Finger panaritium, treatment, causes of the disease and prevention

Mild pain near the finger nail may be the result of damage to it: an injection, a small wound, a cut. The place where the infection got, becomes the cause of the disease called panaritium of the finger. Self-medication is unlikely to stop serious inflammation. You need to have a considerable store of knowledge or practical experience in treatment in order to achieve a positive result.

A very slight damage to the skin can become a β€œwindow” through which pathogenic bacteria penetrate . If after a few days the wound has not healed and suppuration continues, then it is safe to say that the microbes have taken root and are continuing their dirty work in full, provoking purulent inflammation.

How can I get the disease, its symptoms
Any wound, even the smallest, especially in the area of ​​the nail bed and near it, should be treated with iodine or brilliant green. If this does not happen, then the risk of infection increases at times. You can get panaritium of the finger, the treatment of which will be delayed if you do not treat the wounds of the periungual bed. Any injection or cut can also cause the development of the disease. Sometimes infection occurs in a manicure (pedicure) office.

The palm inside has dense tendon tissues, and between them is adipose tissue, which contributes to the rapid spread of infection to the joints and bones of the palm. Panaritium is accompanied by pain, as if "pulling" a finger from the inside and having a pulsating character.

- the wound festers;
- the finger is greatly swollen;
- the skin becomes hot, there is a strong redness;
- flexion and extension of the finger is difficult;
- may be: a slight temperature, headaches, malaise.

Pathogen, types of disease
In most cases, staphylococci become pathogens, less often - streptococci, mixed flora is often present. The simplest type of disease is the nail (subungual) or cutaneous felon of the finger. The treatment is not difficult, even when it is hidden under the nail plate, there is always the opportunity to clean the finger from suppuration in the surgeon's office and wait until a new nail grows. In this case, the disease will not remain a trace.

Another thing is when, due to a careless attitude to the disease or self-medication, panaritium gets to the joint or bone. Then there is bone or articular felon of the toe, the treatment of which is dangerous by the loss of the phalanx of the finger or a large lesion of the bone (the same applies to the fingers). The decrease in the protective functions of the body, as well as diabetes and blood diseases contribute to the protracted course of the disease.

Panaritium treatment
The initial stage of mild panaritium allows the use of conservative methods of treatment: alcohol compresses (20%), heating and UHF. If a purulent stage occurs, you should immediately resort to surgical care. The first sign of the severity of the disease will be a sleepless night when the pain keeps you awake. This is a sure sign that the felon has developed, treatment is necessary in the form of a surgical scalpel ,

Further development of the disease can lead to disastrous results. Suppuration can be complicated by the fact that there is a general infection of the blood, the infection can spread through the vessels, lymphatic and blood vessels, which can cause sepsis, inflammation of the deep tissues of the hand, etc.

Prevention and folk remedies against panaritium
So that an innocent disease does not turn into a big problem, you need to stop the development of the disease in time. First of all, it is necessary to treat even small scratches with disinfectants, preventing the development and spread of pathogenic microbes so that panaritium of the toe (or arm) does not appear.

At the earliest stages of nail or skin panaritium, when the pain is small and the purulent process has not yet developed, you can completely immerse your finger in a glass of vodka or diluted alcohol (one to one) and hold for as long as you can endure. It pulls out a small abscess of an aloe leaf tied to a finger. You need to change it as often as possible.

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