sunburn.
  • All kinds of dust.
  • An allergy to cosmetics, medications, as well as too frequent washing of the face and water procedures.
  • A long stay without water, as a result - severe dehydration.
  • The presence of bad habits - alcohol abuse, smoking.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Ingestion of any poison or toxin, in other words - intoxication.

dry lips what to do

Diseases as a cause of dry lips

Dry lips - a sign of what? Unfortunately - this may be a beacon about a serious violation of the functioning of the body. The causes of dry lip epithelium can be a whole set of diseases, the main list of which is given below:

  • Seborrhea is a violation of the sebaceous glands, which is accompanied by dry skin.
  • Ichthyosis is a hereditary ailment that is expressed in impaired skin function and improper keratinization.
  • Renal failure.
  • Eczema.
  • Diabetes.
  • Psoriasis, or scaly lichen, is a chronic disease characterized by the presence of papules - red spots rising above the surface of the skin.

why lips crack

Should I sound the alarm and consult a specialist?

Dry lips - a sign of what? Should I immediately run to the hospital for the help of specialists? In the vast majority of cases, dry lip skin cannot be a cause for alarm and a mandatory visit to a dermatologist. Nevertheless, there are a number of signs, in the presence of which it is worth doing immediately:

  • With general dryness of the lips, pronounced redness appears.
  • Severe itching and impaired sleep function.
  • The appearance of wounds, ulcers and accompanying minor bleeding.
  • Profuse peeling with a prolonged period of dryness of the skin of the lips.

dry lips causes

Dry lip skin care

Dry lips - what to do? What measures to take? You need to understand that the lips do not become dry in a few hours, this is a long process and takes more than one day. It all starts with the fact that the body loses moisture and the alert process starts. Dry skin of the lips is one way of demonstrating the need. It is important not to miss the moment and pay close attention to this issue, then it will be possible to timely understand the current situation and take appropriate measures to eliminate the problem.

red dry lips

First aid for a problem

Why lips crack - we figured it out. Let's figure out how to deal with it.

First of all, you should exclude all unnecessary and establish the cause of dry lips. In the next 48 hours you can’t use any types and types of lipsticks, we also get rid of toothpaste containing fluoride for three or four days.

And finally, the most difficult stage from the psychological point of view of the fight against dry lips is to try not to lick them. Although this is difficult, it must be realized that otherwise this action will only aggravate their condition.

permanently dry lips

Lip skin care

If you have dry lips, the reasons may be different. But care for them should always be one. If you still firmly decided that lip health is a goal that you need to achieve at all costs, then you do not have to immediately run to a specialist or fork out for terribly expensive beauty salons. Vigilant care is the key to success in this difficult work.

Dry lips - what to do? Lip care does not require much time, the system and the regularity of the procedures that take two or three minutes a day are important here.

  • Massage. As has been said - systematically, carry out massage procedures every day, using, for example, a terry towel. Upon completion of all manipulations, apply a nourishing, restoring skin elasticity cream or use any kind of vegetable oil.
  • Lipstick, no doubt, adorns a woman, however, it is necessary to remove her traces not anyhow, but wisely, without unnecessary physical effects on the sensitive skin of the lips. In order to remove the lipstick, try using a hygienic cotton pad after moistening it in a special tool. Remove makeup carefully and effortlessly. It is strictly forbidden to use water with soap, this method of cleaning will cause only keratinization of the skin of the lips, up to cracks.
  • Honey, as stated earlier, is a great natural moisturizer. With it, you can solve the problem of chapping of the lips. Apply it on your lips for 5-7 minutes.
  • If it is not in your rules to use lipstick (even hygienic), get a cream with UV protection, it will protect your lips from aggressive environmental factors.

dry lips a sign of what

Lip masks at home

Permanently dry lips - this is very unpleasant, but you need to deal with it. Here you can recall the means that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers still resorted to. After all, there were not always expensive balms and creams and the like. Lip masks can be made at home without unnecessary financial costs, and the effect will remain the same.

  • We turn to honey again. Apply it for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.
  • The most ordinary kefir. Apply in several layers, keep just a couple of minutes.
  • Natural masks from fruits, vegetables or fresh berries perfectly refresh the skin of the lips, restore its elasticity. We rub the specified food products on a fine grater, add quite a bit of butter, apply the mask for half an hour. An important addition - you can use only freshly prepared mixture. It is enough to resort to the help of such a mask only once a week, after completing the procedure, brush your lips with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly.

Moisturizing the lips and proper diet as the main component of their health

Of great importance is the hydration of the lips. If you have red, dry lips, then start using natural moisturizers. In extreme cases, humidifiers on a natural basis will come down. Natural ones include honey, cocoa butter and petroleum jelly notorious for everyone.

Special attention should be paid to food, which should become correct, without junk food, and most importantly, have a clear systematization in the form of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also in your diet you need to add more greens and fruits. Such nutrition, according to dermatologists, leads to the normalization of body functions, therefore, and the skin of the lips.

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