Ivan Kharatyan - son of Dmitry Kharatyan

Those who grew up in the USSR are surely known for such an actor as Dmitry Kharatyan, whose most recognizable roles are Igor Grushko in the film "Raffle", Alyosha Korsak from "Midshipmen, Go!", Volodya Patrikeev in the two-part film "The Green Van".

On January 21, 1984, the daughter of Alexander was born to Kharatyan, and on March 9, 1998, his son Ivan. While the daughter preferred to get an economic education and went to Sweden, the son of Kharatyan Ivan, like his father, decided to devote his life to cinema.


Dmitry Kharatyan was married twice. Ivan is a child from his second marriage with Marina Mayko, who was also an actress. The director and actor Yuri Moroz, a close friend of Kharatyan Sr., became the godfather of the child.

Ivan Dmitrievich Kharatyan was born in Moscow. Currently, he lives there with his parents and studies at the Gerasimov All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography at the directing department, to which he approached with full responsibility - he studied with tutors and attended courses.

Ivan Kharatyan

In addition, in his free time, Ivan Kharatyan is engaged in music, or rather - plays the piano and composes his own compositions.

Dmitry Kharatyan in an interview for the program “Visit in the morning” noted that his son is “a creative person, but shy.”

Creative career: “Andersen. Life without love ”

At the moment, the acting career of Ivan Kharatyan is limited to only two roles.

The debut took place in 2006: when he was 8 years old, Ivan starred in Eldar Ryazanov's film Andersen. Life without love ”, playing the main role of Hans Christian Andersen himself in his childhood.

Ivan Kharatyan

The basis for the script of the picture was a real biography of a Danish writer. Director Ryazanov in an interview said that while working on the film, he studied a lot of Andersen’s memoirs, diaries and notes of his contemporaries about him.

In 2007, the film received the Grand Prix of the Literature and Cinema festival, and also claimed the Nika Prize in five categories.

"Gentlemen of the detective"

Another role of Ivan Kharatyan in the movie is Ivan Podushkin in the series "The Gentlemen of Detection" (again, in childhood). On many Internet resources this work is not in Ivan’s role lists due to the fact that the actor’s name is not indicated in the credits. Kharatyan was involved in one episode of the first season and in one episode of the second.

The series tells the story of Ivan Podushkin - the personal secretary of an elderly rich woman. Once, right in front of his eyes, a car knocks down the granddaughter of the mistress of Ivan, and now he is obliged to participate in solving this crime.

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