The drug "Blueberries with pantocrine" - features and reviews

In one of his lectures on methods for restoring vision, Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov recommended taking the dietary supplement “Blueberries with Pantocrine”. On sale you can find many medicines based on this wild berry. Fruits contain exactly those vitamins that are necessary for the retina. However, Zhdanov advised to use the powder “Blueberries with pantocrine” of the Tomsk pharmaceutical factory, as he believed that this manufacturer produces the highest quality and unique drug. The enterprise received deer antlers from Gorny Altai and used them for the manufacture of a medicinal product. However, at present this product cannot be found on sale.

What was the drug?

Dietary supplement "Blueberries with pantocrine" was produced in powder form. This tool combined the healing properties of blueberries and extract from the horns of maral (pantocrine). Wild berries contain a whole complex of vitamins and minerals necessary to strengthen and improve vision. Pantocrine helps cleanse the smallest blood vessels, which allows beneficial substances from blueberries to enter directly into the retina.

blueberries with pantocrine

Professor Zhdanov recommended taking half a teaspoon of the powder a day half an hour before meals. One vial contained 50 mg of the drug. A full course of vision restoration required 2 vials.

About the preparation "Blueberries with pantocrine" there were many positive reviews. This remedy has helped many people relieve eye fatigue and somewhat reduce hyperopia and myopia. However, the effect was achieved not only as a result of taking supplements. At lectures Zhdanov talked about a non-drug technique for restoring vision. It included a set of exercises for the eyes, and the preparations only supplemented visual gymnastics.

Why did they stop releasing the drug?

"Blueberries with pantocrine" in Tomsk is no longer available. The drug was discontinued in 2004. Now this dietary supplement cannot be found in pharmacies. What is the reason for rejecting this tool?

The deer antler extract, which was part of the preparation, is an excellent healing agent for cleaning vessels, strengthening the immune system, and improving overall well-being. But at the same time, pantocrine had a pronounced stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Patients taking the drug felt a surge of vigor and strength, their activity increased.

blueberries with pantocrine Tomsk pharmaceutical factory

But on the health of some people, especially the elderly, this tonic effect had a negative effect. Blood pressure increased, there was a headache and tachycardia attacks. The drug was not suitable for all patients. It was because of these side effects that it was decided to stop the production of this dietary supplement.

How to replace the drug?

After Blueberry with Pantocrine disappeared from pharmacies, Professor Zhdanov recommends another remedy at lectures. It has a similar effect on the retina, but it does not have any side effects. This is Blueberry with Pergi. What is this remedy? It consists of several components:

  • extract from blueberries;
  • perga (beekeeping product);
  • honey;
  • syrup;
  • sugar-wax coating.

Perga is a substance that forms in bee honeycombs as a result of fermentation of flower pollen. This beekeeping product has many beneficial properties. It contains vitamins, amino acids, enzymes.

blueberries with pantocrine Price

The drug is available in the form of dragees, which are packed in jars of 150 g each. To produce such an amount of bioadditive, you need to collect half a bucket of blueberries. The composition of this tool is unique. The concentrated vitamin composition of the berry extract is supplemented with B-carotene from beef, which, in turn, also positively affects the quality of vision.

How to take the drug "Blueberry with beef"?

We can say that the new tool turned out to be no less effective than Blueberry with Pantocrine. However, he does not have the side effects that the old drug had. Elderly people and hypertensives can take “Blueberry with a feather”, without fear of getting a jump in blood pressure or tachycardia. The drug is indicated even for children. You can’t take a dietary supplement only in one case if a person is allergic to beekeeping products or berries.

Dragees dissolve under the tongue. The instruction recommends taking the drug according to the following scheme:

  • adults: 4-6 tablets 3 times a day;
  • children 3-7 years: 1-2 tablets 3 times a day;
  • children 7-12 years: 3-4 tablets 3 times a day.

Tomsk blueberries with pantocrine

This dietary supplement is indicated not only for myopia and farsightedness. It will help improve health in the following cases:

  • when recovering from operations;
  • with reduced hemoglobin;
  • with low immunity;
  • to normalize blood circulation and metabolism;
  • to lower blood sugar;
  • to remove toxins and toxic substances from the body.

The cost of the Blueberry with Perga dietary supplement is from 800 to 950 rubles. The tool is quite expensive, since it consists entirely of natural products. The price of "Blueberries with Pantocrine" is unknown, since this dietary supplement has not been produced for a very long time.

Propolis Water Extract

Professor Zhdanov recommends taking “Blueberry with Perga” with the drug “IPVI” (propolis water tincture). It is this combination of bioadditives that will allow you to achieve the same effect as when using the old drug "Blueberries with propolis."

blueberry with pantocrine

"IPV" is available in liquid form. To improve vision, propolis water tincture is instilled into the eyes a few drops 3-4 times a day. If you feel a burning sensation, the drug can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2.


You can find a lot of positive reviews about the drug "Blueberry with beef." People write that the remedy relieves eye fatigue well at the end of the day. However, regarding the effectiveness of the remedy against myopia and farsightedness, the opinions of users are divided. One part of the patients believes that the drug gradually improves the clarity of vision, while the other did not feel any changes.

It is important to remember here that dietary supplements work only with regular eye exercises. Visual gymnastics is the main part of Zhdanov’s technique. And taking medications only supplements training and helps to nourish the retina with vitamins.

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