One hundred best comic book characters of all time: the brightest and most famous images of superheroes

For almost a 100-year history, comics have become one of the most sought-after reading genres. Their popularity has also grown thanks to Hollywood, which over the past decades has been paying more and more attention to annually released movie news. Wolverine, Spider-Man, Superman have long starred in independent films, remaining the favorites of a multi-million army of fans. Who else is included in this number? Introducing the hundred best comic book characters of all time according to the American media.

Winning sympathy

The authoritative publication Comic Heroes specializes in hand-drawn characters with distinctive superpower. The list of the most popular includes both positive and negative antagonist characters, often opposed to the former, as well as those whom the authors did not endow with superpowers. The richest so-called Marvel comic universe includes hundreds of invented heroes. Most of them already had the opportunity to show themselves, while others, unfortunately, remain little known to the viewer. It seems that the age of love for comics with such characters is yet to come.

Earth is famous for heroes

one hundred best comic book characters of all time

So who is in the top hundred best comic book characters of all time? Superman is considered an icon of American culture. Perhaps this is due to his first public appearance, dated 1938. His image was often used in video games, on the pages of many newspaper publications and, of course, in various programs. Superman was the first to receive the title of defender. Born on the planet Krypton, a few minutes before its destruction, he was sent to Earth, where he took on a human form and found a family. With his actions, he repeatedly saved the inhabitants of America, for which he became a truly national hero.

Modesty is the main decoration

Compete in popularity with Superman could the same no less famous character, which became Spider-Man. He should rightfully be ranked among the top hundred best comic book characters of all time. Perhaps, Parker at one time gave an impetus to the development of Hollywood cinema, which increasingly devoted full-length films to heroes who descended from the pages of comics. What is Peter Parker famous for? This is a modest, simple New York student who discovered after his spider bite his inhuman abilities. Peter has to learn how to deal with them, and also to get the attention of Mary Jane, which he really likes.

one hundred best comic book characters of all time list

The trilogy, released in the early 2000s, brought film companies huge profits. In 2014, Spider-Man was restarted, but limited to two parts. In 2017, a new return of the beloved hero is planned, which the studios do not want to release.

Stamina in the blood, fearlessness in the eyes

All the characters included in the top hundred best comic book characters of all time differ in their strength and reader popularity. A special provision applies to Wolverine. Why? Because he cannot be called human, such as the aforementioned Superman and Spider-Man. This mutant is rich in its history, during the writing of which the authors presented it in the form in which it is most familiar to the modern public. Wounds fatal to the rest do not have any effect on him, as well as diseases and poisons. Wolverine has the skills of martial arts, is very good at weapons, incredibly hardy and agile. His body is aging slowly, and his senses are as aggravated as possible. A distinctive feature is the presence of six sharp claws. Having migrated from the pages of comics to cinema, Wolverine remains a regular member of the team of New Avengers and X-Men. The image of the fearless, indomitable mutant on the screen embodied the Australian actor Hugh Jackman.

one hundred best comic book characters of all time 1st place

The political character of America

The bright hero, nicknamed Captain America, deservedly falls into the category of "one hundred best comic book characters of all time." Its creation took place during the operation of the Hitler coalition, because many consider it a patriotic character. During the Second World War, he won the greatest appreciation of the public as a symbol of struggle and confrontation. In the 50s, the need for it gradually disappeared, and the long-awaited return occurred during the formation of the Avengers team, where he also entered.

The Captain America costume has some similarities in color with the US flag. The hero himself wears an indestructible shield used as a weapon.

one hundred best comic book characters of all time according to american media

List Leader, or Who Tops One Hundred Best Comic Characters Of All Time

1st place given to Batman. Conceived as a human bat, he made a promise from childhood that he would always stand up for the rule of law and peace of the civilian population. Following the principles of justice, in the evenings he puts on a bat costume and sets off to eradicate crime on the streets of the fictional town of Gotham. Often this hero resorts to the help of police officer James Gordon and personal butler Alfred.

Batman does not have superpowers. Mostly he uses innate intelligence, analytical mindset, ingenuity, espionage skills. Thanks to the gloomy and tragic appearance, he is distinguished by the ability to intimidate and inspire fear before the villains.

One cannot but agree that this hero got his own films earlier than others. In 1989, the first installment of Batman was released, followed by the painting Batman Returns. The main role was played by Michael Keaton. The glory of the hero is not limited to cinema. Batman has appeared many times on the pages of comics, newspaper publications, as well as in theatrical productions and video games.

one hundred best comic book characters of all time

One Hundred Best Comic Characters of All Time: List

We examined the most famous comic book heroes, but their list is not limited to this. In conclusion, we present the top of the rest, no less bright characters:

  1. Iron Man.
  2. Hulk.
  3. Daredevil.
  4. Thor.
  5. Flash
  6. Catwoman.
  7. Hellboy.
  8. Deadpool
  9. Green Lantern.
  10. Hawkeye.

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